
  1. Who created man in his own image (a) mummy (b) daddy (c) God
  2. Who killed Goliath? (a) David (b) Solomon (c) Satan
  3. ___________ is a spirit (a) God (b) Man (c) Woman
  4. God hears our prayers ______ (a) everyday (b) every year (c) every month
  5. We should ____________ those who offend us (a) forgive (b) beat (c) fight


  1. Who made all good things (a) God (b) Teacher (c) Doctor
  2. Who is God? (a ) Our creator (b) Our brother (c) our sister
  3. What do you use your eyes for? (a) to walk (b) to see (c) breath
  4. ______ is someone who you like very much and like to spend time with

(a) enemies (b) friend (c) satan

  1. Who did Jesus call his friend (a) the disciples (b) the enemies (c) his flower
  2. As a child of God we should _____ one another (a) fight (b) hate (c) love
  3. We should worship only ______ (a) God (b) image (c) idol
  4. Who command Lazarus to come out of the grave (a) John (b) Jesus (c) Mary
  5. Who is the first man that God created (a) Moses (b) Adam (c) Mary
  6. Talking to God means (a) fighting (b) praying (c) sleeping
  7. Hannah prayed for _____ (a) son (b) money (c) cloth
  8. How many disciples does Jesus Christ have (a) 6 (b) 12 (c) 15
  9. ______ is the mother of Jesus Christ (a) Mary (b) Hannah (c) Popoola
  10. God is the giver of strength (a) Maybe (b) True (c) False
  11. We can give _______ to the poor (a) money (b) hate (c) beat

Section B

  1. Write two things you do for your parents as children of God

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

  1. Jesus says we should ____________________ for our enemies
  2. Name three blessing we receive as God’s children

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________

  1. Name two people in the Bible that used their strengths and abilities to serve God and their people

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________



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