Law, Differences between Laws and Rules and Regulations, and Why God Gives Us Law Christian Religious Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Class: Primary 4

Term: First Term

Week: 8

Topic: Law, Differences between Laws and Rules and Regulations, and Why God Gives Us Law

Duration: 40 minutes

Previous Knowledge: Students have a basic understanding of rules and obedience.

Set Induction: Begin by showing pictures of a police officer, a school rule board, and a Bible. Ask students what they think these images represent and how they might be connected.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, students should be able to explain the meaning of law.
  • Students should understand the differences between laws and rules and regulations.
  • Students should comprehend why God gives us laws.

Key Vocabulary Words:

  1. Law
  2. Rules
  3. Regulations
  4. Obedience
  5. God’s commandments
  6. Justice
  7. Consequences
  8. Fairness
  9. Police
  10. Authority

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Observation

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures and illustrations
  • Bible (for reference)
  • Chalkboard and chalk
  • Flashcards with key terms


What does law actually mean? 

  1. Law is like rules that people follow. 📜
  2. It helps to keep things fair and in order. ⚖️
  3. Laws can be made by the government to make sure everyone is treated right. 🏛️
  4. For example, there are laws about not stealing, so we don’t take things that don’t belong to us. 👮‍♂️👜
  5. Laws also cover how we behave, like being kind and honest. 😇
  6. They protect our rights, like the right to speak freely and go to school. 🎓🗣️
  7. In the Bible, there are laws too, like the Ten Commandments, which teach us how to live a good and honest life. 📖✝️

So, law is like a set of rules that help make our society fair and just. ⚖️🤝

Differences between Laws and Rules and Regulations 


  1. Laws are like big, official rules for a whole country. 🇳🇬
  2. They are made by the government and apply to everyone. 🏛️
  3. Breaking a law can lead to serious consequences, like going to jail. 👮‍♂️🔒
  4. An example is a traffic law; you must stop at a red traffic light. 🚦

Rules and Regulations:

  1. Rules and regulations are like smaller, specific rules for certain places or situations. 🏫🚧
  2. They can be made by schools, companies, or organizations. 🏢
  3. Breaking these rules usually leads to smaller consequences, like a time-out or a warning. ⏳⚠️
  4. An example is school rules; you should raise your hand to speak in class. 🏫🙋‍♂️

So, laws are big, official rules for a whole country, while rules and regulations are smaller, specific rules for particular places or situations. 🇳🇬🚧


Reasons Why God Gives Us Laws:

  1. Guidance 🛤️
    • God gives us laws to guide us on how to live good and kind lives.
  2. Protection 🛡️
    • Laws protect us from harm and help keep us safe, just like wearing a helmet when riding a bike.
  3. Fairness ⚖️
    • Laws make sure everyone is treated fairly, so nobody is treated poorly because of how they look or where they come from.
  4. Respect 🙏
    • They teach us to respect others, like not taking things that don’t belong to us.
  5. Love ❤️
    • God’s laws show His love for us and guide us to love and care for one another.
  6. Consequences ⚠️
    • Laws come with consequences to help us learn from our mistakes, like a time-out when we break a rule at home.

So, God gives us laws to guide, protect, be fair, teach respect, show love, and help us learn from our actions. 🙏❤️🛤️


  1. Step 1 (Introduction):
    • Greet the students and show the pictures.
    • Ask what they know about rules and laws and how they are connected.
  2. Step 2 (Explanation):
    • Define the term “law” as rules made by a country’s government that everyone must follow.
    • Discuss the differences between laws (big, official rules) and rules and regulations (smaller, specific rules).
  3. Step 3 (Discussion and Activity):
    • Explain why God gives us laws, emphasizing guidance, fairness, and protection.
    • Share examples of God’s commandments from the Bible.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Present the topic clearly using visuals and examples.
  • Encourage students to ask questions and participate in discussions.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Observe the pictures and participate in class discussions.
  • Listen to explanations and ask questions.


  • Ask individual students to define the term “law.”
  • Engage students in a class discussion about why God gives us laws.


  1. Laws are like big, official __________ for a whole country. A) pencils B) rules C) police D) playgrounds
  2. Rules and regulations are like smaller, specific __________ for certain places or situations. A) mountains B) rules C) oceans D) deserts
  3. Breaking a law can lead to serious consequences, like going to __________. A) school B) park C) jail D) library
  4. An example of a law is a __________ law; you must stop at a red traffic light. A) traffic B) playground C) beach D) school
  5. Rules and regulations are usually made by schools, companies, or __________. A) families B) countries C) organizations D) forests
  6. Laws are made by the __________ and apply to everyone. A) school B) government C) playground D) church
  7. Laws are like big, official __________ for a whole __________. A) pencils, city B) rules, class C) books, family D) rules, country
  8. An example of a rule is a school __________; you should raise your hand to speak in class. A) rule B) beach C) mountain D) park
  9. Breaking rules and regulations usually leads to __________ consequences. A) big B) smaller C) colorful D) empty
  10. Rules and regulations are like smaller, specific rules for certain __________ or __________. A) oceans, lakes B) mountains, forests C) places, situations D) schools, countries
  11. Laws can protect us from __________ and keep us safe. A) harm B) laughter C) colors D) rain
  12. God gives us laws to guide us on how to live __________ and kind lives. A) big B) good C) noisy D) tired
  13. Laws make sure everyone is treated __________, so nobody is treated poorly because of how they look or where they come from. A) fairly B) slowly C) quickly D) rudely
  14. God’s laws show His __________ for us and guide us to love and care for one another. A) anger B) love C) sadness D) fear
  15. Laws have __________ to help us learn from our mistakes. A) awards B) consequences C) toys D) sweets


  • Summarize the main points, reminding students of the importance of laws in society and in our relationship with God.


  • Assign students to write down one rule they follow at home and explain why it’s important to obey it. They should bring their assignments to the next lesson.
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