1. Recreation, Leisure and Dance Activities
  2. Importance of Food
  3. Athletics (Field Events)

Discus and Shot put

  1. Basic Skills in Shot put and Discus
  2. Practical Demonstration of Skills in Shot put and Discus

6 & 7 Ball Games: (Volleyball)

  1. Practical Demonstration Of Skills in Volleyball
  2. History of Soccer
  3. Practical Demonstration of Skills in Soccer
  4. Revision / Examination



  1. Essentials of Physical and Health Education for J.S.S 1
  2. Physical and Health Education Hand Book for J.S.S 1





Recreation can be defined as participation in sporting activities during ones leisure time through which one may better develop physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. 


Aims and Objectives of Recreation

  • To help relax after work
  • To eliminate boredom and reduce tension
  • To develop skills
  • To develop physical fitness
  • To correct postural defects
  • To reduce crime and other antisocial behaviours
  • To interchange our day-to-day activities
  • To provide fun and enjoyment


Nature and Scope of Recreation 

The term “recreation”, covers a lot of activities which can be grouped into:

  1. Indoor Recreational activities
  2. Outdoor Recreational activities


  1. Indoor Activities: are activities that are performed inside the house, hall or under a roof.

Examples are: 

  • Playing music
  • Drawing and painting
  • Sewing
  • Watching Television
  • Reading or writing for pleasure
  • Dancing 
  • Playing cards
  • Singing 


  1. Outdoor Activities: are activities that are performed outside or in the open places.

Examples are:

  • Mountaineering 
  • Camping
  • Picnicking
  • Canoeing
  • Gardening
  • Hiking
  • Cycling
  • Fishing
  • Swimming
  • Walking


What is Leisure?

Leisure simply means free time/hour


What is Dance?

Dance is the art of moving your body in a way that goes with the rhythm and style of music that is being played. 



  1. What is leisure?
  2. List five (5) objectives of Recreation



Read pages 18 – 25 of Essentials of Physical and Health Education for J.S.S 1 Bk. 1



  1. What is Recreation?
  2. Explain the term dance
  3. Mention five examples of indoor activities
  4. State five examples of outdoor activities 



  1. The term leisure simply means ____ A. Official hour B. Free hour C. Break period D. Closing hour 
  2. Recreation is a ____ participation A. by force B. compulsory C. voluntary D. all of the above 
  3. Recreation is usually done ____ A. during work B. before work C. after work D. all of the above
  4. The areas through which one may better develop in recreation are the following except ____
  1. physical B. mental C. emotional D. spiritual
  1. Recreation is usually done for ____ A. fun B. enjoyment C. social benefit D. all of the above



  1. Explain the term leisure 
  2. What is recreation?




CONTENT: What is Food?

Food is a substance which when taken into the body yields materials which can produce energy, yields substance for growth and repair of our body tissues.


It should be valuable in the regulation of our body functions and it should not be harmful to the body. 

Good food is the basis of good health and well-being. 

There are six classes of food. 


Classes of Food 

  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Proteins
  3. Fats and oil
  4. Mineral salts
  5. Vitamins
  6. Water


Food Classification, Sources and Functions

Class Sources Functions
Carbohydrates Cassava, yam, maize, sugar-cane, honey, potatoes, rice, millet etc. Provide energy needs of the body.
Proteins Fish, meat, milk, vegetables, fruits, beans Boyd building, repair and replace worn-out tissues.
Fats and Oil Animal oil, palm oil, butter, groundnut oil, cheese, fish oil, cod liver oil, coconut oil Regulate body temperature Secondary source of energy.
Mineral Salts Milk, meat, liver, cheese, vegetables, seafoods Proper functioning of the body.
Vitamins Liver, eggs, milk, fish oil, citrus, tomatoes Protection against diseases.
Water Rain, Springs, brooks, vegetables, fruits, Beverages tea etc. For easy digestion and maintenance of body fluid.


Importance of Food

  1. Food eliminate hunger.
  2. Food is use for entertainment.
  3. Food serves a source of income.
  4. Food helps in resistance of disease.
  5. Food provides energy.
  6. Food helps in recovery from illness.



  1. What is Food?
  2. Mention the six (6) classes of food.



Read pages 106 – 112 of Essentials of Physical and Health Education for J.S.S.1 Bk. 1.



  1. List five sources of carbohydrate.
  2. Write out examples of proteinous food.
  3. What substances eliminate hunger?



  1. The substance for growth and repair of our body tissues is called ____ A. good B. mood C. food 
  1. none of the above
  1. Which of these is a class of food?    A. Beans   B. Rice    C. Egg    D. None of the above
  2. The following are sources of Fats and oil except ____A. fish oil B. millet C. coconut oil D. palm oil
  3. The secondary source of energy is ____ A. water B. vitamins C. proteins D. none of the above
  4. The class of food that provide energy is ____ A. mineral salt B. vitamins C. carbohydrates D. proteins



  1. Mention any five importance of food.
  2. List any five sores of fats and oil.




CONTENT: Discuss and Shot put 


Shot Put

Shot put is a field event that involves the putting of a missile called the shot for a horizontal distance. A competitor is allowed three trials. The put is made from within a circle of 2.135 to a landing sector of 40o



Female – 4kg

Male – 7.26kg

The putting circle – 2.135m

The landing sector – 40o


The Discus Throw

Discus is a field event which involves throwing a missile called discus for a horizontal distance. A competitor is allowed three trials. The throwing is made from within a throwing circle of 2.50m to a landing sector of 40o



The weight 

Female – 1 kilo

Male – 2 kilos

The throwing circle – 2.50m in diameter

The landing sector – 40o



  1. What is shot put?
  2. How many trials a competitor is allowed in shot put?



Read pages 24 – 26 Essentials of Physical and Health Education for J.S.S 1 Bk. 1



  1. What is the weight of female shot put?
  2. The diameter of the shotput circle is ___
  3. The shot put landing sector is ____
  4. What is the weight of male shot put?



  1. The weight of female shot put is ____ A. 6kg    B. 2kg    C. 8kg    D. 4kg
  2. The weight of male discus is ____ A. 4 kilos   B. 2 kilos   C. 5 kilos   D. 3 kilos
  3. A competitor is allowed how may trials?     A. 1     B. 2    C. 3   D. 4
  4. The diameter of putting circle in shot put is ____ A. 2.135m    B. 3.155m     C. 4.162m     D. 1.124m
  5. Discus is a ___________ event.    A. track   B. jumping    C. field     D. none of the above 



  1. Explain the term shot put
  2. Draw and label the putting circle and the landing sector inshot put.




CONTENT: The skills and Techniques in Shot Put

The Hold

The shot is held by the fingers and not on the palm (clean palm, dirty fingers, rough neck)


The Stance (starting position)

The stance depends on the method 


Methods of Putting They are:

  1. The standing put method 
  2. The O’Brien’s method


The Glide

The glide is the movement towards the stop board 


The Release (Putting)

The shot is released from under the ear above the shoulder to form an arc before landing


The follow through 

The Recovery


The Skills and Techniques in Discus

The Hold

The discus is placed on the palm and the spread fingers curl over to hold it.


The Stance

The thrower stands at the rear of the circle with the feet slightly and backing the landing sector


The Swing

The discus is swung to meet the other hand near the shoulder to gather momentum 


The Release

The release is done at about shoulder level

Note: The discus must land within the landing sector which is 40o and both legs must be behind the metal rim.



  1. Mention the methods of putting shot in shot put.
  2. List the six techniques in shot put.



Read pages 38 – 41 Essentials of Physical and Health Education for J.S.S 1 Bk1



  1. Write out the skills in Discus throw.
  2. Swing is related to which event?
  3. Explain the term swing
  4. Discus landing sector, is how many degree landing sector?



  1. Which event is clean palm, dirty fingers, and rough neck?   A. Discus    B. Long jump     C. Javelin    D. Shot put
  2. The shot put landing sector is ______   A. 29o     B. 60o     C. 50o     D. 40o
  3. How many methods of putting is shot put?   A. Three    B. Two    C. Four    D. Five
  4. Swing is associated to which of the following events?   A. Shot put    B. Discus    C. Javelin    D. Hammer
  5. The term “glide’ is common to which event?   A. Hammer    B. Javelin    C. Shot put   D. Discus 



  1. Name the two methods of putting in shot put.
  2. List out the skills in Discus throw.



TOPIC: Practical Demonstration of Skills in Shot put and Discus 

CONTENT: Warm – up Activities Beforethe Lesson.

  • Jogging round
  • Star jump
  • Banana jump
  • Push – ups
  • Throwing an imaginary ball
  • Arm swinging
  • Bend and reach 
  • Alternate leg to alternate hand.


Practical Skills in Shot put

The hold

The shot shall be held by the fingers not on the palm


The Stance

The standing method is the best to adopt for the beginners.

The O’Brien’s method is for the advanced Shot putter


The Release

The shot putter release the shot from under the ear above the shoulder to form an arc before landing


The Follow Through

The shot putter makes an upper body movement to follow 


The Recovery

The shot putter recovers by withdrawal from the movement she/he make towards the stop board 


Practical Skills in Discus throw 

The Hold

The discus throwers place the discus on the palm, and spread fingers curl over to hold it. 


The Stance

The thrower stands at the rear of the circle with the feet slightly apart and backing the landing sector


The Swing

The discus is swing to meet the other hand near the shoulder to gather momentum. 

The thrower rotates to bring him near to the metal rim. 


The Release

The release is done at about shoulder level, so that the discus must land within the landing sector.



  1. Gliding is associated to which of the event?
  2. Clean palm, dirty fingers and rough neck is for which of the event?



  1. Explain the stage “Hold” in discus throw
  2. Demonstrate “Stance” position for your teacher to check in discus throw
  3. Assume “Release” position in shot put for your teacher to go through.



Read pages 38 – 41 of Essentials of Physical and Health Education for J.S.S 1 Bk. 1



  1. The following are simple warm – up activities except ____ A. banana jump   B. arm swinging   C. high jump   D. jogging round
  2. One of these is a method of putting in shot put  A. Sitting method    B. Bending method   C. Standing method    D. Walking method
  3. Which of the following is a term in discus?   A. Flick    B. Glide   C. Scoop   D. Swing
  4. Which of the following events deals with putting – in?   A. Javelin    B. Discus    C. Hammer   D. None of the above
  5. Both shot put and discus are ____ events   A. throwing   B. jumping    C. track   D. none of the above



  1. Write out the skills in shot put
  2. List all the skills in discus throw



TOPIC: Ball Games: (Volleyball)

CONTENT: Brief History of Volleyball 

Volleyball as a game was invented by William J. Morgan at Holyoke Y.M.C.A gymnasium in America in 1895. The international Volleyball Association was formed in 1947.

Volleyball became an Olympic game in 1964 and was first played at the Olympic games in Tokyo, Japan.


The Nigeria Volleyball Federation was formed in 1970 with Dr. J.COmoruanas its first Chairman. It is a game played between two teams of six players each. The Volleyball Court which is rectangular in shape is divided into two by a centre line where the net poles are fixed and each term of cupids a side


The Volleyball Court Dimension 

The baseline or width 9m

The sideline or length 18m

The length of front court 3m

The length of back court 6m

The height of net for men 2.43m

The height of net for women 2.24m

The service zone 9m


The Facilities and Equipment in Volleyball

The Facilities 

  • The court 
  • The net support
  • The referee’s stand


The Equipment

  • The ball
  • The net
  • The whistle
  • The score board
  • The score sheets
  • The wears for the players



  1. Write out brief history of volleyball 
  2. Write out the dimension of volleyball court. 


The Skills and Techniques in Volleyball

  • The Service
  • The Digging
  • The Setting
  • The Spiking
  • The Blocking
  • The Volleying
  • The Retrieving 


The Basic Rules in Volleyball

  1. Start the game by tossing/toss the ball at service.
  2. Rally and scoring – either team wins a point depending on which team faults.
  3. Position of players (number in one team – six, 3 players in front court, 3 players in back court)
  4. Service must be from anywhere from the baseline.
  5. Six substitutes are allowed in a game.
  6. Rotation of players is clockwise.
  7. It is side – out when a serving team loses a rally or service.
  8. Ball is out of play – when the balltouches the ground or any object outside the boundary.
  9. 25 points to win with at least two points lead.
  10. A maximum of 3 consecutive touches is allowed for a team at a time.
  11. Spiking is not allowed from the back court.
  12. The ball can be played with any part of the body provided it is not a double contact.
  13. A libero who may not change position with others is allowed to play at the back court. 


The Officials in Volleyball

  • The first referee 
  • The second referee
  • A scorer
  • Two or four linesmen


Volleyball Terminologies 

  • Time outs: – Is a pause for rest or substitution or both. Each team may take two time outs for rest or substitutions. 
  • Side out: – Is used when a server loses a service. Or when a serving team commits an infringement during a rally. 
  • Rally: – Is a prolong exchange of ball between the two teams
  • Set Point: – Is a situation where a team has only one point left to win a game.
  • Deuce: – Is called when the points tie at 24 – 24 or any tied points after 24 – 24
  • Match: – a match is the winning of three games out of five games.
  • Deadball: – A term used when the ball is not in play
  • Double Contact: – Used when the ball touches a player’s uniform or body in his attempt to return it. 
  • Double Foul: – Is called when two players of a team commit an infringement at the same time. 



Read Pages 45 – 53 of Essentials of Physical and Health Education for J.S.S 1 Bk. 1



  1. Mention three facilities of volleyball game
  2. List the four official in volleyball game
  3. What is “side out” in volleyball
  4. Explain the term “Timeout” in volleyball game.


  1. The game of volleyball was invented by   A. James Naismith    B. Peter Torch   C. William J. Morgan     D. Luggard Elliot 
  2. Volleyball became an Olympic game in ____ A. 1946    B. 1952    C. 1975    D. 1964
  3. A team in volleyball consists of how many players?   A. Six   B. Seven   C. Eight    D. Nine 
  4. The height of the net for male in Volleyball is ____  A. 2.43m     B. 3.43m    C. 4.43m     D. 5.43m
  5. The length of the Volleyball court is ____ A. 11m    B. 16m   C. 12m    D. 18m



  1. Draw and label the Volleyball court
  2. Draw out the ball in Volleyball game.



TOPIC: Practical Demonstration of Skills in Volleyball

CONTENT: Warm-up Activities Beforethe Lesson

  • Jogging round
  • Hand swinging
  • Wind mill
  • Beating imaginary drum
  • Running on the spot
  • Waist rotation
  • Press up 
  • Frog jump


The Skill 

  • Player hits the ball with one hand open or closed or any part of the arm.
  • To send it over the net into the opponents’ court 
  • Service is made anywhere from the baseline
  • Server must wait for the referee’s signal whistle
  • Legs must be behind the line
  • Service could be: 
  1. Underarm
  2. Overhead
  3. Windmill
  4. Push
  • Warm-down acitivites
  • Light jogging – up
  • Breathing in and out
  • Neck rotation 
  • Shuttle race



  1. Mention any five warm-up activities before the lesson.
  2. What is a match?



Read pages 45 – 53 of Essentials of Physical and Health Education J.S.S 1 Bk. 1



  1. How many substitutes are allowed in a game of volleyball
  2. Explain “deadball” in volleyball 
  3. What is set point?



  1. A set/game in volleyball consists of how many points?    A. 21   B. 15   C. 25   D. 12
  2. A match consists of how many sets?   A. 5   B. 7   C. 10    D. 3
  3. In volleyball, rotation of players is ____  A. upward    B. clockwise    C. downward   D. anticlockwise
  4. Deuce is called when the points tie at ____ A. 12 – 12    B. 20 – 20    C. 24 – 24     D. 18 – 18
  5. Nigeria Volleyball Federation was founded in ____ A. 1945     B. 1990    C. 1970    D. 1981



  1. Write out the officials in volleyball game.
  2. List any six equipments in volleyball game.



TOPIC: History of Soccer 


The game of soccer which is popularly thought to have originated in England dates back to the 10th century. However, there is considerable evidence to show that a form of soccer was played by the Romans who learnt it from the Greeks.


The game was also introduced to United States of America around 1870. The English called it association football while the Americans called it soccer. The beginning of international Football started in 1872, between England and Scotland in Glasgow.


The first World Cup Championship was organized in 1930 in Uruguay, South America, where thirteen (13) countries participated. 


Since then, soccer has become a household name and World Championship. 


Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) was founded on the 21st May, 1904 with Guerin as the first president, with the responsibilities of overseeing the game Worldwide.

The headquarters is situated in Zurich, Switzerland. 


Origin of the Game in Nigeria

The game was brought to Nigeria by the colonial masters in the early 19thcentury, the British sailors that made stopover in Nigeria played the game as recreation. 


In 1945, Nigeria Football Association (NFA) was founded till 2007 and Nigeria Football Federation (N.F.F) was formed in 2007 till date.


Dimension of the Soccer Pitch

The shape Rectangular

The side/touchline 100m – 120m

The goal line 75m – 90m

The goal area 5.5m by 18.32m

The penalty area 16.5m by 40.32m

The radii of circles 9.15m

The penalty spot to the goal line 11m

The height of the goal post 2.44m

The length of the cross bar 7.32m

The radii of corner arches 1m

The corner flag post 1.5m


The Facilities in Soccer 

  • Playing pitch / field
  • Goal posts


The Equipment in Soccer

  1. The nets
  2. The ball
  3. The jerseys
  4. The soccer boots
  5. The hand gloves
  6. The socks/hose
  7. The stopwatch
  8. The whistle 
  9. The flags 
  10. The referee’s cards (Yellow and Red)


The Skills and Techniques 

  • Kicking or shooting
  • Passing
  • Dribbling
  • Goal keeping
  • Feinting (Faking)
  • Heading
  • Throw – in
  • Tackling
  • Trapping (Ball control)


The Officials in Soccer

  • The referee 
  • Match commissioner
  • Two assistant referees (lines men)
  • Reserve referee



  1. Narrate briefly the history of soccer
  2. What are the facilities of soccer?



Read pages 54 – 63 of Essentials of Physical and Health Education for J.S.S 1 Bk. 1



  1. Write out five equipments in soccer.
  2. Write out the skills in soccer.
  3. Explain the term kicking in soccer.
  4. What player prevents the ball from scoring in soccer game?



  1. FIFA was founded in which year? A. 1972    B. 1985    C. 1904     D. 1958
  2. The headquarters of FIFA is at ____ A. Maryland     B. England    C. Switzerland     D. Holland
  3. Nigeria Football Association was founded in the year? A. 1945     B. 1954     C. 1909    D. 1967
  4. Nigeria Football Association was later change to ____ A. C.A.F    B. N.I.S     C. N.F.F     D. N.B.A
  5. What is the shape of the soccer pitch?    A. Triangle   B. Rectangle    C. Square    D. Circle


  1. Draw out and label the standard soccer pitch 
  2. Draw the soccer ball and the soccer boots.



CONTENT: Practical Demonstration ofSkills in Soccer

Warm-up Activities before the Lesson

  • Jogging round the field
  • Running on the spot
  • Neck Rotation
  • Wind mill
  • Press-up
  • Push-up
  • Sit-up
  • Frog Jump


Practical Skills in Soccer game

The Kicking: A player makes use of the leg to move the ball from place to place either by the side of the toes or instep.

The Passing: A player sends the ball from one player to other members of the team by kicking, chesting or heading.

The Dribbling: A player moves with the ball and avoiding the opponents in a zigzag manner while the ball is kept close to the feet. 



  1. What does yellow card means in soccer game?
  2. Which equipment is used to time the game of soccer?
  3. Red card in soccer game, simply indicate what?
  4. Mention two duties of the assistant referee in soccer game.



Read page 54 – 63 of Essentials of Physical and Health Education J.S.S.1 Bk. 1



  1. In soccer game, yellow card is for ____ A. killing   B. warning     C. penalty    D. playing 
  2. Red card in soccer game, simply indicate ____ A. warning B. play on C. out of the match D. pardon
  3. The referee in soccer game blow ____   A. saxophone   B. trumpet   C. flute   D. whistle
  4. Who have the final says in the game of soccer?   A. The spectators   B. The coach    C. The referee   D. The players
  5. The game of soccer usually start with ____   A. Jump ball    B. kick-off   C. throw-off    D. play-on 



  1. Write out the position of soccer players
  2. What is the full meaning of the following: a. F.I.F.A b. C.A.F c. N.F.A d. N.F.F