Types of Crafts Primary 1 Cultural and Creative Arts

Lesson Plan Presentation: Types of Crafts

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Class: Primary 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 3

Topic: Types of Crafts

Sub-topic: Exploring Different Craft Forms

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Children should be able to name one craft they enjoy doing.

Key Words: Crafts, Paper, Clay, Drawing, Recycled, Nature, Fabric

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify at least three types of crafts.
  2. Express excitement in learning about different craft forms.
  3. Share personal experiences with a preferred craft.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Social Skills: Sharing experiences with peers.
  2. Cognitive Skills: Identifying and categorizing different crafts.
  3. Fine Motor Skills: Engaging in simple crafting activities.

Learning Materials:

  1. Samples of paper crafts.
  2. Clay for a hands-on experience.
  3. Coloring sheets for drawing and coloring.
  4. Recyclable materials for recycled crafts.
  5. Nature items like leaves and twigs.
  6. Fabric scraps for fabric crafts.


Types of Crafts in Cultural and Creative Arts 🎨:

  1. Paper Crafts ✂️:
    • Example: Cutting and pasting to make colorful paper flowers.
  2. Clay Crafts 🏺:
    • Example: Making animals or shapes from soft, squishy clay.
  3. Drawing and Coloring 🖍️:
    • Example: Using crayons or pencils to create beautiful pictures.
  4. Recycled Crafts ♻️:
    • Example: Making cool things from old boxes or bottles.
  5. Nature Crafts 🍃:
    • Example: Creating art with leaves, twigs, and flowers.
  6. Fabric Crafts 🧵:
    • Example: Sewing or gluing fabric to make fun patterns.

Remember, crafts are about having fun and being creative! 🌟🎨

  1. Paper crafts involve cutting and pasting to make colorful ______.
    a) Animals
    b) Flowers
    c) Cars
    d) Books

  2. Clay crafts use soft, squishy clay to make shapes and ______.
    a) Music
    b) Food
    c) Animals
    d) Stars

  3. Drawing and coloring use crayons or pencils to create beautiful ______.
    a) Pictures
    b) Music
    c) Stories
    d) Buildings

  4. Recycled crafts involve making cool things from old boxes or ______.
    a) Fruits
    b) Bottles
    c) Toys
    d) Cups

  5. Nature crafts use leaves, twigs, and flowers to create art from ______.
    a) Plastic
    b) Metal
    c) Nature
    d) Paper

  6. Fabric crafts involve sewing or gluing fabric to make fun ______.
    a) Patterns
    b) Shapes
    c) Numbers
    d) Letters

  7. In paper crafts, cutting and pasting make colorful paper ______.
    a) Cars
    b) Flowers
    c) Animals
    d) Buildings

  8. Drawing and coloring use crayons or pencils to create beautiful ______.
    a) Buildings
    b) Music
    c) Pictures
    d) Stories

  9. Nature crafts use leaves, twigs, and flowers to create art from ______.
    a) Metal
    b) Nature
    c) Plastic
    d) Paper

  10. Fabric crafts involve sewing or gluing fabric to make fun ______.
    a) Numbers
    b) Letters
    c) Patterns
    d) Shapes

  11. In clay crafts, soft and squishy clay is used to make shapes and ______.
    a) Stars
    b) Animals
    c) Food
    d) Music

  12. Recycled crafts involve making cool things from old boxes or ______.
    a) Toys
    b) Cups
    c) Fruits
    d) Bottles

  13. In nature crafts, leaves, twigs, and flowers create art from ______.
    a) Metal
    b) Plastic
    c) Nature
    d) Glass

  14. Fabric crafts involve sewing or gluing fabric to make fun ______.
    a) Shapes
    b) Patterns
    c) Numbers
    d) Letters

  15. In recycled crafts, making cool things from old boxes or ______.
    a) Bottles
    b) Toys
    c) Cups
    d) Fruits


  1. – Step 1:
    • Previous Topic Revisal: The teacher revises the previous topic, which was “Singing The Nigeria National Anthem.”
  2. – Step 2:
    • Introduction of New Topic: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Types of Crafts,” by displaying different craft materials and explaining the variety of crafts.
  3. – Step 3:
    • Teacher’s Activities:
      • Show examples of paper crafts and discuss.
      • Allow students to touch and feel clay.
      • Engage in a drawing and coloring activity.
      • Display recycled crafts and discuss the concept.
      • Discuss nature and fabric crafts.
    • Learners’ Activities:
      • Observe and touch different craft materials.
      • Participate in hands-on activities, like coloring.
      • Share personal experiences with a preferred craft.


  • Observe participation and engagement during hands-on activities.
  • Ask questions about different craft types to assess understanding.

Evaluation :

  1. What was the previous topic we discussed?
  2. Can you name three types of crafts we talked about today?
  3. How does clay feel in your hands?
  4. What is drawing and coloring?
  5. What is unique about recycled crafts?
  6. Name one item from nature that can be used in crafts.
  7. What do we use for fabric crafts?
  8. How many fingers do you use when coloring?
  9. Which craft form do you enjoy the most?
  10. Can you share with a friend one thing you learned about crafts today?


  • The teacher goes around to mark and provide feedback on pupils’ participation and understanding of different craft forms. Encourage continued exploration and creativity in crafts.
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