Properties, Area and Perimeter of Squares and Rectangles Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes  Mathematics Week 4

Subject : Mathematics

Class :Primary 4

Term :Third Term

Week :Week 4

Topic :

  • Properties, Area and Perimeter of Squares and Rectangles Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes  Mathematics Week 4

Previous Lesson :

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Differentiate between a square and a rectangle based on their properties.
  2. Identify and describe the properties of a square and a rectangle.
  3. Calculate the area and perimeter of squares and rectangles.
  4. Apply the knowledge of properties, area, and perimeter to solve real-life problems.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Mathematical Reasoning: Students will analyze and interpret the properties of squares and rectangles.
  2. Problem Solving: Students will apply their knowledge of area and perimeter to solve various problems.
  3. Critical Thinking: Students will evaluate and compare different shapes based on their properties.

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard, markers, and eraser
  • Chart paper or poster with the definitions of a square and a rectangle
  • Square and rectangle cutouts or shapes for visual aid
  • Grid paper for area calculations
  • Rulers and measuring tapes
  • Worksheet for practice exercises
  • Real-life objects or images representing squares and rectangles



Lesson 1: Learning about Squares and Rectangles

Good morning, class! Today, we are going to learn about two important shapes in mathematics: squares and rectangles. We will explore their properties and understand what makes them unique. Are you all ready? Let’s get started!

First, let’s talk about squares. A square is a special type of rectangle where all four sides are equal in length. In other words, all the sides of a square have the same measurement. So, if one side of a square is 5 cm long, then all the other sides will also be 5 cm long.

Now, let’s move on to rectangles. A rectangle is a quadrilateral with four sides and four right angles. Unlike a square, the opposite sides of a rectangle are equal in length, but the adjacent sides may have different lengths. For example, if one side of a rectangle is 4 cm long and the opposite side is 6 cm long, we know that these two sides are different in length.

Now, let’s compare the properties of squares and rectangles:

1. Side Lengths:
– In a square, all four sides have equal lengths.
– In a rectangle, opposite sides have equal lengths, but adjacent sides may have different lengths.

2. Angles:
– Both squares and rectangles have four right angles, which means they have 90-degree angles at each corner.

3. Diagonals:
– A diagonal is a line segment that connects two nonadjacent vertices of a shape.
– In a square, the diagonals are equal in length and bisect each other at 90 degrees.
– In a rectangle, the diagonals are also equal in length and bisect each other at 90 degrees.

4. Perimeter:
– The perimeter of a shape is the sum of the lengths of all its sides.
– For a square, since all sides are equal, we can find the perimeter by multiplying the length of one side by 4.
– For a rectangle, we add the lengths of all four sides to find the perimeter.

5. Area:
– The area of a shape is the amount of space it covers.
– For a square, we can find the area by multiplying the length of one side by itself (squared).
– For a rectangle, we multiply the length and width to find the area.

Remember, squares and rectangles have different properties, but they also share some similarities. Squares are a special type of rectangle, but not all rectangles are squares.

I hope you all understood the properties of squares and rectangles. Now, let’s practice some examples to reinforce what we’ve learned.



  1. A square has _____ sides of equal length. a) two b) three c) four d) five
  2. In a rectangle, opposite sides have _____ lengths. a) equal b) different c) curved d) none of the above
  3. Both squares and rectangles have _____ angles. a) obtuse b) acute c) right d) straight
  4. The diagonals of a square are _____ in length. a) equal b) different c) parallel d) perpendicular
  5. The diagonals of a rectangle _____ each other. a) bisect b) intersect c) parallel d) elongate
  6. The perimeter of a square is found by multiplying the length of _____ by 4. a) one side b) two sides c) three sides d) all sides
  7. To find the perimeter of a rectangle, we add the lengths of _____ sides. a) one b) two c) three d) four
  8. The area of a square is found by multiplying the length of _____ by itself. a) one side b) two sides c) three sides d) all sides
  9. The area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the length and _____. a) width b) height c) diagonal d) perimeter
  10. A square is a special type of _____. a) triangle b) circle c) rectangle d) pentagon


Lesson 2 : Properties of a Square

Good morning, class! Today, we are going to learn about the properties of a square. A square is a very special shape in mathematics. It is a quadrilateral, which means it has four sides, and it belongs to a group of shapes called polygons.

Let’s talk about the properties of a square:

1. Side Lengths:
The sides of a square are all equal in length. That means if one side of a square measures 5 cm, then all the other sides will also be 5 cm. This property makes a square different from other shapes like rectangles or parallelograms, where the sides can have different lengths.

2. Angles:
Another important property of a square is its angles. All four angles of a square are right angles. A right angle is a 90-degree angle, which is like the corner of a square. So, if you imagine walking along the sides of a square and turning at each corner, you will always make a perfect 90-degree turn.

3. Diagonals:
Diagonals are lines that connect two nonadjacent corners of a shape. In a square, the diagonals are equal in length. That means the line connecting one corner of a square to the opposite corner will have the same length as the other diagonal.

4. Symmetry:
A square has symmetry. This means that if you draw a line from one corner to the opposite corner, the square will be divided into two equal halves that are mirror images of each other. Each half of the square will have the same size and shape.

5. Perimeter and Area:
The perimeter of a square is the distance around the outside of the square. To find the perimeter, you can add up the lengths of all four sides. Since all sides of a square are equal, you can also find the perimeter by multiplying the length of one side by 4.

The area of a square is the amount of space it covers. To find the area, you can multiply the length of one side by itself (squared). So, if the length of a side is 6 cm, the area of the square will be 6 cm multiplied by 6 cm, which gives us 36 square centimeters.

These are the important properties of a square. Remember, all sides are equal in length, all angles are right angles, the diagonals are equal, it has symmetry, and you can find the perimeter and area using the length of one side.

I hope you all understood the properties of a square. Now, let’s practice some examples to reinforce what we’ve learned.


1. A square has _____ sides of equal length.
a) two
b) three
c) four
d) five

2. All angles of a square are _____ angles.
a) obtuse
b) acute
c) right
d) straight

3. The diagonals of a square are _____ in length.
a) equal
b) different
c) parallel
d) perpendicular

4. A square has _____ lines of symmetry.
a) zero
b) one
c) two
d) four

5. The perimeter of a square is found by multiplying the length of _____ by 4.
a) one side
b) two sides
c) three sides
d) all sides

6. The area of a square is found by multiplying the length of _____ by itself.
a) one side
b) two sides
c) three sides
d) all sides

7. If one side of a square measures 8 cm, the perimeter of the square is _____ cm.
a) 16
b) 24
c) 32
d) 64

8. If the length of a side of a square is 5 cm, the area of the square is _____ square cm.
a) 10
b) 15
c) 20
d) 25

9. A square is a special type of _____.
a) triangle
b) circle
c) rectangle
d) pentagon

10. If you draw a line from one corner to the opposite corner of a square, it divides the square into _____ halves.
a) two equal
b) three equal
c) four equal
d) five equal



Properties of a Rectangle

Good morning, class! Today, we are going to learn about the properties of a rectangle. A rectangle is a very important shape in mathematics, and it has some unique properties that make it different from other shapes. Let’s explore the properties of a rectangle together.

1. Sides:
A rectangle has four sides. The interesting thing about a rectangle is that its opposite sides are equal in length. This means that if one side of a rectangle measures 5 cm, the side opposite to it will also measure 5 cm. However, the other two sides, called the adjacent sides, can have different lengths.

2. Angles:
Another property of a rectangle is its angles. A rectangle has four right angles. A right angle is a 90-degree angle, just like the corner of a square. So, if you imagine walking along the sides of a rectangle and turning at each corner, you will always make a perfect 90-degree turn.

3. Diagonals:
Diagonals are lines that connect two nonadjacent corners of a shape. In a rectangle, the diagonals are also equal in length. That means the line connecting one corner of a rectangle to the opposite corner will have the same length as the other diagonal.

4. Perimeter:
The perimeter of a shape is the distance around the outside. To find the perimeter of a rectangle, you add the lengths of all four sides. Since opposite sides of a rectangle have the same length, you can find the perimeter by adding twice the length and twice the width. It is often expressed as “2 times the length plus 2 times the width.”

5. Area:
The area of a shape is the amount of space it covers. To find the area of a rectangle, you multiply the length by the width. For example, if the length of a rectangle is 6 cm and the width is 4 cm, you can multiply 6 cm by 4 cm to find the area, which in this case would be 24 square centimeters.

Remember, a rectangle has opposite sides that are equal in length, all angles are right angles, the diagonals are equal, and you can find the perimeter by adding twice the length and twice the width, and the area by multiplying the length and width.

I hope you all understood the properties of a rectangle. Now, let’s practice some examples to reinforce what we’ve learned.



1. A rectangle has _____ sides.
a) two
b) three
c) four
d) five

2. Opposite sides of a rectangle have _____ lengths.
a) equal
b) different
c) parallel
d) perpendicular

3. All angles of a rectangle are _____ angles.
a) obtuse
b) acute
c) right
d) straight

4. The diagonals of a rectangle are _____ in length.
a) equal
b) different
c) parallel
d) perpendicular

5. The perimeter of a rectangle is found by adding _____ times the length and _____ times the width.
a) length, height
b) width, height
c) length, width
d) height, width

6. The area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the _____ by the _____.
a) length, height
b) width, height
c) length, width
d) height, width

7. If a rectangle has a length of 8 cm and a width of 5 cm, its perimeter is _____ cm.
a) 13
b) 18
c) 26
d) 48

8. If the length of a rectangle is 6 cm and the width is 4 cm, its area is _____ square cm.
a) 10
b) 15
c) 20
d) 24

9. The opposite sides of a rectangle are _____.
a) curved
b) straight
c) slanted
d) none of the above

10. A rectangle has _____ lines of symmetry.
a) zero
b) one
c) two
d) four

Take your time to think about each question and choose the correct option. Once you’re done, we’ll go through the answers together.




Area of a square

Good morning, class! Today, we are going to learn about the area of a square. The area is an important concept in mathematics as it helps us understand the amount of space that a shape occupies. Let’s explore how we can find the area of a square.

The area of a square is the measure of the surface inside the square. To find the area, we need to know the length of one of the sides of the square. Let’s say the length of a side is represented by the letter ‘s.’

To find the area of a square, we use a simple formula: Area = side length × side length. We can also express it as Area = s × s or Area = s^2. The ‘^2’ notation means that we multiply the length of the side by itself.

For example, if the length of a side of a square is 5 centimeters, we can calculate the area by multiplying 5 cm by 5 cm, which gives us an area of 25 square centimeters. So, the area of that particular square is 25 square centimeters.

Now, let’s practice some examples:

Example 1:
If a square has a side length of 7 cm, what is its area?
To find the area, we multiply 7 cm by 7 cm, which gives us an area of 49 square centimeters.

Example 2:
If a square has a side length of 10 meters, what is its area?
To find the area, we multiply 10 meters by 10 meters, which gives us an area of 100 square meters.

Example 3:
If the length of a side of a square is 2.5 centimeters, what is its area?
To find the area, we multiply 2.5 cm by 2.5 cm, which gives us an area of 6.25 square centimeters.

Remember, the area of a square is found by multiplying the length of one side by itself. It’s represented by the formula Area = side length × side length or Area = s × s or Area = s^2.



1. The area of a square is found by multiplying the length of _____ by itself.

a) one side

b) two sides

c) three sides

d) all sides


2. The area of a square is expressed using the notation _____.

a) A = l × w

b) A = s × s

c) A = l + w

d) A = s + s


3. If the side length of a square is 8 cm, its area is _____ square cm.

a) 16

b) 24

c) 32

d) 64


4. The area of a square with a side length of 5 meters is _____ square meters.

a) 10

b) 15

c) 20

d) 25


5. If the area of a square is 36 square units, and all sides are equal, the length of each side is _____ units.

a) 4

b) 6

c) 9

d) 12


6. A square has an area of 64 square cm. What is the length of each side?

a) 8 cm

b) 16 cm

c) 32 cm

d) 64 cm


7. The area of a square is always measured in _____ units.

a) linear

b) square

c) cubic

d) rectangular


8. If the side length of a square is 3 meters, what is its area?

a) 6 square meters

b) 9 square meters

c) 12 square meters

d) 18 square meters


9. If the area of a square is 100 square units, what is the length of each side?

a) 10 units

b) 25 units

c) 50 units

d) 100 units


10. The area of a square with a side length of 12 cm is _____ square cm.

a) 48

b) 144

c) 288

d) 576

Area of a Rectangle

Good morning, class! Today, we are going to learn about the area of a rectangle. The area is a fundamental concept in mathematics that helps us measure the amount of space occupied by a shape. Let’s dive into understanding how we can find the area of a rectangle.


The area of a rectangle is the measure of the surface inside the rectangle. To find the area, we need to know the length and width of the rectangle. Let’s say the length is represented by the letter ‘l’ and the width is represented by the letter ‘w.’


To find the area of a rectangle, we use a simple formula: Area = length × width. We can also express it as Area = l × w.


For example, if the length of a rectangle is 5 centimeters and the width is 3 centimeters, we can calculate the area by multiplying 5 cm by 3 cm, which gives us an area of 15 square centimeters. So, the area of that particular rectangle is 15 square centimeters.


Now, let’s practice some examples:


Example 1:

If a rectangle has a length of 8 cm and a width of 4 cm, what is its area?

To find the area, we multiply 8 cm by 4 cm, which gives us an area of 32 square centimeters.


Example 2:

If a rectangle has a length of 12 meters and a width of 6 meters, what is its area?

To find the area, we multiply 12 meters by 6 meters, which gives us an area of 72 square meters.


Example 3:

If a rectangle has a length of 3.5 centimeters and a width of 2 centimeters, what is its area?

To find the area, we multiply 3.5 cm by 2 cm, which gives us an area of 7 square centimeters.


Remember, the area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the length by the width. It’s represented by the formula Area = length × width or Area = l × w.


I hope you all understood how to find the area of a rectangle. Now, let’s practice some more examples to reinforce what we’ve learned.



1. The area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the _____ by the _____.

a) length, perimeter

b) length, width

c) width, height

d) diagonal, side length


2. The formula for calculating the area of a rectangle is _____.

a) A = l + w

b) A = l × w

c) A = l – w

d) A = l ÷ w


3. If a rectangle has a length of 5 cm and a width of 3 cm, its area is _____ square cm.

a) 8

b) 12

c) 15

d) 20


4. The area of a rectangle with a length of 8 meters and a width of 4 meters is _____ square meters.

a) 12

b) 16

c) 24

d) 32


5. If the area of a rectangle is 42 square units and its width is 6 units, the length is _____ units.

a) 5

b) 7

c) 14

d) 21


6. A rectangle has a length of 10 cm and an area of 30 square cm. What is its width?

a) 2 cm

b) 3 cm

c) 4 cm

d) 5 cm


7. The area of a rectangle is always measured in _____ units.

a) linear

b) square

c) cubic

d) rectangular


8. If a rectangle has a length of 7 meters and an area of 35 square meters, what is its width?

a) 2 meters

b) 3 meters

c) 4 meters

d) 5 meters


9. The area of a rectangle is 60 square units. If its width is 6 units, what is its length?

a) 5 units

b) 8 units

c) 10 units

d) 12 units


10. If a rectangle has a length of 15 cm and a width of 4 cm, its area is _____ square cm.

a) 19

b) 40

c) 56

d) 60


Take your time to think about each question and choose the correct option. Once you’re done, we’ll go through the answers together.



Perimeter of a Square

Good morning, class! Today, we are going to learn about the perimeter of a square. The perimeter is an important concept in mathematics that helps us measure the total distance around a shape. Let’s explore how we can find the perimeter of a square.

The perimeter of a square is the sum of all its side lengths. But before we dive into the formula, let’s remember some key properties of a square. In a square, all four sides are equal in length. This means that if one side of a square measures 5 centimeters, all the other sides will also measure 5 centimeters.

To find the perimeter of a square, we can use a simple formula: Perimeter = side length × 4. Since a square has four equal sides, we can multiply the length of one side by 4 to find the perimeter.

For example, if the length of a side of a square is 6 centimeters, we can calculate the perimeter by multiplying 6 cm by 4, which gives us a perimeter of 24 centimeters. So, the total distance around that particular square is 24 centimeters.

Now, let’s practice some examples:

Example 1:
If a square has a side length of 8 centimeters, what is its perimeter?
To find the perimeter, we multiply 8 cm by 4, which gives us a perimeter of 32 centimeters.

Example 2:
If a square has a side length of 12 meters, what is its perimeter?
To find the perimeter, we multiply 12 meters by 4, which gives us a perimeter of 48 meters.

Example 3:
If a square has a side length of 5.5 centimeters, what is its perimeter?
To find the perimeter, we multiply 5.5 cm by 4, which gives us a perimeter of 22 centimeters.

Remember, the perimeter of a square is found by multiplying the length of one side by 4. It’s represented by the formula Perimeter = side length × 4.

I hope you all understood how to find the perimeter of a square. Now, let’s practice some more examples to reinforce what we’ve learned.



1. The perimeter of a square is found by multiplying the length of _____ by _____.
a) one side, 2
b) one side, 3
c) one side, 4
d) all sides, 4

2. The formula for calculating the perimeter of a square is _____.
a) P = s + s + s + s
b) P = s × s × s × s
c) P = l × w
d) P = l + w

3. If a square has a side length of 6 cm, its perimeter is _____ cm.
a) 12
b) 18
c) 24
d) 36

4. The perimeter of a square with a side length of 10 meters is _____ meters.
a) 20
b) 30
c) 40
d) 50

5. If the perimeter of a square is 36 centimeters, the length of each side is _____ centimeters.
a) 6
b) 9
c) 12
d) 18

6. A square has a perimeter of 32 cm. What is the length of each side?
a) 4 cm
b) 8 cm
c) 16 cm
d) 64 cm

7. The perimeter of a square is always measured in _____ units.
a) linear
b) square
c) cubic
d) rectangular

8. If a square has a perimeter of 24 meters, what is the length of each side?
a) 3 meters
b) 6 meters
c) 8 meters
d) 12 meters

9. If the length of a side of a square is 5 units, what is its perimeter?
a) 10 units
b) 15 units
c) 20 units
d) 25 units

10. The perimeter of a square with a side length of 14 cm is _____ cm.
a) 28
b) 42
c) 56
d) 70

Perimeter of a Rectangle

Good morning, class! Today, we are going to learn about the perimeter of a rectangle. The perimeter is an important concept in mathematics that helps us measure the total distance around a shape. Let’s explore how we can find the perimeter of a rectangle.

The perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of all its side lengths. But before we dive into the formula, let’s remember some key properties of a rectangle. In a rectangle, opposite sides are equal in length. This means that if one side of a rectangle measures 5 centimeters, the opposite side will also measure 5 centimeters. Additionally, the other two sides, called adjacent sides, can have different lengths.

To find the perimeter of a rectangle, we can use a simple formula: Perimeter = 2 × (length + width). This formula takes into account that a rectangle has two pairs of equal sides. We add the length and width together, and then multiply the sum by 2.

For example, if a rectangle has a length of 6 centimeters and a width of 4 centimeters, we can calculate the perimeter by applying the formula: Perimeter = 2 × (6 cm + 4 cm), which gives us a perimeter of 20 centimeters. So, the total distance around that particular rectangle is 20 centimeters.

Now, let’s practice some examples:

Example 1:
If a rectangle has a length of 8 centimeters and a width of 5 centimeters, what is its perimeter?
To find the perimeter, we apply the formula: Perimeter = 2 × (8 cm + 5 cm), which gives us a perimeter of 26 centimeters.

Example 2:
If a rectangle has a length of 12 meters and a width of 7 meters, what is its perimeter?
To find the perimeter, we apply the formula: Perimeter = 2 × (12 m + 7 m), which gives us a perimeter of 38 meters.

Example 3:
If a rectangle has a length of 3.5 centimeters and a width of 2 centimeters, what is its perimeter?
To find the perimeter, we apply the formula: Perimeter = 2 × (3.5 cm + 2 cm), which gives us a perimeter of 11 centimeters.

Remember, the perimeter of a rectangle is found by adding twice the sum of the length and width. It’s represented by the formula Perimeter = 2 × (length + width).

I hope you all understood how to find the perimeter of a rectangle. Now, let’s practice some more examples to reinforce what we’ve learned.



1. The perimeter of a rectangle is found by multiplying the sum of the length and width by _____.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

2. The formula for calculating the perimeter of a rectangle is _____.
a) P = l × w
b) P = l + w
c) P = 2(l + w)
d) P = 2lw

3. If a rectangle has a length of 6 cm and a width of 4 cm, its perimeter is _____ cm.
a) 8
b) 12
c) 16
d) 24

4. The perimeter of a rectangle with a length of 10 meters and a width of 5 meters is _____ meters.
a) 15
b) 20
c) 25
d) 30

5. If the length of a rectangle is 12 units and the width is 5 units, its perimeter is _____ units.
a) 10
b) 19
c) 24
d) 34

6. A rectangle has a length of 8 cm and a width of 3 cm. What is its perimeter?
a) 8 cm
b) 16 cm
c) 22 cm
d) 26 cm

7. The perimeter of a rectangle is always measured in _____ units.
a) linear
b) square
c) cubic
d) rectangular

8. If a rectangle has a length of 7 meters and a width of 4 meters, its perimeter is _____ meters.
a) 10
b) 15
c) 22
d) 30

9. If the length of a rectangle is 5 units and its width is 3 units, its perimeter is _____ units.
a) 8
b) 12
c) 16
d) 20

10. The perimeter of a rectangle with a length of 14 cm and a width of 6 cm is _____ cm.
a) 16
b) 28
c) 36
d) 48

Lesson Plan Presentation


Topic: Properties of a Square and a Rectangle

Duration: 60 minutes



  1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Greet the students and explain the topic of the lesson.
    • Share the learning objectives and explain the importance of understanding the properties of squares and rectangles.
  2. Properties of a Square and a Rectangle (15 minutes):
    • Define a square and a rectangle using the chart paper or poster.
    • Discuss the key properties of a square: a) All sides are of equal length. b) All angles are right angles (90 degrees). c) Diagonals are equal in length and bisect each other.
    • Discuss the key properties of a rectangle: a) Opposite sides are of equal length. b) All angles are right angles (90 degrees). c) Diagonals are equal in length and bisect each other.
    • Use visual aids, such as cutouts or shapes, to demonstrate the properties.
  3. Area of a Square and a Rectangle (20 minutes):
    • Explain the concept of area as the measure of the surface covered by a shape.
    • Introduce the formula for calculating the area of a square: Area = side length × side length or Area = side^2.
    • Demonstrate how to calculate the area of a square using grid paper and real-life examples.
    • Repeat the same process for rectangles, emphasizing the formula: Area = length × width.
    • Provide examples and guide the students through calculations
    1. Perimeter of a Square and a Rectangle (15 minutes):
      • Define perimeter as the total distance around a shape.
      • Introduce the formula for calculating the perimeter of a square: Perimeter = 4 × side length.
      • Discuss the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle: Perimeter = 2 × (length + width).
      • Engage students in measuring the sides of squares and rectangles using rulers and measuring tapes.
      • Guide them through calculations of perimeter using given dimensions.

    V. Teacher’s Activities:

    • Present the information clearly and concisely.
    • Use visual aids, real-life examples, and hands-on activities to enhance understanding.
    • Encourage students to ask questions and participate actively.
    • Provide guided practice and monitor students’ progress.
    • Provide immediate feedback and clarification when needed.

    VI. Learners’ Activities:

    • Listen attentively to the presentation.
    • Take notes and ask questions for clarification.
    • Participate in class discussions and share their observations.
    • Engage in hands-on activities, such as measuring sides and calculating area and perimeter.
    • Complete practice exercises and solve problems independently or in pairs



  • Observe students’ participation and engagement during class discussions and activities.
  • Review students’ completed practice exercises and provide feedback.
  • Conduct informal assessments by asking students questions related to the properties, area, and perimeter of squares and rectangles during the lesson.
  • Assign a homework assignment to assess students’ understanding of the topic.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are the key properties of a square? a) All sides are of equal length. b) All angles are right angles. c) Diagonals are equal in length and bisect each other.
  2. What are the key properties of a rectangle? a) Opposite sides are of equal length. b) All angles are right angles. c) Diagonals are equal in length and bisect each other.
  3. How do you calculate the area of a square? a) Area = side length × side length b) Area = length × width c) Area = diagonal length × side length
  4. How do you calculate the area of a rectangle? a) Area = side length × side length b) Area = length × width c) Area = diagonal length × side length
  5. What is the formula for calculating the perimeter of a square? a) Perimeter = side length × side length b) Perimeter = length + width c) Perimeter = 4 × side length
  6. What is the formula for calculating the perimeter of a rectangle? a) Perimeter = side length × side length b) Perimeter = length + width c) Perimeter = 2 × (length + width)
  7. If a square has a side length of 7 cm, what is its perimeter? a) 14 cm b) 21 cm c) 28 cm
  8. If a rectangle has a length of 12 meters and a width of 5 meters, what is its area? a) 17 square meters b) 24 square meters c) 60 square meters
  9. If the area of a rectangle is 36 square units and its width is 6 units, what is its length? a) 3 units b) 6 units c) 9 units
  10. Calculate the perimeter of a rectangle with a length of 8 cm and a width of 3 cm. a) 12 cm b) 16 cm c) 26 cm



  • Summarize the key points covered in the lesson, including the properties of squares and rectangles, and how to calculate their area and perimeter.
  • Emphasize the importance of understanding these concepts in solving real-life problems and applying them in various mathematical contexts.
  • Encourage students to practice and explore more examples independently to reinforce their understanding.

X. Homework:

  • Assign a set of practice problems for students to solve, covering the properties, area, and perimeter of squares and rectangles.
  • Provide clear instructions and expectations for completing the homework.
  • Collect and review the homework in the next class to assess students’ progress and provide feedback.

Note: The duration and sequence of activities can be adjusted based on the class’s pace and needs.

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