Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Home Economics Primary 4 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1
Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Home Economics Primary 4 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1
- What is home economics?
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- List two importance of home economics:
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- Mention two scopes of economics:
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- Mention two parts of the human body:
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- What is food?
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- List two classes of food:
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- Mention 2 sources of food for man:
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- Mention two foods we can get from plants:
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- Mention 2 foods we can get from animals:
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- List 2 fruits you know:
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- What is a sewing machine?
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- Mention two materials that we can sew:
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- Mention 2 kitchen tasks:
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- Define kitchen:
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- List 2 cooking tools that you know:
- What is home economics? Home economics is a subject that teaches us essential skills for managing our homes and daily lives. It covers various areas like cooking, sewing, and managing resources effectively.
- List two importance of home economics:
- Nutrition: Home economics teaches us about proper nutrition, helping us make healthy food choices for a balanced diet.
- Life Skills: It equips us with practical life skills such as cooking, sewing, and budgeting, making us self-sufficient individuals.
- Mention two scopes of economics:
- Domestic Economics: Deals with managing resources and responsibilities within a household.
- Consumer Economics: Focuses on making wise choices as consumers, considering factors like budget and needs.
- Mention two parts of the human body:
- Head: Includes important parts like the brain, eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Torso: Refers to the trunk of the body, including the chest and abdomen.
- What is food? Food is any substance that we consume to provide our bodies with nutrients and energy needed for growth, development, and daily activities.
- List two classes of food:
- Carbohydrates: Found in foods like rice, bread, and potatoes.
- Proteins: Present in foods like meat, fish, and beans.
- Mention 2 sources of food for man:
- Plants: Fruits, vegetables, and grains.
- Animals: Meat, fish, and dairy products.
- Mention two foods we can get from plants:
- Fruits: Apples, oranges, bananas.
- Vegetables: Carrots, spinach, broccoli.
- Mention 2 foods we can get from animals:
- Meat: Beef, chicken, fish.
- Dairy: Milk, cheese, yogurt.
- List 2 fruits you know:
- Apples
- Oranges
- What is a sewing machine? A sewing machine is a mechanical device used for stitching fabric and other materials together with thread.
- Mention two materials that we can sew:
- Cotton
- Denim
- Mention 2 kitchen tasks:
- Cooking meals
- Washing dishes
- Define kitchen: A kitchen is a room or space where food is prepared and cooked.
- List 2 cooking tools that you know:
- Pot
- Frying pan
- What is nutrition?
- Nutrition is the process of obtaining _____ from food.
a) Energy
b) Water
c) Oxygen
d) Sunshine
- Nutrition is the process of obtaining _____ from food.
- Mention two factors influencing food choices:
- Food choices are influenced by _____ and _____ factors.
a) Weather and Climate
b) Cultural and Social
c) Mathematical and Scientific
d) Historical and Linguistic
- Food choices are influenced by _____ and _____ factors.
- Define budget in the context of home economics:
- A budget is a plan that helps in managing _____ resources.
a) Human
b) Financial
c) Animal
d) Plant
- A budget is a plan that helps in managing _____ resources.
- List two examples of kitchen safety measures:
- In the kitchen, practicing _____ and _____ ensures safety.
a) Meditation and Yoga
b) Patience and Kindness
c) Cleanliness and Organization
d) Reading and Writing
- In the kitchen, practicing _____ and _____ ensures safety.
- Mention two ways to conserve energy in the kitchen:
- Conserving energy involves using _____ appliances and _____ cooking methods.
a) Modern and Advanced
b) Efficient and Renewable
c) Traditional and Sustainable
d) Expensive and Luxurious
- Conserving energy involves using _____ appliances and _____ cooking methods.
- What is a balanced diet?
- A balanced diet includes a mix of _____, _____, and _____.
a) Proteins, Fats, and Sugars
b) Vitamins, Minerals, and Fiber
c) Carbohydrates, Caffeine, and Alcohol
d) Junk Food, Sweets, and Snacks
- A balanced diet includes a mix of _____, _____, and _____.
- Mention two benefits of regular physical exercise:
- Regular exercise promotes _____ and _____ health.
a) Emotional and Mental
b) Financial and Social
c) Political and Historical
d) Artistic and Linguistic
- Regular exercise promotes _____ and _____ health.
- List two non-cooking uses of a kitchen:
- A kitchen can be used for _____ and _____ activities.
a) Sleeping and Studying
b) Exercising and Meditating
c) Socializing and Entertaining
d) Painting and Drawing
- A kitchen can be used for _____ and _____ activities.
- What does the term “textiles” refer to in home economics?
- Textiles are materials used for making _____ and _____.
a) Electronics and Gadgets
b) Clothing and Fabrics
c) Sculptures and Pottery
d) Books and Magazines
- Textiles are materials used for making _____ and _____.
- Mention two characteristics of a healthy home environment:
- A healthy home environment is _____ and _____.
a) Chaotic and Cluttered
b) Clean and Organized
c) Noisy and Disorganized
d) Dark and Dull
- A healthy home environment is _____ and _____.
- What is personal hygiene?
- Personal hygiene involves practices that maintain _____ and _____ health.
a) Emotional and Financial
b) Physical and Mental
c) Political and Social
d) Artistic and Cultural
- Personal hygiene involves practices that maintain _____ and _____ health.
- List two sewing techniques:
- Sewing involves techniques like _____ and _____.
a) Stapling and Gluing
b) Stitching and Hemming
c) Painting and Drawing
d) Sculpting and Carving
- Sewing involves techniques like _____ and _____.
- Mention two benefits of gardening at home:
- Home gardening promotes _____ and _____.
a) Creativity and Artistry
b) Greenery and Fresh Air
c) Historical Knowledge and Linguistic Skills
d) Hobbies and Pastimes
- Home gardening promotes _____ and _____.
- Define interior decoration:
- Interior decoration is the process of enhancing _____ and _____ aspects of a space.
a) Aesthetic and Functional
b) Political and Historical
c) Scientific and Mathematical
d) Chaotic and Random
- Interior decoration is the process of enhancing _____ and _____ aspects of a space.
- List two advantages of using energy-efficient appliances in the kitchen:
- Energy-efficient appliances help in _____ and _____.
a) Saving Costs and Reducing Waste
b) Increasing Pollution and Consumption
c) Complicating Tasks and Enhancing Noise
d) Generating Heat and Creating Mess
- Energy-efficient appliances help in _____ and _____.