Dictation For the Week Primary 5 Second Term Week 11

Subject: English Spelling / Dictation

Class: Primary 5

Term: Second Term

Week: Week 11

Topic: Spelling for the 11th week Second Term Primary 5

Learning Objectives:

Learners are guided to learn the following words: stationery, stationary, monosyllabic, confusions, interdenominational, matriculation, topographical, inarticulate, distinctive, deception

Learning Activities

  1. For home study, each pupil looks up the meaning of the given words
  2. Pupils use their dictionary to learn the transcription and pronunciation of the given words
  3. Pupils make use of the given words in at least one sentence.

Embedded Core Skills 

  1. Communication and collaboration
  2. Critical thinking and problem solving
  3. Digital Literacy
  4. Leadership and Personal development


Learning Resources 

  1. Hardcopy dictionary
  2. Online dictionary 
  3. Textbook or Workbook with definitions, sample sentences, and exercises
  4. Whiteboard or overhead projector
  5. Computer with internet access (optional)


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Dictionary meaning of the given words

  1. Stationery: materials used for writing, such as paper and pens.
  2. Stationary: not moving or not intended to be moved.
  3. Monosyllabic: made up of a single syllable.
  4. Confusions: the state of being bewildered or unclear about something.
  5. Interdenominational: involving or relating to different religious denominations.
  6. Matriculation: the process of enrolling in a school or college.
  7. Topographical: relating to the physical features of a place or area.
  8. Inarticulate: unable to speak clearly or express oneself effectively.
  9. Distinctive: having a quality that makes someone or something different or easily recognizable.
  10. Deception: the act of deceiving or the state of being deceived; the act of creating a false impression.


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Use the given words in sentences

  1. I need to buy some new stationery for my writing class.
  2. The large rock in the garden appeared stationary, but on closer inspection, it was slowly moving.
  3. The language spoken by the tribe was monosyllabic and difficult to understand.
  4. The confusions surrounding the new policy made it difficult for employees to know how to proceed.
  5. The interdenominational church welcomed people from all different backgrounds and beliefs.
  6. The process of matriculation at the university was long and tedious.
  7. The topographical map of the area showed the different elevations and landforms.
  8. Despite his nervousness, he remained inarticulate during the interview.
  9. The chef’s distinctive style of cooking was a combination of traditional and modern techniques.
  10. The deception was uncovered when the truth about the company’s financial situation was revealed.




  1. What is the meaning of the word “stationery”? a) materials used for writing, such as paper and pens. b) a type of stationary object c) a word made up of a single syllable d) a word that describes the state of being bewildered or unclear about something
  2. What is the meaning of the word “stationary”? a) not moving or not intended to be moved b) materials used for writing, such as paper and pens. c) a word made up of a single syllable d) a word that describes the state of being bewildered or unclear about something
  3. What is the meaning of the word “monosyllabic”? a) made up of a single syllable b) not moving or not intended to be moved c) materials used for writing, such as paper and pens d) a word that describes the state of being bewildered or unclear about something
  4. What is the meaning of the word “confusions”? a) the state of being bewildered or unclear about something b) made up of a single syllable c) not moving or not intended to be moved d) materials used for writing, such as paper and pens
  5. What is the meaning of the word “interdenominational”? a) involving or relating to different religious denominations b) the state of being bewildered or unclear about something c) made up of a single syllable d) not moving or not intended to be moved
  6. What is the meaning of the word “matriculation”? a) the process of enrolling in a school or college b) involving or relating to different religious denominations c) the state of being bewildered or unclear about something d) made up of a single syllable
  7. What is the meaning of the word “topographical”? a) relating to the physical features of a place or area b) the process of enrolling in a school or college c) involving or relating to different religious denominations d) the state of being bewildered or unclear about something
  8. What is the meaning of the word “inarticulate”? a) unable to speak clearly or express oneself effectively b) relating to the physical features of a place or area c) the process of enrolling in a school or college d) involving or relating to different religious denominations
  9. What is the meaning of the word “distinctive”? a) having a quality that makes someone or something different or easily recognizable b) unable to speak clearly or express oneself effectively c) relating to the physical features of a place or area d) the process of enrolling in a school or college
  10. What is the meaning of the word “deception”? a) the act of deceiving or the state of being deceived; the act of creating a false impression b) having a quality that makes someone or something different or easily recognizable c) unable to speak clearly or express oneself effectively d) relating to the physical features of a place or area


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Lesson Presentation



  • Begin the class by asking students if they are familiar with any of the words on the list.
  • Introduce the topic of the lesson and explain that they will be learning the dictionary meaning of the words and how to use them in simple sentences.

Direct Instruction:

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups, and provide them with a dictionary and a handout with the words and their meanings.
  • Have them look up the meaning of the words and write a simple sentence using each word.
  • After a few minutes, discuss with the class the meanings and the sentences they came up with.
  • Go over any incorrect or unclear sentences and provide correct examples.

Guided Practice:

  • Provide students with a list of new words or phrases and have them work in groups or pairs to come up with their meanings and simple sentences using them.
  • Monitor the students and provide feedback and correction as needed.

Independent Practice:

  • Assign students to write a short paragraph using at least 5 of the words they learned in the lesson and in context.
  • Encourage them to use the dictionary and the examples provided in class to guide their writing.


  • Review the main points of the lesson and have students share one thing they learned about the words they studied.
  • Remind students that learning new words and understanding their meanings is an important part of expanding their vocabulary and improving their communication skills.


  • Observe students during independent practice and provide feedback on their use of words in context.
  • Collect and grade the short paragraphs as a formal assessment.