Security Colours Security Education Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Lesson Title: Security Colors

Grade Level: Primary 1

Subject: Security Education

Week: 5 (First Term)

Duration: 30 minutes

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the importance of security colors.
  • Identify common security colors.
  • Learn how security colors help keep us safe.

Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Begin the lesson by discussing the importance of safety and security.
  • Explain that colors can help us understand and follow safety rules.

Main Content (15 minutes):

1. Red – Danger:

  • Show a red object or image and explain that red means “danger.”
  • Give examples of when we see red to be careful, like a stop sign.

2. Green – Safe:

  • Show a green object or image and explain that green means “safe.”
  • Share examples of when we see green to go ahead, like a green traffic light.

3. Yellow – Caution:

  • Show a yellow object or image and explain that yellow means “caution.”
  • Discuss situations where we need to be cautious, like a yellow “wet floor” sign.

4. Blue – Help:

  • Show a blue object or image and explain that blue means “help.”
  • Talk about how we can ask for help when we see something blue, like a blue police officer’s uniform.

5. Orange – Alert:

  • Show an orange object or image and explain that orange means “alert.”
  • Explain that we need to pay attention and be alert when we see something orange, like construction cones.

Teacher’s Activities (5 minutes):

  • Engage the students by asking questions like, “What does red mean?” and “When do we see green?”

Learners’ Activities (5 minutes):

  • Have students identify and name objects of different colors in the classroom.

Assessment (Homework) (5 minutes):

  • Ask students to draw a picture or find a picture in a magazine that represents each security color.



1. Red security color means __________.
a) Safe
b) Caution
c) Help
d) Danger

2. When we see a green security color, it means we are __________.
a) Safe
b) Caution
c) Help
d) Danger

3. Yellow security color tells us to be __________.
a) Safe
b) Caution
c) Help
d) Danger

4. Blue security color indicates we can ask for __________.
a) Safe
b) Caution
c) Help
d) Danger

5. When we see orange security color, we need to be __________.
a) Safe
b) Caution
c) Help
d) Danger

6. Red is the color of __________.
a) Safe
b) Caution
c) Help
d) Danger

7. Green means it’s __________ to go.
a) Safe
b) Caution
c) Help
d) Danger

8. Yellow tells us to be __________.
a) Safe
b) Caution
c) Help
d) Danger

9. Blue color means we can ask for __________.
a) Safe
b) Caution
c) Help
d) Danger

10. Orange color reminds us to be __________.
a) Safe
b) Caution
c) Help
d) Danger

11. When we see red, we should __________.
a) Play
b) Be cautious
c) Run
d) Laugh

12. Green means we can __________.
a) Sleep
b) Eat
c) Go ahead
d) Stop

13. Yellow is a color for __________.
a) Relaxing
b) Being cautious
c) Playing
d) Eating

14. Blue is the color of __________.
a) Help
b) Fun
c) Danger
d) Sleep

15. Orange color tells us to __________.
a) Be happy
b) Pay attention
c) Sleep
d) Dance


Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Recap the importance of security colors for staying safe.
  • Encourage students to always pay attention to these colors to make good choices for their safety.

By teaching primary students about security colors, we help them understand and recognize important safety cues in their environment. This knowledge can contribute to their overall safety and well-being

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