Revision History Primary 5 Week 11 First Term Lesson Notes / Plans

Class: Primary 5

Subject: History

Topic: Revision – Constitutional Development in Nigeria, British Rule, Amalgamation

Duration: 30 minutes

Instructional Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pictures of key historical events
  • Flashcards with basic terms

Entry Behaviour: Ask students to recall one thing they learned about Nigeria’s history. Discuss as a class.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • Students will review key points about British rule and amalgamation in Nigeria.
  • Students will identify important events in Nigeria’s constitutional development.
  • Students will understand the impact of British rule on Nigeria.

Previous Lesson: Recap the previous lesson on Nigeria’s pre-colonial history and introduce the influence of British rule.


  1. British Rule in Nigeria:
    • Britain governed Nigeria in the past.
    • They made laws and controlled resources.
  2. Amalgamation:
    • In 1914, Nigeria became one country.
    • Different regions united under British rule.
  3. Constitutional Development:
    • Over time, Nigeria’s laws changed.
    • Independence was achieved in 1960.


  1. Step 1 – Introduction: Begin with a quick discussion on what the students remember about Nigeria’s history.
  2. Step 2 – Main Lesson: Present key points on British rule and amalgamation. Use pictures to illustrate events like the merging of regions in 1914.
  3. Step 3 – Discussion: Engage students by asking questions like, “What changes did British rule bring to Nigeria?” and “Why was amalgamation significant?”


  • Ask simple questions about Nigeria’s constitutional development.
  • Have a short discussion on the impact of British rule.


  • Summarize key facts about British rule, amalgamation, and constitutional development.
  • Emphasize the importance of understanding Nigeria’s history.
  • Assign a drawing task related to Nigeria’s history for homework.


  1. Nigeria was governed by __________ in the past. a. French b. British c. Spanish d. Chinese
  2. Under British rule, laws and resources in Nigeria were controlled by __________. a. local chiefs b. Nigerian leaders c. British authorities d. neighboring countries
  3. In 1914, Nigeria became __________ country. a. one b. two c. three d. four
  4. The merging of different regions in 1914 is known as __________. a. separation b. division c. amalgamation d. independence
  5. Nigeria’s amalgamation brought together __________ regions. a. three b. four c. five d. six
  6. The event of Nigeria becoming one country occurred in the year __________. a. 1800 b. 1914 c. 1950 d. 1960
  7. British rule in Nigeria resulted in the making of __________. a. local languages b. local foods c. local laws d. local dances
  8. Nigeria achieved __________ in 1960. a. amalgamation b. colonization c. independence d. separation
  9. The constitutional development in Nigeria involved changes in __________. a. hairstyles b. laws c. clothing d. music
  10. The merging of regions under British rule aimed to __________ Nigeria. a. divide b. separate c. unite d. isolate
  11. Nigeria’s independence was achieved in the year __________. a. 1800 b. 1914 c. 1950 d. 1960
  12. British rule impacted Nigeria’s __________. a. geography b. history c. mathematics d. sports
  13. Amalgamation in 1914 brought about the unity of __________ regions. a. diverse b. conflicting c. neighboring d. distant
  14. The control of resources during British rule affected Nigeria’s __________. a. economy b. weather c. wildlife d. mountains
  15. Nigeria’s constitutional development involved changes in laws that led to __________. a. colonization b. amalgamation c. independence d. separation
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