Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.

 Subject: BASIC TECHNOLOGY Duration: 2HR Class: JSS 1


  1. _______ is any types of structure that has a roof and walls (a) Bus (b) Building (c) Lorry (d) Car 
  2. _________ is the type of house built completely on one level (e.g. ground) (a) Bungallow 

      (b) Semi-detached (c) Hut (d) High – rise 

  1. __________ is used as the binding agent in concrete, block moulding and plastering (a) Cement 

         (b) Ceramic (c) Petal (d) Sand 

  1. __________ is used as the drawing horizontal lines and supporting set squares (a) Drawing 

             board (b) Tee Square (c) Protractor (d) French curve 

  1. The tee square consists of two parts namely the stock and _________ (a) The saw (a) The blade 

           (c) The top (d) The bottom 

  1. We have 30o – 60 o set square and _________ (a) 45o set square (b) 15o set square 

            (c) 50o set square (d) 100o set square 

  1. The protector is used to measure angle between O and _______ (a) 32o (b) 180o (c) 90o (d) 30o
  2. French curves are used to draw ____ curved lines (a) Regular (b) Straight (c) Irregular (d) Circle 
  3. ____________ is used to transfer measurement from one past of the drawing to another 

           (a) Divides (b) Compass (c) Protractor (d) Steel rule 

  1. __________ is drawn to identify drawing (a) Title block (b) Box (c) Circle (d) Rectangles
  2. ___________ contains name, school, class and date (a) Title block (b) Title book (c) Box name 

          (d) Box school 

  1. The following are products of technology found in schools except (a) Calculator (b) Bench vice 

            (c) Computer (d) Bulldozer 

  1. Mixture of sand, cement, gravel with water is called (a) Concrete (b) Alloy (c) Gum (d) Ceramics 
  2. This is used for beautification of houses (a) Ceramics (b) Calendar (c) Curtin (d) Wall Clock 
  3. __________ can be defined as a room or building in which things are made repaired

            and maintained   a) workshop b) sitting room     c) house d) workshop layout

  1. _______________ is the measure taken in the workshop to prevent danger and injury  

            (a) accident (b) safety (c) sewing     (d) tiles on the floor

  1. The following are the operation performed in the workshop except   (a) construction

               (b) repair   (c) maintenance (d) surgery

  1. Wood can be classified into ________ and ______  (a) hard and wet wood ( b) soft and wet 

            (c) Hard and softwood (d) Cheap and expensive wood 

  1. ______ are called deciduous wood (a) Softwood (b) Wet wood (c) Hard wood (d) Cheap wood 
  2. _________ wood is heavy in weight (a) Hardwood (b) Softwood (c) Fast wood (d) Cheap wood
  3. __________ are iron buckets painted red and loaded with sand for putting out small fire 

             (a) Sand bucket (b) Chemical buckets (c) Alarm bucket (d) Blanket bucket 

  1. ___________ can be defined as a technical language used for describing things with the aid of 

            drawing (a) Technical drawing (b) Drawing materials (c) drawing instrument (d) Drawing board 

  1. ___________ is obtained when two or more different metals are mixed together (a) Alloy 

            (b) Ferrous (c) Non – Ferrous (d) Rubber

  1. _________ is used for determining angle at various degrees. (a) Protector (b) steel rule 

             (c) Steel lapel (d) Caliper

  1. _________ is when ceramics easily break (a) Heal resistant (b) Brittleness (c) Break resistance 

            (d) Inorganic material

  1. Hacksaw is used to cut _______________ (a) wood (b) Concrete (c) Metal (d) Plastic
  2. This is used for planning rough wood (a) Rip Saw (b) Jack plane (c) Force plane (d) Tee  Square
  3. Who is a Pedestrian? (a) A Driver (b) Cyclist (c) Athlete (d) Somebody walking along the road or 


  1. In order to prevent an accident, a motorist must use the following except (a) driving mirror (b) 

           Cell phone (c) Seat belt (d) Obey speed limit

  1. The table on which wood worker perform their operation is called (a) workbench (b) Bench box 

            (c) workshop table (d) Construction table  


Answer only Three Question

1a  Mention Five different types of building materials and explain their uses

b  Explain two ways we can care for our drawing board

c  Sketch tee- Square and label the parts

2a  Draw and explain the uses of the following drawing instrument 

I  Set square     ii  Protractor     iii  Divider      iv  Compass    v  French curve

B  Sketch five workshop hand tools with freehand sketching

3a  Explain the function of wood work bench 

b““Explain the following in workbench

(i)  bench vice (ii) bench stop (iii) beach well (iv) tool rack

i  Sketch G- clamp and F- clamp

4 Explain two properties of each of the following materials

i wood     ii Plastics     iii Rubber   iv Metals     v Ceramics

B Explain the uses of following safety devices in the workshop

i Helmet    ii Hand gloves    iii Overalls     iv Safety boot    v Dark goggle

5a Differentiate between natural rubber and synthetic rubber

b Differentiate between ferrous metals and non – ferrous metals

c Differentiate between thermosetting plastics and thermo set

d Differentiate between hardwood and soft wood