Class :

JSS 1 / Basic 7


Subject :


Topic :




Term :

Second term


Week :

Week 3 & 4


Instructional Materials :


Reference Book(s)

Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have been taught

Behavioural Objectives :  By the end of the lesson or during the course of learning , the learners will be able to

  • explain the features of NOK ART
  • narrate the significance of NOK art
  • say the various functions of the NOK people

Entry Behaviour

  • Learners are familiar with carved objects , images and statues

Content :




{1} It is regarded as the first place where the use of iron in nigeri swas identified.

{2} The figurines are called “terracotta”

{3} They have the oldest culture

{4} Like that of ife culture,Nok culture is characterized by figurines that are not perfect.

[5}Most of the figure have pieced lips,eyes and nose


[1] NOK culture has shown the people of NOK were the first people to make use of iron to produce objects such as implements for domestic uses and tools for farming

[2]The discovery of terracotta objects have also revealed NOK people have engaged in the production of figurine of distinctive artistics styles and beauty

[3] moreover,the discoveries in NOK have also shown that Nigerians have been engaging in local technology before the coming of Europeans

ARTIFACTS; The first known NOK artifact was discovered in 1028,by colonel Dent Young in mining site near the village of NOK in Kaduna state .in 1943,tin miners again accidentally discovered a head similar to that found by young.further excavations around NOK have led to discoveries of objects of wrought iron,red ocher,quartz,hammer stone and many other materials.

NOK artifacts are also made up of excellent piece of human beings and animals figurines called terracotta,made into bracelets and ornaments around people legs,waist and others which were worn as necklaces and beads,other NOK artifacts are stone axe,grinding stones,stone rings,stone beads,pottery head and so on,





The topic is presented step by step

And if it’s a new topic, introduce it by linking it to a related topics previously learnt or familiar with the learners.

Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous lesson


Step 2.

He or she  introduces the new lesson


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :


[1] Where is Nok on Nigeria map?

[2] who were the NOK people?

(3] mention two NOK artifacts

(4]what were the occupations of Nok people?

(5) List four significance of NOK art

(6) Write out four features of NOK art

Conclusion :

The teacher wraps up the lesson by giving out  a short summary of the lesson as a chalkboard note . He or she goes round to mark and he or she does the necessary corrections




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