Noun ( Definition and examples)
Class: Basic 1
Subject : English Language
Topic : Noun ( Definition and examples)
Definition :
A noun is the name of a person, animal, place or thing.
A person: Daddy, John, teacher, driver, boy, etc.
An animal: Cow, goat, bird, insect, worm, lizard, etc.
A place : school, church, hospital, bank, market, National stadium, etc.
A thing : bag, shoe, comb, plate, spoon, radio, television, chair, table, etc.
Write 5 examples of these
1.) Persons : _______________
______________, ______________
______________, ______________
2.) Animals: ______________,
_____________, _____________
_____________, _____________
3.) Places: ______________
______________, ______________
______________, ______________
4.) Things: _______________
______________, ______________
______________, ______________