Week: 1

Class: Basic2

Topic: sense of sight

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

identify the organs of sights.

list the importance of sight.


Instructional material/Reference material: Textbook, Charts and pictures

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic.


Sense of sight.

The sense of sight is the eyes, the eyes is a part of the is used for seeing.

Importance of sight.

The importance of sight, the eyes include:

It helps to see everything around us.

It helps us to move easily without falling off.

It helps locate things easily.


List the importance of sight.


1. The sense of sight is related to the ______.
a) ears
b) nose
c) eyes

2. The eyes are a part of the ______.
a) hands
b) legs
c) head

3. The sense of sight is used for ______.
a) tasting
b) hearing
c) seeing

4. The importance of sight includes ______.
a) dancing
b) jumping
c) seeing everything around us

5. Sight helps us move without ______.
a) talking
b) falling off
c) sleeping

6. The eyes help us ______ things easily.
a) taste
b) hear
c) locate

7. We use our sense of sight to ______ things around us.
a) smell
b) see
c) touch

8. The sense of sight helps us know what color and shape ______.
a) taste
b) sound
c) things are

9. Sight allows us to watch ______.
a) music
b) TV shows
c) movies

10. The eyes help us read ______.
a) music
b) books
c) food

11. We use our sense of sight to recognize our ______.
a) favorite toys
b) friends’ voices
c) family members’ faces

12. The sense of sight lets us enjoy the beauty of ______.
a) sounds
b) textures
c) nature

13. We can use our eyes to find things that are ______.
a) hidden
b) talking
c) singing

14. The eyes help us understand what’s happening ______ us.
a) above
b) below
c) around

15. Our sense of sight helps us learn about the world through ______.
a) smelling
b) tasting
c) seeing





Week: second Class: primary 2

Topic: Sense of sight

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson Pupils should be able to: identify and name objects based on colours shapes and sizes.

Instructional material/Reference material: Textbook, charts and pictures

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic


Identification of objects

Examples of colour




















1. The color of a ripe tomato is ______.

a) Blue

b) Red

c) Green


2. The color of the sky on a clear day is ______.

a) White

b) Black

c) Blue


3. A banana is usually the color ______.

a) Pink

b) Yellow

c) Brown


4. Nighttime is when the sky is usually ______.

a) Red

b) Yellow

c) Black


5. The color of a coal is ______.

a) White

b) Green

c) Black


6. Carrots are commonly found in the color ______.

a) Orange

b) Blue

c) Red


7. The leaves of most trees are usually ______.

a) White

b) Black

c) Green


8. The color of roses is often ______.

a) Orange

b) Pink

c) Blue


9. The color of the sun is ______.

a) Yellow

b) Black

c) Red


10. A lemon is usually the color ______.

a) Green

b) Yellow

c) Brown


11. The color of chocolate is typically ______.

a) Pink

b) Brown

c) Red


12. Watermelon has a color combination of ______ on the inside.

a) Yellow and Black

b) Green and White

c) Red and Green


13. The color of a flamingo is often ______.

a) Blue

b) Pink

c) Black


14. A lime is usually the color ______.

a) Green

b) Yellow

c) Orange


15. The color of the grass is usually ______.

a) Brown

b) Green

c) White













Examples of shapes:








1. A shape with four sides and four right angles is a ______.

a) Triangle

b) Rectangle

c) Circle


2. Which shape has all sides equal and all angles equal?

a) Circle

b) Rhombus

c) Square


3. A shape with three sides and three angles is a ______.

a) Square

b) Triangle

c) Circle


4. A shape with opposite sides equal and parallel is a ______.

a) Square

b) Rhombus

c) Triangle


5. A shape with no sides or angles is a ______.

a) Rectangle

b) Circle

c) Triangle


6. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles is a ______.

a) Triangle

b) Rectangle

c) Circle


7. A shape with three sides and one side longer than the other two is a ______.

a) Rhombus

b) Square

c) Triangle


8. Which shape has all points equidistant from the center?

a) Circle

b) Rectangle

c) Square


9. A shape with four sides and one pair of opposite sides equal and parallel is a ______.

a) Rhombus

b) Circle

c) Triangle


10. A shape with three sides and angles is a ______.

a) Square

b) Circle

c) Triangle


11. A shape with four sides of equal length and no right angles is a ______.

a) Rectangle

b) Square

c) Rhombus


12. Which shape has the least number of sides?

a) Square

b) Circle

c) Triangle


13. A shape with sides that curve to form a round boundary is a ______.

a) Rhombus

b) Circle

c) Rectangle


14. A shape with one longer side and two shorter sides is a ______.

a) Triangle

b) Square

c) Circle


15. A shape with opposite sides equal and parallel is a ______.

a) Rectangle

b) Rhombus

c) Circle



Examples of sizes:






Pupils should allowed to compare between objects.




1. An elephant is an example of a ______ animal.

a) Big

b) Small

c) Light


2. A truck is a type of ______ vehicle.

a) Light

b) Small

c) Large


3. A mouse is a ______ animal compared to an elephant.

a) Big

b) Light

c) Small


4. A feather is an example of something that is ______.

a) Light

b) Big

c) Large


5. A mountain is an example of something that is ______.

a) Light

b) Small

c) Big


6. A cat is usually considered a ______ animal.

a) Large

b) Small

c) Big


7. A bicycle is a ______ mode of transportation.

a) Large

b) Small

c) Big


8. A balloon is something that is ______.

a) Small

b) Light

c) Large


9. A tree can be classified as ______ compared to a flower.

a) Small

b) Light

c) Large


10. A car is a ______ vehicle.

a) Light

b) Small

c) Big


11. An ant is a ______ insect.

a) Big

b) Large

c) Small


12. The sun is a ______ source of light.

a) Light

b) Big

c) Small


13. A skyscraper is a ______ building.

a) Small

b) Light

c) Large


14. A pencil is usually considered ______ in comparison to a book.

a) Big

b) Large

c) Small


15. A feather is ______ and doesn’t weigh much.

a) Light

b) Big

c) Large





Week: Third Class: primary 2

Topic: Sense of Hearing I

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson Pupils should be able to:

observe and identify the organs of hearing.

states the importance of hearing.

Instructional material/Reference material: charts, pictures.

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: The pupils are familiar with the topic.


Sense of hearing

The Sense of hearing is the ear, it enables us to hear everything around us.





























Importance of Hearing

The importance of hearing include:

It enables us get information on life.

It helps us to save our lives from dangers around us.

It helps us with to listen to people around us.

It helps us to communicate with people easily



List the importance of hearing


1. Hearing enables us to receive ______ about life.

a) Smells

b) Tastes

c) Information


2. Our sense of hearing helps us stay safe from ______.

a) Laughter

b) Dangers

c) Friends


3. We use hearing to ______ to the people around us.

a) Watch

b) Listen

c) Talk


4. Our ability to hear helps us ______ with others easily.

a) Sleep

b) Walk

c) Communicate


5. Hearing allows us to understand the ______ around us.

a) Textures

b) Dangers

c) Sounds


6. Listening to instructions can help us avoid ______.

a) Joy

b) Dangers

c) Games


7. We use our sense of hearing to be aware of our ______.

a) Height

b) Speed

c) Surroundings


8. Hearing can help us enjoy the ______ of music.

a) Taste

b) Smell

c) Sounds


9. Our ability to hear helps us enjoy ______ with friends.

a) Solitude

b) Communication

c) Isolation


10. Listening carefully can help us learn ______ from others.

a) Dancing

b) Information

c) Silence


11. Our sense of hearing is important for ______ safely.

a) Sleeping

b) Eating

c) Living


12. Hearing helps us understand what people are ______.

a) Reading

b) Writing

c) Saying


13. Our ears help us recognize ______ around us.

a) Smells

b) Tastes

c) Sounds


14. Listening to warnings can prevent ______ situations.

a) Fun

b) Dangerous

c) Friendly


15. Our ability to hear enhances our overall ______ with the world.

a) Frustration

b) Connection

c) Isolation






The Sense Organs



Week: Four Class: primary 2

Topic: sense of hearing



Edu Delight Tutors


Behavioural objectives: At the end of lesson Pupils should be able to:

identify various sound made by objects, animals and persons.

listen to sounds of objects, animals or persons.

Instructional material/Reference material: Textbook, charts and pictures

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic.


Animals and their sounds

Dog barks

Goat bleats

Hen cocks

Cat meows

Lion roars

Objects and their sounds

Clock Ticks

Bell rings

Door creak



1. A dog _____.

a) barks

b) meows

c) bleats


2. A goat _____.

a) meows

b) roars

c) bleats


3. A hen _____.

a) roars

b) barks

c) cocks


4. A cat _____.

a) roars

b) meows

c) barks


5. A lion _____.

a) barks

b) roars

c) bleats


6. The sound of a dog is a _____.

a) roar

b) meow

c) bark


7. When a goat makes noise, it _____.

a) bleats

b) meows

c) roars


8. A hen makes a sound called _____.

a) bark

b) cock

c) cluck


9. Cats usually _____.

a) bleat

b) bark

c) meow


10. The loud sound of a lion is a _____.

a) roar

b) bleat

c) meow


11. Which animal barks?

a) Lion

b) Dog

c) Cat


12. The sound of a goat is called _____.

a) cluck

b) bleat

c) meow


13. When a cat makes noise, it _____.

a) bleats

b) roars

c) meows


14. Which animal makes a roaring sound?

a) Goat

b) Lion

c) Hen


15. A hen’s sound is often referred to as _____.

a) meow

b) cock

c) cluck





Mention objects and their sounds


Animals and the Sounds they Produce

Week: five Class: primary 2

Topic: Sense of Touch



Edu Delight Tutors


Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson Pupils should be able to:

observe and identify the organ of touching.

states the importance of touch.

identify objects by touching and feeling.

Instructional material/Reference material: Textbook, charts and pictures.

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic.


Sense of touching and feeling

The Sense organ used for touching and feeling is the skin.



















Importance of Touch

It gives access to good atmosphere, through the feeling.

It enables us to feel a particular place before staying there.



It helps us feel harmful and safe objects.

It helps us to feel a particular material before resting on it. Evaluation:

List the importance of sense of touch



Week: Six

Class: Primary Two Topic: Sense of Taste

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson Pupils should be able to:

identify the parts of the body with which we taste things/substances.

identify things that are sweets, salty, bitter, sour, tasteless etc.



Instructional material/Reference material: Textbook, charts, and pictures

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic


Sense of Taste

The Sense of organ that enables us taste is the tongue Identification of the taste of things

Salt, the salty has a salty taste

Sugar has a sweet taste

Honey has a sweet taste

4 Bitter leaf has a bitter taste

5. Lime has a sour taste.











1. The sense organ that enables us to taste is the ______.

a) nose

b) eyes

c) tongue


2. Salt has a ______ taste.

a) sweet

b) sour

c) salty


3. Sugar has a ______ taste.

a) bitter

b) sweet

c) sour


4. Honey has a ______ taste.

a) sweet

b) salty

c) bitter


5. Bitter leaf has a ______ taste.

a) sweet

b) sour

c) bitter


6. Lime has a ______ taste.

a) sweet

b) sour

c) salty


7. The organ responsible for tasting is the ______.

a) eyes

b) tongue

c) ears


8. The taste of salt is usually ______.

a) sweet

b) sour

c) salty


9. Sour taste is often associated with foods that contain ______.

a) sugar

b) salt

c) acids


10. When you eat something bitter, it has a ______ taste.

a) salty

b) sour

c) bitter


11. Sweet taste is often associated with foods that contain ______.

a) salt

b) sugar

c) acids


12. The tongue helps us identify the ______ of things.

a) texture

b) color

c) taste


13. Our sense of taste helps us enjoy different ______.

a) sounds

b) colors

c) flavors


14. Our taste buds are located on the ______.

a) nose

b) eyes

c) tongue


15. Lime juice is known for its ______ taste.

a) sweet

b) sour

c) bitter







Evaluation: list some food and their taste Week: seven

Class: primary 2

Topic: Sense of Taste II

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should able to:

1. identify things that are safe and not safe to taste

Instructional material/Reference material: Textbook, charts and pictures

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic.


Identification of safe and unsafe things to taste Examples of Safe things to taste




Bitter kola etc.

Examples of unsafe things to taste are:






Insecticide e.t.c


mention 2 materials safe for taste.

mention 2 materials not safe.





Week: Eight Class: primary 2

Topic: sense of smell

Behavioural objectives: Pupils should be able to:

identify part of the body used for smelling things.

smelling with nose detect various odour.

identify things with pleasant and unpleasant smell.

Instructional material/Reference material: Textbook, charts and pictures.

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic


Sense of smelling

The sense of smelling is the nose. The nose helps us perceive pleasant and unpleasant odour in our environment.




























Identification of pleasant and unpleasant smell Examples of pleasant smell

Fruits e.g. banana, oranges, mango etc.

Flowers, leaves, socks, kerosene

Onion, coffee,

Examples of unpleasant smell


Commercial insecticides. Evaluation:

Give two examples of pleasant and unpleasant smell each





1. Fruits like banana, oranges, and mangoes give off a ______ smell.

a) unpleasant

b) pleasant

c) neutral


2. Flowers and leaves usually have a ______ smell.

a) pleasant

b) neutral

c) unpleasant


3. The smell of socks is generally considered ______.

a) pleasant

b) neutral

c) unpleasant


4. Onion and coffee have distinct ______ smells.

a) neutral

b) unpleasant

c) pleasant


5. Kerosene is associated with a ______ smell.

a) pleasant

b) neutral

c) unpleasant


6. Perfume is often considered a ______ smell.

a) pleasant

b) neutral

c) unpleasant


7. Commercial insecticides emit an ______ smell.

a) neutral

b) pleasant

c) unpleasant


8. When we smell a rose, it gives us a ______ sensation.

a) unpleasant

b) neutral

c) pleasant


9. The scent of a fresh orange is usually ______.

a) neutral

b) unpleasant

c) pleasant


10. The smell of fresh laundry can be described as ______.

a) unpleasant

b) neutral

c) pleasant


11. A whiff of coffee beans often gives a ______ smell.

a) pleasant

b) neutral

c) unpleasant


12. Onions have a strong ______ smell.

a) pleasant

b) neutral

c) unpleasant


13. The aroma of a bakery is often considered ______.

a) unpleasant

b) neutral

c) pleasant


14. The scent of roses is widely known for its ______ nature.

a) neutral

b) unpleasant

c) pleasant


15. When we detect a bad odor, it is usually an ______ smell.

a) pleasant

b) neutral

c) unpleasant




Week: Nine Class: primary 2 Topic: Soil

Sub- topic: Types of soil

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson Pupils should be able to:



define soil.

mention different types of soil

Instructional material/Reference material: Textbook, charts and pictures

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic.



The soil is the upper most layer of the earth surface Types of soil
















Evaluation: Define soil

List the types of soil. Properties of clay soil







Week: Ten Class: primary 2

Topic: Properties of Soil

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to: List the properties of soil

Instructional material/Reference material: Textbook, charts and pictures

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic.


Properties of soil Clay soil

It is sticky when wet

It retains water

It is smooth when dry Loamy soil

It is dark in nature

It is retains water a little

It contains minerals used for planting Sand soil

It has no capacity to retain water

It is hard in nature




List the properties of soil























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