Environmental Health : Meaning of Waste Disposal Sewage and Refuse





TOPIC:  Environmental Health : Meaning of Waste Disposal

  • Sewage Disposal 
  • Refuse Disposal 



Learning Objectives: 

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Define waste disposal
  • Mention types of waste disposal
  • Students will be able to define waste and explain why proper waste disposal is important for environmental health.
  • Students will be able to identify the two main types of waste disposal.
  • Students will be able to describe some common methods of refuse disposal.
  • Students will be able to explain the consequences of improper waste disposal
  • Explain the types of waste disposal

Sewage and Refuse Disposal

Learning Activities:

  • pupils in pairs mention types of
    waste disposal pills as down to the
    displayed waste disposal method s
    chats to compare and analyze the
    difference and say the types
  • Students in small groups participate
    in the school environmental sanitation
  • Students as a class explain the meaning of waste


Embedded Core Skills:

  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Citizenship
  • Leadership and Problem Solving


Learning Resources:

  • Hand gloves
  • Brooms
  • Pictures or videos of waste disposal methods and environmental pollution
  • Examples of waste materials and their proper disposal methods
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts for students with information and questions
  • Rakes





A community is a group of group of living together. Such people have common interests. Usually, they work together  for good of the community. When people come together in such groups or communities, they can do a lot of work. That is why their efforts are very important for health promotion and social welfare. Communities can be made up of people from the same town, city, or neighborhood. They can also be made up of people who share the same culture, religion, or interests.

WASTE AND WASTE DISPOSAL Advantages of Waste Recycling

Communities can play a very important role in promoting health and wellness. For example, community members can work together to start walking or running clubs, which can help promote physical activity and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Communities can also work together to create community gardens or farmers’ markets, which can increase access to healthy, fresh produce and promote healthy eating habits.


In addition to promoting physical health, communities can also work to promote mental health and social well-being. For example, community members can organize support groups for people who are struggling with mental health issues, or they can create community centers where people can come together to socialize, play games, or engage in other activities



The environment is where we live and its entire surroundings. Environmental health is about keeping our surroundings clean, controlling diseases and removing health problems. Waste materials are produced in the process of living. They come from schools, offices, markets etc.

The meaning of waste and Waste disposal

Waste is anything that is not wanted. It is worthless and cannot be used again. There are two main types of waste disposal:

Sewage disposal and
refuse disposal.


Sewage disposal refers to the process of removing and treating human waste and other types of wastewater. This can include the use of septic tanks or wastewater treatment plants, which use various chemicals and processes to remove harmful substances from the water before it is released back into the environment.

Refuse disposal, on the other hand, refers to the process of removing and managing solid waste materials. This can include household garbage, industrial waste, and other types of non-liquid waste. Refuse disposal methods can vary depending on the type and quantity of waste, as well as local regulations and environmental considerations. Some common methods of refuse disposal include landfilling, incineration, and recycling.

The importance of environmental health

Environmental health is important for a number of reasons. First, it helps to prevent the spread of disease by ensuring that waste materials are properly managed and disposed of. Second, it helps to protect natural resources and wildlife by preventing pollution and other types of environmental damage. Finally, it helps to create a healthier and more sustainable living environment for people and communities.

How to promote environmental health

There are many ways to promote environmental health. Some examples include:

  • Reducing waste by recycling and composting
  • Conserving water by using low-flow faucets and taking shorter showers
  • Using environmentally-friendly products, such as biodegradable cleaning supplies
  • Reducing energy use by using energy-efficient appliances and turning off lights when they are not needed
  • Supporting public transportation, biking, and walking instead of driving
  • Planting trees and other vegetation to improve air quality and reduce pollution


Waste disposal is crucial for environmental health, and you have highlighted some important reasons why. Here is a more detailed explanation of the importance of waste disposal:

  1. Preventing the breeding of insects and germs: When waste materials are not properly disposed of, they can become breeding grounds for insects and germs. These pests can then spread diseases and cause health problems for people and animals in the surrounding area. Proper waste disposal methods can help to prevent the growth and spread of these harmful organisms.
  2. Preventing bad odors: Accumulated waste can produce unpleasant odors that can be difficult to tolerate. This can make living or working in the area unpleasant and uncomfortable. Proper waste disposal can help to reduce or eliminate these odors, making the environment more pleasant and enjoyable.
  3. Preventing the spread of diseases: Waste materials can carry harmful bacteria and viruses that can spread diseases. Proper waste disposal can prevent the spread of these diseases by removing the waste materials and reducing the risk of contamination.
  4. Preventing environmental pollution: Improper waste disposal can lead to environmental pollution. This can include air, water, and soil pollution, which can harm natural habitats and wildlife, as well as the health of people and animals. Proper waste disposal methods can help to reduce or eliminate the amount of waste that enters the environment, protecting it for current and future generations.

In summary, waste disposal is important for environmental health because it helps to prevent the spread of disease, bad odors, insect and germ breeding, and environmental pollution. By properly disposing of waste materials, we can help to create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable living environment for ourselves and for future generations



  1. What is the definition of waste? A. Anything that is valuable and can be reused B. Anything that is not wanted and cannot be used again C. Anything that is toxic and dangerous to humans and the environment D. Anything that is small enough to fit in a trash can
  2. What are the two main types of waste disposal? A. Landfilling and incineration B. Sewage disposal and refuse disposal C. Composting and recycling D. Chemical treatment and filtration
  3. Why is waste disposal important for environmental health? A. It prevents the spread of diseases B. It promotes the growth of insects and germs C. It creates a pleasant odor D. Both A and B
  4. What is refuse disposal? A. The process of removing and treating human waste and other types of wastewater B. The process of removing and managing solid waste materials C. The process of purifying water for drinking and other uses D. The process of removing hazardous waste materials from the environment
  5. What are some common methods of refuse disposal? A. Recycling and composting B. Landfilling and incineration C. Biodegradation and chemical treatment D. Filtration and reverse osmosis
  6. What can happen if waste materials are not properly disposed of? A. Bad odors can develop B. The environment can become polluted C. The spread of disease can occur D. All of the above
  7. How can we promote environmental health with respect to waste disposal? A. By using low-flow faucets and taking shorter showers B. By using energy-efficient appliances and turning off lights when they are not needed C. By reducing waste through recycling and composting D. Both B and C
  8. What is a potential consequence of improper waste disposal? A. Environmental pollution B. Enhanced air and water quality C. Decreased levels of greenhouse gases D. Increased biodiversity and wildlife habitats
  9. What can waste materials carry that can spread diseases? A. Harmful chemicals B. Dangerous metals C. Harmful bacteria and viruses D. All of the above
  10. Why is waste disposal important for preventing the growth of insects and germs? A. Waste materials can attract insects and rodents that carry diseases B. Waste materials can create a hospitable environment for the growth of bacteria and viruses C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. C


Lesson Presentation

Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Begin by asking the students if they know what waste is and why it’s important to dispose of it properly.
  • Show pictures or videos of environmental pollution and ask the students to describe what they see.
  • Explain that in today’s lesson, they will be learning more about waste disposal and how it impacts environmental health.

Body (20 minutes):

  • Discuss the definition of waste and the importance of proper waste disposal for environmental health.
  • Show examples of waste materials and their proper disposal methods, and ask the students to identify which methods are appropriate for each type of waste.
  • Discuss the two main types of waste disposal – sewage disposal and refuse disposal – and ask the students to describe the differences between them.
  • Provide examples of common methods of refuse disposal, such as landfilling, incineration, and recycling, and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each method.
  • Discuss the consequences of improper waste disposal, such as environmental pollution and the spread of disease.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

  • Hand out a worksheet with information and questions related to the lesson.
  • Review the key points of the lesson, including the definition of waste, the importance of proper waste disposal, and the consequences of improper waste disposal.
  • Ask students if they have any questions or if there is anything they would like to learn more about.
  • Encourage students to practice proper waste disposal methods at home and in their communities.


  • The worksheet can serve as an assessment of the students’ understanding of the lesson.
  • You can also observe students as they participate in discussions and activities related to waste disposal and provide feedback on their understanding of the topic

Weekly Assessment /Test

  1. ______________ is anything that is not wanted and cannot be used again.
  2. The two main types of waste disposal are ______________ disposal and refuse disposal.
  3. Refuse disposal refers to the process of removing and managing ______________ waste materials.
  4. Common methods of refuse disposal include landfilling, incineration, and ______________.
  5. Improper waste disposal can lead to environmental ______________.
  6. When waste materials are not properly disposed of, they can become breeding grounds for ______________ and germs.
  7. Proper waste disposal can help to prevent the growth and spread of ______________ organisms.
  8. Waste materials can carry harmful bacteria and viruses that can spread ______________.
  9. Environmental health is important for preventing the spread of disease, bad odors, insect and germ breeding, and ______________.
  10. By promoting environmental health with respect to waste disposal, we can help to create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable living ______________.


  1. Waste
  2. Sewage
  3. Solid
  4. Recycling
  5. Pollution
  6. Insects
  7. Harmful
  8. Diseases
  9. Environmental pollution
  10. Environment


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