CAUSES AND PREVENTION OF MURDER Subject : Security Education Class : BASIC 9 / JSS 3 Week 8 Topic : CAUSES AND PREVENTION OF MURDER Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to Say the meaning of murder . Explain the causes of murder List out the effects
Everybody should frown at domestic violence and discourage it. Subject : Security Education Class : BASIC 9 / JSS 3 Week 5 Topic : DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to Say the meaning of domestic violence. Explain the causes of domestic violence. List out
Human trafficking is the process of recruiting, transporting, and exploiting people for labor or sexual purposes. It is a form of modern-day slavery that affects millions of people around the world. Subject : Security Education Class : BASIC 9 / JSS 3 Week 4 Topic : MEANING, CAUSES AND REASONS HUMAN TRAFFICKING. Behavioural Objectives
Drug Trafficking is the transferring of illicit drugs without permission from one location or territory to another Subject : Security Education Class : BASIC 9 / JSS 3 Week 3 Topic : MEANING OF DRUG TRAFFICKING AND EFFECTS OF TRAFFICKING Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to Say
Subject : Security Education Class : BASIC 9 / JSS 3 Week 2 Topic : RAPE Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to Say the meaning of rape. Explain the causes of rape. List out the effects of rape on the victim Discuss the necessary punishment for a
Subject : Security Education Class : BASIC 9 / JSS 3 Week 1 Topic : Meaning and Causes of Theft Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to Say the meaning of Theft Explain the causes of theft List out the punishment for theft Previous Knowledge : Learners have
PREMIER TRIMESTRE E –LEARNING NOTES. JS 3 (BASIC 9) La matière : Le français (FRENCH) LE PLAN DE TRAVAIL Les semaines les titres 1er La révision du travail du troisième trimestre de J S 2. 2e Décrire plus précisément : le physique d’une personne (nommée). 3e Décrire plus précisément la personnalité, la position locale d’une personne. 4e
9E SEMAINE LA DATE————— TITIRE: Faire des projets/Dire cequel’onfera plus tard Les sous –titres (i) Le futur simple (ii) Les Vocabulaires. (iii) L’usage de futur simple LE FUTURE SIMPLE This is known as future tense. It is formed by adding the future endings to the infinitive of « er and
8E SEMAINE LA DATE————— TITIRE: Dire cequel’onva faire. Les sous –titres (i) La Grammaire (II) Des phrases simples La Grammaire Pour dire cequ’onva faire, on utilise le futurproche. (To say what one is going to do, we use the ‘futurproche’’ Formula :aller au présent + infinitif (d’un autreverbe) Aller = To
FIRST TERM: E – LEARNING NOTES JS 3 (BASIC 9) SUBJECT: MUSIC SCHEME OF WORK WEEK: TOPIC 1. Primary Notes of The Major Scale :The Degree of the major scale, the primary notes of the major scale. 2. Time signature : Simple Compound , The uses of figures, simple and compound time. 3. Key signature