Second Term Examination Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Topic: Second Term Examination

Examination Instructions

For Teachers:

  1. Ensure the exam hall is quiet and free from distractions.
  2. Check that students are seated according to the seating arrangement.
  3. Supervise the students closely and remain attentive during the exam.
  4. Do not allow communication or movement among students during the exam.
  5. Collect all answer sheets immediately after the exam ends.

For Students:

  1. Come with all necessary materials (pen, pencil, and eraser).
  2. Do not bring phones, books, or notes into the exam hall.
  3. Write only your name and number on your answer sheet.
  4. Answer all questions neatly and correctly.
  5. Do not copy or talk during the exam. Anyone caught cheating will be disqualified.

Part A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank with Options)

  1. Mosaic art is made using ______.
    a) Paints
    b) Small pieces
    c) Pencils
    d) Papers
    Answer: b) Small pieces
  2. A whole note lasts for ______ beats.
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 4
    d) 8
    Answer: c) 4
  3. The solfa syllable after “mi” is ______.
    a) Do
    b) Re
    c) Fa
    d) So
    Answer: c) Fa
  4. A dance motif is a ______ movement.
    a) Long
    b) Repeated
    c) Random
    d) Slow
    Answer: b) Repeated
  5. Acting is pretending to be ______.
    a) Someone else
    b) Yourself
    c) A tree
    d) An object
    Answer: a) Someone else
  6. Impersonation means ______ another person.
    a) Drawing
    b) Acting like
    c) Writing about
    d) Singing like
    Answer: b) Acting like
  7. Costumes help the audience understand the ______.
    a) Role
    b) Script
    c) Lights
    d) Stage
    Answer: a) Role
  8. Solfa notation uses ______ like do, re, and mi.
    a) Numbers
    b) Syllables
    c) Letters
    d) Pictures
    Answer: b) Syllables
  9. A backstory helps a character to ______.
    a) Stop acting
    b) Grow
    c) Forget the story
    d) Talk more
    Answer: b) Grow
  10. Dance body movement means moving the ______.
    a) Chair
    b) Whole body
    c) Stage
    d) Lights
    Answer: b) Whole body
  11. Mosaic art requires glue, tiles, and ______.
    a) Brushes
    b) Books
    c) Pencils
    d) A flat surface
    Answer: d) A flat surface
  12. A half note is worth ______ beats.
    a) 2
    b) 1
    c) 3
    d) 4
    Answer: a) 2
  13. ______ means acting like another person.
    a) Impersonation
    b) Drawing
    c) Writing
    d) Singing
    Answer: a) Impersonation
  14. Costumes are used to show the ______ of a character.
    a) Movement
    b) Personality
    c) Dance steps
    d) Dialogue
    Answer: b) Personality
  15. A character’s ______ helps them grow in a play.
    a) Story
    b) Backstory
    c) Song
    d) Costume
    Answer: b) Backstory
  16. Acting teaches the audience ______.
    a) New skills
    b) Lessons
    c) Games
    d) Notes
    Answer: b) Lessons
  17. A dance motif repeats ______.
    a) Once
    b) Many times
    c) Never
    d) Sometimes
    Answer: b) Many times
  18. Integrity in a play means being ______.
    a) Honest
    b) Angry
    c) Quiet
    d) Sad
    Answer: a) Honest
  19. Solfa notation is used to write ______.
    a) Music
    b) Poems
    c) Stories
    d) Drawings
    Answer: a) Music
  20. Acting is a form of ______.
    a) Singing
    b) Art
    c) Reading
    d) Drawing
    Answer: b) Art

Part B: Theory Questions (30 Short Answer)

  1. What is a dance motif?
  2. Name one material used for mosaic art.
  3. What does “do” stand for in solfa notation?
  4. Why is honesty important in acting?
  5. What does integrity mean?
  6. Define acting.
  7. What is the value of a half note?
  8. Why are costumes used in plays?
  9. What does it mean to impersonate?
  10. What is a backstory in character development?
  11. Give one example of a solfa syllable.
  12. What makes a good play?
  13. How can teamwork improve acting?
  14. What does body movement mean in dance?
  15. Why are dance motifs important?
  16. How can a character show courage in a play?
  17. What is the meaning of mosaic art?
  18. Give two examples of solfa syllables.
  19. Why is a flat surface important in mosaic art?
  20. Name one quality of a good actor.

Part C: True or False Questions (30 Statements)

  1. Acting is about pretending to be yourself. (False)
  2. A whole note lasts for four beats. (True)
  3. Mosaic art is made with books and pencils. (False)
  4. Solfa notation uses syllables like do and re. (True)
  5. A dance motif is a long movement. (False)
  6. Costumes help the audience understand the role. (True)
  7. Impersonation means drawing pictures. (False)
  8. A backstory helps a character to grow. (True)
  9. Dance body movement includes arms and legs. (True)
  10. Integrity means being dishonest. (False)

Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions (30 Statements)

  1. A whole note lasts for ______ beats.
  2. Mosaic art uses ______ pieces to make pictures.
  3. Solfa notation includes the syllables ______ and re.
  4. Acting means pretending to be ______.
  5. Costumes show the ______ of a character.
  6. A dance motif is a ______ movement.
  7. ______ helps characters grow in a play.
  8. Acting is a form of ______ art.
  9. Integrity means being ______.
  10. Mosaic art requires a ______ surface.

This examination plan ensures comprehensive assessment of the term’s topics while maintaining simplicity for pupils.