Distribution of Farm Animals and Factors Affecting the Distribution of Farm Animals in Nigeria

Subject : Agricultural Science

Term : Second Term

Class :Jss 1, Year 7

Week : 10


TOPIC: Distribution of Farm Animals and Factors Affecting the Distribution
of Farm Animals in Nigeria.


(1) The Distribution of Farm Animals

(2) Factors Affecting the Distribution of Farm Animals.
Sub-Topic 1: Distribution of farm animals in Nigeria.

Many Farm animals commonly reared by farmers are found in different parts of the nation, due to some factors that favoured their growth and development.

Below shows the major farm animals and the state where they are majorly found.
Cattle Kano , sokoto ,Kaduna
Goats/sheep Northern states and some other parts of the nation e.g oyo, ondo, Ekiti
Poultry Most of the major cities in the nation

Fish States with large water bodies

Pigs Most southern states e.g Edo, Delta, Rivers and other places where the weather is conducive

Rabbits Cities where poultry are successfully reared.

Sub-Topic 2: Factors Affecting the Distribution of Farm Animals in Nigeria
The most important factors affecting the distribution of farm animals in Nigeria include

(1)Culture of the people

(2) Climate

(3) Availability of natural pasture

(4) Religion of the people

(5) Incidence of pests and diseases.
Culture of the People: Animal rearing is a common occupation of families in the northern part of Nigeria. Most of the cattle, sheep and goats are from the north. That means that the northern Nigeria farmers have a culture of animal rearing.

Climate: Climate is the average weather condition of a place over a long period of time. Climatic factors such as rainfall, temperature, light, wind and relative humidity determines the type and number of farm animals in a particular place. For instance in the north, where rainfall and relative humidity is low, cattle, goats and sheep are better reared than any other part. Much rainfall in the south increases the spread of pests and diseases and consequently affects animal production.
Religion of the people: Religion is also an important factor in the distribution of farm animals. For instance, goats and rams are more abundant in the northern and western parts of Nigeria where most of the Muslim live. They use these animals for festivals. Muslim religion forbids the eating of pigs. So, pigs are not common in the north where the Muslims are in large population.
Availability of natural pasture: Natural pasture are grasses used to feed cattle, goats and sheep. These grasses are more in the north and as such favored the rearing of those animals.
Incidence of pests and diseases: Tsetse fly which a carrier of the parasite, trypanosome which cause the disease known as trypanosomisisss is prevalent in the south. much rainfall and big trees in the south contribute to the increase of tsetse fly.

Evaluation (a) Why are cattle commonly found in the north?

(b) Name 4 weather elements that are responsible for the distribution of farm animals in Nigeria

(c) Why are aquatic animals reared mostly in the southern part of Nigeria?

(d) Mention one state where the following animals are mostly reared (i) goats (ii)fish (iii) bull (iv)fowl



  1. Factors Affecting the Distribution of Livestock in Nigeria
  2. Table Showing Terms Associated With Some Farm Animals


Factors Affecting the Distribution of Livestock in Nigeria

The population of certain kinds of farm animal is more in certain areas than in others. There are factors responsible.

Up to 80% of grazing livestock is to be found in the savanna zone of northern Nigeria. This is because of the following factors:

  1. Food/Availability of good pasture: This constitutes the bulk of the feed of livestock. Large expanse of grassland is abundant in northern Nigeria, and for this reason there is greater population of cattle, sheep and goats, which graze on the pasture grasses and legumes found in this area than in southern Nigeria.
  2. Climate: Animal production is usually affected adversely by too hot or too cold weather conditions. For instance, pigs do not have sweat glands, so they do not perspire; rearing them in a hot climate will greatly reduce their efficiency.

Moreover, the growth and multiplication of pests and diseases is also encouraged by high temperature and rainfall, and this hinders the growth and performance of livestock.

  1. Pests and diseases:The thick forest zones of the south are heavily infested with tse-tse flies due to high rainfall and high relative humidity.

Tse-tse flies serve as vectors of a disease called trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness. These flies on biting these animals transmit this disease which results in the death of the animals. This prevents cattle from flourishing in this zone except N’dama and muturu cattle that are resistant to this disease.

Poultry seems to be more evenly distributed. The availability of grains in the savanna areas also encourages poultry production.

  1. Religious beliefs: The production of pig is limited by social and religious beliefs of Nigerians. The Islamic religion forbids eating of pork; they neither rear nor eat pig.

Even in the south, where it is reared, the Sabbatarians forbid having anything to do with pigs.

  1. Cultural beliefs: In some cultures, certain animals are idolized so they are protected and preserved. This makes the population of such animals in such places to increase.

Certain animals are used for festivals e.g domestic fowl, or turkey for Christmas; Ram for Ileya (Ramadan festivals for Muslims) Such animals are reared ahead of the festivals.

  1. Social beliefs: Socially, people regard pig as a dirty animal, which wallows most of the time in muddy water and which transmits tape-worm.


Table Showing Terms Associated With Some Farm Animals

1 Adult male Bull Ram Billy/buck Boar Buck Cock
2 Adult female Cow Ewe Nanny/doe Sow Doe Hen
3 Young female
without offspring
Heifer Ewe-lamb Nanny kid Gilt Pullet
4 Young one of
either sex
Calf Lamb Kid Piglet Kitten/bunny/
5 Castrated male Steer/
Wether Wether Hog (young)
Barrow (adult)
6 Act of mating Servicing Tuppy Servicing Servicing Servicing Treading
7 Parturition Calving Lambing Kidding Farrowing Kindling Laying
8 Meat Young-veal
Mutton Chevon Pork
Bacon (salted)
Ham (smoked)
Lard (fat of pig)
9 Group Herd Flock Herd Litter Litter Flock (Adult)
Clutch (Young)
10 Gestation (period
of pregnancy)
283 days 145-154
150 days 114 days 31 days 21 days



  1. State fivefactors that affect the distribution of farm animals in your country.
  2. What are the gestation periods of the following animals? (a) Goats (b) Sheep (c) Cattle (d) Rabbit (e) Pig


1. Which of these farm is not majorly reared in the northern states?
(a) fowl (b) pigs (c) goats (d) sheep
2. Which of these farm animals is affected mostly by tsetse fly bite? (a) goats (b) sheep (c) pigs (d) cattle
3. One of the following animals can be reared in many cities of the nation, Nigeria. (a) poultry (b) goats (c) cow (d) pigs
4. Trypanosomiasis is a disease that is among the cattle reared in the ———- (a) East (b) West (c) South (d) North.
5. Availability of grasses favours the rearing of ———-
(a) pigs (b) cattle (c) fish (d) rabbits.
1. Name 5 farm animals and write their major producing states.
2. Give 4 reasons why some farm animals are found majorly in the south and while others are found majorly in the North.

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