THIRD TERM EXAMINATION 2014/2015 CLASS: NUR. II                                         




NAME:…………………………………………………………………………   1.                


Write Capital and small letter Aa – Zz  


  2.                 Composition:


A girl is a female child. She wears a dress.


She plaits her hair. She feeds on different kinds of food.


She puts on ear-rings.


I love a girl.


Fill in the space with the correct words from the bracket:


i.                   A girl is _______________ child. (a) male (b) female (c) big


ii.                 She wear a ________________.   (a) rags (b) leaves (c) dress


iii.              She _____________ her hair.     (a) plaits (b) oil (c) put acid


iv.              She put on _____________    (a) ear rings (b) belt (c) dirty cloth


v.                 I ______________a girl. (a) hate (b) love (c) beat    


3.                 Write out the numbers of each consonant found in each word:


Example: CHAIR = 3                       BOOK = 2


1.                 HORSE =  _______
2.                 MOSQUE =_______
3.                 LORRY = ________
4.                 CHURCH = ______
5.                 INSECT =  _______
6.                 CAR = _______
7.                 HOUSE = _______
8.                 BELT =  ________
9.                 GIRL =   _______
10.            DRESS =  ______


4.                 Fill in the gap:


i.                   ___t
ii.                 W___
iii.              S___
iv.              ___f
v.                 I___
vi.              M___n
vii.            Y___m
viii.         S___n
ix.              Mu___
x.                 Co___


5.                 Singular and Plural:

Singular                        Plural

i. Bottle                             __________________

ii.  Table                    __________________

iii.              Chair                    __________________

iv.              Mat                      __________________

\v.                 Cup                      __________________

vi.              Plate                     __________________  



6.                 Underline the noun in these sentences:

i.                   Ade is a boy.


ii.                 I am going to Lagos.


iii.              I have a little monkey.


iv.              That is my pencil.


v.                 A lion is a wild animal.    




7.                 Write out five letter words:


i.                   __________________
ii.                 __________________
iii.              __________________
iv.              __________________
v.                 ________________

8. Write out Six letter words:


i.                   __________________________


ii.                 __________________________


iii.              __________________________


iv.              __________________________


v.                 __________________________  


2.                 Words and Opposite:                        Words                        Opposite

i.                   Girl                                          _________________


ii.                 Up                                           _________________


iii.              Big                                           _________________


iv.              Sit                                            _________________


v.                 Fat                                           _________________  



3.     Use this pronouns to make simple sentence:

Example; I – I am a girl.


i.                   He = ____________________________________________


ii.                 She = _____________________________________________


iii.              You = _____________________________________________


iv.              We = ______________________________________________


v.                 It = ________________________________________________

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