Planting of Crops
Subject :
Term :
Class :
Primary 6
Topic :
Planting of Crops
Previous lesson:
The pupils have previous knowledge of
that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson
Behavioural objectives :
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
- say what is actually meant by planting of Crops
- List the materials that are needed for planting of Crops
- Mention methods of crops propagation
Instructional Materials:
- Wall charts
- Pictures
- Related Online Video
- Flash Cards
Methods of Teaching:
- Class Discussion
- Group Discussion
- Asking Questions
- Explanation
- Role Modelling
- Role Delegation
Reference Materials:
- Scheme of Work
- Online Information
- Textbooks
- Workbooks
- 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
- Workbooks
Content :
Planting of Crops
Planting of Crops are the steps that are taken by Farmers to make crops sprout, grow and maintain such growth to maturity of to the period of harvest.
It involves the actual putting of seeds or parts of plants to grow and germinate.
After clearing the land, ridges or beds are made with hoes. The seeds may be sown in heaps, ridges or beds
How crops are planted.
The seeds of plant are put in already dug holes. There may be 2 or 3 seeds per hole. Planting is done early in the morning before the sun rises or in the evening when the sunlight is not much intense.
Methods of planting crops.
There are two methods of crop planting or crop propagation which are sexual propagation and asexual propagation.
Sexual propagation : This deals with the use of seeds for crop planting. When you use seeds for crop planting, it is called sexual propagation
Asexual propagation : This is done when farmers used parts of the crop like stem, root or tuber for crop planting.
Where planting of crops is done
Planting maybe done directly on the soil, field or nursery. Nursery is a place crops are planted temporary before they are moved to permanent site by transplanting.
The topic is presented step by step
Step 1:
The class teacher revises the previous topics
Step 2.
He introduces the new topic
Step 3:
The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise
1. What is planting
2. What is transplanting.
3. What is asexual propagation.
4. What is sexual propagation.
5. How many seeds may be put in a hole when planting
6. What are the right time for sowing or planting seeds
7. What types of propagation is done when farmers plant crops by putting seeds on holes
8.What type of propagation is done when farmers plant crops by putting parts of the crops like stems or tubers in the soil
9. What is the purpose of planting crops in nursery
10. Why are ridges necessary in planting of crops.
The class teacher wraps up or concludes the lesson by giving out short notes to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.
The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.
He or she does the necessary corrections when and where the needs arise.