Dictation For The Week Primary 5 Second Term Week 4

Subject : English Spelling / Dictation

Class : Primary 5

Term : Second Term

Week : Week 4

Topic : Spelling for the third week

Learning Objectives :Learners are guided to learn the following words

Allusion, elation, treasure, thistle, chamois, confer, mortgages, abattoir, nightingale, colonel

Learning Activities

  1. For home study, each pupil looks up the meaning of the given words
  2. Pupils use their dictionary to learn the transcription and pronunciation of the given words
  3. Pupils make use of the given words in sentences

Embedded Core Skills 

  1. Communication and collaboration
  2. Critical thinking and problem solving
  3. Digital Literacy
  4. Leadership and Personal development


Learning Resources 

  1. Hardcopy dictionary
  2. Online dictionary 
  3. Textbook or Workbook with definitions, sample sentences, and exercises
  4. Whiteboard or overhead projector
  5. Computer with internet access (optional)




Dictionary meaning of the given words

  • Allusion: a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication.
  • Elation: a feeling of great joy, pride, or triumph.
  • Treasure: wealth or riches, especially when in the form of precious metals, jewels, or money.
  • Thistle: a prickly flowering plant with a large, globe-shaped flower head.
  • Chamois: a type of goat-antelope found in the mountains of Europe and Asia, known for its soft and durable skin, which is often used to make leather.
  • Confer: to discuss or consult together; to present or bestow (an honor, for example).
  • Mortgages: A legal agreement in which a lender agrees to loan money to a borrower, in exchange for the borrower’s promise to repay the loan, usually with interest, over a specified period of time.
  • Abattoir: a slaughterhouse; a place where animals are killed for food.
  • Nightingale: a small, brown bird that is known for its beautiful, melodic song, often heard at night during the breeding season.
  • Colonel: a military rank, higher than a lieutenant colonel and lower than a brigadier general. In the United States, the rank of colonel is typically held by commanders of battalions, regiments, or wings in the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps.

Use the given words in sentences

  • Allusion: The author made an allusion to Shakespeare’s play in the novel. The speaker made an allusion to the current political situation in the country.
  • Elation: She felt elation when she received her promotion. The team felt elation when they won the championship.
  • Treasure: They found a treasure chest buried in the backyard. The necklace was a treasure passed down from her grandmother.
  • Thistle: The thistle is the national flower of Scotland. He accidentally touched a thistle and his hand got pricked.
  • Chamois: He bought a chamois leather to clean his car. The chamois is a type of mountain animal found in the Alps.
  • Confer: They will confer with their lawyer before making a decision. The teacher will confer with the student regarding his grade.
  • Mortgages: He took out a mortgage to buy his first house. Many people are struggling to pay their mortgages due to the economic downturn.
  • Abattoir: The abattoir was shut down due to unsanitary conditions. He worked at the abattoir for many years.
  • Nightingale: The nightingale sang beautifully in the garden. She listened to the nightingale’s song while reading a book.
  • Colonel: The Colonel was in charge of the training program. The Colonel gave the orders for the next mission.
  1. What is the meaning of the word “allusion”? a) A flower b) A legal agreement c) A passing or casual reference d) A type of bird
  2. What is the meaning of the word “elation”? a) A feeling of great joy or triumph b) A prickly flowering plant c) A type of goat-antelope d) Wealth or riches
  3. What is the meaning of the word “treasure”? a) A type of bird b) A place where animals are killed for food c) Wealth or riches, especially when in the form of precious metals, jewels, or money d) A legal agreement
  4. What is the meaning of the word “thistle”? a) A prickly flowering plant with a large, globe-shaped flower head b) A type of bird c) A feeling of great joy or triumph d) Wealth or riches
  5. What is the meaning of the word “chamois”? a) A type of goat-antelope found in the mountains of Europe and Asia b) A prickly flowering plant c) A passing or casual reference d) A legal agreement
  6. What is the meaning of the word “confer”? To a) To discuss or consult together b) To present or bestow an honor c) A feeling of great joy or triumph d) A type of goat-antelope
  7. What is the meaning of the word “mortgages”? a) A legal agreement in which a lender agrees to loan money to a borrower b) A type of bird c) A prickly flowering plant d) A feeling of great joy or triumph
  8. What is the meaning of the word “abattoir”? a) A slaughterhouse; a place where animals are killed for food b) A type of goat-antelope c) A legal agreement d) A passing or casual reference
  9. What is the meaning of the word “nightingale”? a) A small, brown bird that is known for its beautiful, melodic song b) A type of goat-antelope c) A legal agreement d) A feeling of great joy or triumph
  10. What is the meaning of the word “colonel”? a) A military rank, higher than a lieutenant colonel and lower than a brigadier general b) A type of bird c) A prickly flowering plant d) A feeling of great joy or triumph
  1. The author made an __________ to Shakespeare’s play in the novel.
  2. She felt __________ when she received her promotion.
  3. They found a __________ chest buried in the backyard.
  4. The __________ is the national flower of Scotland.
  5. He bought a __________ leather to clean his car.
  6. They will __________ with their lawyer before making a decision.
  7. He took out a __________ to buy his first house.
  8. The __________ was shut down due to unsanitary conditions.
  9. The __________ sang beautifully in the garden.
  10. The __________ was in charge of the training program.


  1. allusion
  2. elation
  3. treasure
  4. thistle
  5. chamois
  6. confer
  7. mortgages
  8. abattoir
  9. nightingale
  10. colonel

Lesson Presentation


  • Introduce the vocabulary words by writing them on the board or displaying them on a projector.
  • Ask the students if they have any prior knowledge of the words or if they have any questions about the words.
  • Provide the students with the definitions of the words.

Direct Instruction:

  • Divide the class into small groups of 2-3 students.
  • Provide each group with a worksheet that has the vocabulary words listed and a space for them to write two simple sentences for each word.
  • Allow the students to work together to come up with simple sentences for each vocabulary word.

Guided Practice:

  • Have each group present their sentences to the class and have the class guess the vocabulary word based on the sentences.
  • Have the class discuss any difficult words and provide additional examples or clarification.

Independent Practice:

  • Assign homework for the students to practice using the vocabulary words in their own sentences.


  • Review the vocabulary words and their meanings with the class.
  • Ask the students to provide examples of how they used the words in their homework sentences.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to see if they are using the words correctly in their sentences.
  • Collect and grade the homework assignments as a form of summative assessment.

Note: Depending on the level of the students, you can adjust the complexity of sentences, the words, and the activities.

Review questions:
  1. What is the meaning of the word “allusion”?
  2. Can you give an example of a sentence using the word “elation”?
  3. How is the word “treasure” defined?
  4. In what context would you use the word “thistle”?
  5. What is the definition of “chamois”?
  6. How is the word “confer” used in a sentence?
  7. What does the word “mortgages” refer to?
  8. In what context would you use the word “abattoir”?
  9. What is the meaning of the word “nightingale”?
  10. What rank is a “colonel” in the military?
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