Capacity Measure Multiplication and Division in Litres Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Mathematics Week 8

Subject : Mathematics

Class :Primary 4

Term :Third Term

Week :Week 8

Topic : Capacity Basic Unit of Measurement Multiplication and Division in Litres Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Mathematics Week 8

Previous Lesson :

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Understand the basic unit of measurement for capacity, which is liters.
  2. Perform multiplication involving liters to find the total capacity.
  3. Perform division involving liters to distribute a given quantity of liquid equally among containers.
  4. Solve word problems related to multiplication and division of liters.
  5. Apply the concept of capacity measures to real-life situations.


Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Numeracy skills: Multiplication and division of whole numbers.
  2. Problem-solving skills: Applying mathematical concepts to solve real-life problems.
  3. Critical thinking skills: Analyzing and interpreting information to arrive at solutions.
  4. Communication skills: Expressing mathematical ideas clearly and effectively.


Learning Materials:

  1. Whiteboard, markers, and eraser.
  2. Capacity measuring tools, such as graduated containers, bottles, or beakers.
  3. Visual aids, including diagrams and illustrations to demonstrate concepts.
  4. Worksheets or handouts with practice exercises.
  5. Word problem cards for group work or class discussion.
  6. Stopwatch or timer (for timed activities, if desired).

Content :

Multiplication of Litres

Good morning, class! Today, we’re going to explore the topic of Capacity Measures and specifically focus on multiplication involving liters. Are you all ready to learn? Great!


Now, before we dive into multiplication, let’s quickly revise what capacity measures are. Capacity measures help us understand the amount of liquid a container can hold. In this lesson, we’ll be using the unit of measurement called liters. Liters help us measure the volume or capacity of liquid.


Now, let’s move on to multiplication involving liters. Multiplication is a mathematical operation that helps us find the total amount when we have equal groups of the same size. In the context of capacity measures, multiplication allows us to calculate the total capacity when we have multiple containers of the same size.


Let’s say we have a container that can hold 2 liters of water. And we want to find out how much water can be stored in 5 of these containers. To solve this problem, we multiply the capacity of one container, which is 2 liters, by the number of containers we have, which is 5.


2 liters (capacity of one container) × 5 (number of containers) = 10 liters


So, when we have 5 containers, each with a capacity of 2 liters, the total capacity will be 10 liters. We can say that 5 containers, each containing 2 liters of water, gives us a total capacity of 10 liters.


Let’s take another example. Suppose we have a different container that can hold 3 liters of milk. And we have 4 containers with the same capacity. To find the total capacity, we multiply the capacity of one container, which is 3 liters, by the number of containers we have, which is 4.


3 liters (capacity of one container) × 4 (number of containers) = 12 liters


So, when we have 4 containers, each with a capacity of 3 liters, the total capacity will be 12 liters. We can say that 4 containers, each containing 3 liters of milk, gives us a total capacity of 12 liters.


In multiplication, it’s important to remember that the order of the numbers does not matter. Whether we multiply 2 liters by 5 or 5 by 2, the result will be the same.


Now, let’s practice a few more problems together:


1. If one container can hold 6 liters and we have 7 containers, what is the total capacity?

Answer: 6 liters × 7 containers = 42 liters


2. If each container can hold 4 liters and we have 10 containers, what is the total capacity?

Answer: 4 liters × 10 containers = 40 liters


Remember to carefully read the problem and identify the capacity of one container and the number of containers before performing the multiplication.


I hope you all understand how to perform multiplication involving liters in capacity measures. Keep practicing and solving more problems to strengthen your skills. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.






  1. One container can hold 3 liters. If we have 6 containers, the total capacity is _______ liters. a) 9 b) 12 c) 18 d) 24
  2. Each container can hold 5 liters. If we have 8 containers, the total capacity is _______ liters. a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d) 40
  3. If one container has a capacity of 2 liters, and we have 9 containers, the total capacity is _______ liters. a) 11 b) 13 c) 15 d) 18
  4. Each container can hold 4 liters. If we have 5 containers, the total capacity is _______ liters. a) 15 b) 18 c) 20 d) 25
  5. One container can hold 7 liters. If we have 3 containers, the total capacity is _______ liters. a) 10 b) 15 c) 20 d) 21
  6. Each container can hold 6 liters. If we have 10 containers, the total capacity is _______ liters. a) 46 b) 56 c) 60 d) 66
  7. If one container has a capacity of 9 liters, and we have 7 containers, the total capacity is _______ liters. a) 14 b) 43 c) 49 d) 63
  8. Each container can hold 8 liters. If we have 6 containers, the total capacity is _______ liters. a) 12 b) 24 c) 32 d) 48
  9. One container can hold 12 liters. If we have 4 containers, the total capacity is _______ liters. a) 14 b) 24 c) 36 d) 48
  10. Each container can hold 3 liters. If we have 12 containers, the total capacity is _______ liters. a) 15 b) 30 c) 36 d) 42





Capacity Measures : Division Involving Litres


Good morning, class! Today, we’re going to continue our exploration of Capacity Measures, but this time we’ll focus on division involving liters. Are you all ready? Great!

First, let’s quickly review what division is. Division is a mathematical operation that helps us share or distribute a given quantity equally into groups or parts. In the context of capacity measures, division allows us to find out how much liquid can be poured into each container when we have a total quantity of liquid and a specific number of containers.

Now, let’s move on to division involving liters. Division helps us determine the capacity or amount of liquid each container will have when we divide a given quantity of liquid equally among the containers.

For example, let’s say we have 10 liters of water, and we want to pour it equally into 5 containers. To find out how much water each container will have, we divide the total quantity of water, which is 10 liters, by the number of containers, which is 5.

10 liters (total quantity of water) ÷ 5 (number of containers) = 2 liters

So, when we divide 10 liters of water equally among 5 containers, each container will have 2 liters of water. We can say that each container will have a capacity of 2 liters.

Let’s take another example. Suppose we have 15 liters of milk, and we want to distribute it equally among 3 containers. To find out how much milk each container will have, we divide the total quantity of milk, which is 15 liters, by the number of containers, which is 3.

15 liters (total quantity of milk) ÷ 3 (number of containers) = 5 liters

So, when we divide 15 liters of milk equally among 3 containers, each container will have 5 liters of milk. We can say that each container will have a capacity of 5 liters.

In division, it’s important to remember that the order of the numbers does matter. Dividing 10 liters by 5 or 5 by 10 will give us different results.

Now, let’s practice a few more problems together:

1. If we have 8 liters of juice and 4 containers, how much juice will each container have?
Answer: 8 liters ÷ 4 containers = 2 liters

2. If we have 20 liters of soda and 5 containers, how much soda will each container have?
Answer: 20 liters ÷ 5 containers = 4 liters

Remember to carefully read the problem and identify the total quantity of liquid and the number of containers before performing the division.

I hope you all understand how to perform division involving liters in capacity measures. Keep practicing and solving more problems to strengthen your skills. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.






Worked Examples

  1. Four cartons of soft drinks weigh 15 kg 316 g. How much will one carton weigh?
  2. Find the total weight of 8 tins of paint if each weighs 1.75 kg.
  3. A pair of shoes weighs 875 g. Find the weight of 12 similar pairs of shoes.
  4. A sachet of gari weighs 255 g. Find the weight of 15 similar sachets of gari.
  5. Eight women are to share 35 kg 232 g of rice equally among themselves. How much does each woman get?


Solution :

Let’s solve each problem step by step:


1. Four cartons of soft drinks weigh 15 kg 316 g. How much will one carton weigh?


To find the weight of one carton, we need to divide the total weight of the four cartons by the number of cartons, which is 4.


Weight of one carton = Total weight of four cartons / Number of cartons

Weight of one carton = 15 kg 316 g / 4


To divide the weight, we can convert the grams to kilograms to make the calculation easier.

15 kg 316 g = 15 kg + 316 g / 1000 (since there are 1000 grams in 1 kilogram)


Weight of one carton = 15.316 kg / 4

Weight of one carton = 3.829 kg


Therefore, one carton weighs approximately 3.829 kilograms.


2. Find the total weight of 8 tins of paint if each tin weighs 1.75 kg.


To find the total weight, we need to multiply the weight of one tin by the number of tins, which is 8.


Total weight of 8 tins = Weight of one tin × Number of tins

Total weight of 8 tins = 1.75 kg × 8

Total weight of 8 tins = 14 kg


Therefore, the total weight of 8 tins of paint is 14 kilograms.


3. A pair of shoes weighs 875 g. Find the weight of 12 similar pairs of shoes.


To find the weight of 12 pairs of shoes, we need to multiply the weight of one pair by the number of pairs, which is 12.


Weight of 12 pairs of shoes = Weight of one pair × Number of pairs

Weight of 12 pairs of shoes = 875 g × 12

Weight of 12 pairs of shoes = 10,500 g


Therefore, the weight of 12 similar pairs of shoes is 10,500 grams.


4. A sachet of gari weighs 255 g. Find the weight of 15 similar sachets of gari.


To find the weight of 15 sachets of gari, we need to multiply the weight of one sachet by the number of sachets, which is 15.


Weight of 15 sachets of gari = Weight of one sachet × Number of sachets

Weight of 15 sachets of gari = 255 g × 15

Weight of 15 sachets of gari = 3,825 g


Therefore, the weight of 15 similar sachets of gari is 3,825 grams.


5. Eight women are to share 35 kg 232 g of rice equally among themselves. How much does each woman get?


To find out how much rice each woman gets, we need to divide the total weight of rice by the number of women, which is 8.


Weight of rice per woman = Total weight of rice / Number of women

Weight of rice per woman = 35 kg 232 g / 8


First, let’s convert the grams to kilograms:

35 kg 232 g = 35 kg + 232 g / 1000


Weight of rice per woman = 35.232 kg / 8

Weight of rice per woman = 4.404 kg


Therefore, each woman will get approximately 4.404 kilograms of rice.


I hope that helps! If you have any further questions, please let me know.





  1. If we have 16 liters of milk and we want to distribute it equally into 4 containers, each container will have _______ liters. a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8
  2. One container can hold 5 liters of juice. If we have a total of 20 liters of juice, we can fill _______ containers. a) 2 b) 4 c) 5 d) 8
  3. If we have 24 liters of water and we want to pour it equally into 6 containers, each container will have _______ liters. a) 3 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8
  4. Each container can hold 3 liters of soda. If we have a total of 12 liters of soda, we can fill _______ containers. a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8
  5. If we have 30 liters of oil and we want to divide it equally among 5 containers, each container will have _______ liters. a) 3 b) 5 c) 6 d) 8
  6. One container can hold 8 liters of water. If we have a total of 24 liters of water, we can fill _______ containers. a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6
  7. If we have 18 liters of milk and we want to distribute it equally into 3 containers, each container will have _______ liters. a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 9
  8. Each container can hold 2 liters of juice. If we have a total of 10 liters of juice, we can fill _______ containers. a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
  9. If we have 36 liters of water and we want to pour it equally into 6 containers, each container will have _______ liters. a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 8
  10. One container can hold 7 liters of soda. If we have a total of 21 liters of soda, we can fill _______ containers. a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6



Lesson Plan Presentation:

Capacity – Basic Unit of Measurement, Multiplication, and Division of Litres

Primary 4, Third Term, Mathematics – Week  8


  1. Begin the lesson by reviewing the concept of capacity measures and the basic unit of measurement, liters.
  2. Introduce the topic of multiplication involving liters. Explain that multiplication helps us find the total capacity when we have multiple containers of the same size.
  3. Demonstrate a few examples of multiplication involving liters, using the whiteboard or visual aids.
  4. Explain the steps involved in solving multiplication problems, emphasizing the need to identify the capacity of one container and the number of containers before performing the multiplication operation.
  5. Engage students in solving multiplication problems, both individually and in pairs or small groups, using worksheets or handouts.
  6. Provide opportunities for students to share and discuss their answers, encouraging them to explain their thought processes and strategies



Teacher’s Activities:

  1. Present the topic and explain concepts clearly and concisely.
  2. Demonstrate examples and provide visual aids to aid understanding.
  3. Monitor students’ progress and offer guidance as needed.
  4. Facilitate discussions and encourage active participation.
  5. Provide feedback and clarify any misconceptions.


Learners’ Activities:

  1. Actively listen to the teacher’s explanations and demonstrations.
  2. Participate in class discussions and ask questions for clarification.
  3. Solve multiplication problems individually, in pairs, or in small groups.
  4. Share and explain their solutions to the class, promoting peer learning.





  1. Formative Assessment: Monitor students’ understanding during class activities and provide immediate feedback.
  2. Summative Assessment: Assign practice exercises or a short quiz to assess students’ understanding of multiplication involving liters.





Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. If one container can hold 5 liters of juice, and we have 4 containers, what is the total capacity?
  2. Each container can hold 3 liters of water. If we have 6 containers, what is the total capacity?
  3. If we have 8 liters of milk and want to distribute it equally among 2 containers, how much milk will each container have?
  4. One container can hold 2 liters of soda. If we have 10 liters of soda, how many containers can we fill?
  5. If we have 15 liters of oil and want to pour it equally into 5 containers, how much oil will each container have?
  6. Each container can hold 6 liters of water. If we have a total of 24 liters of water, how much water will be left after filling the containers?
  7. If one container can hold 4 liters of juice, and we have a total of 16 liters of juice, how many containers can we fill?
  8. Each container can hold 7 liters of milk. If we have 28 liters of milk, how many containers can we fill?
  9. If we have 36 liters of water and want to distribute it equally among 9 containers, how much water will each container have?
  10. One container can hold 3 liters of soda. If we have a total of 15 liters of soda, how many containers can we fill?





Conclusion: Recap the key concepts covered in the lesson, including the basic unit of measurement for capacity (liters), multiplication involving liters to find total capacity, and division involving liters to distribute liquid equally among containers. Emphasize the importance of understanding capacity measures in real-life situations.

X. Homework: Assign practice exercises or problem-solving questions related to capacity measures and multiplication/division involving liters. Encourage students to show their work and explain their solutions.

XI. Follow-up Activities (Optional):

  1. Conduct a hands-on activity where students measure different quantities of liquid using graduated containers and record their observations.
  2. Provide additional word problems for group work or independent practice to reinforce the application of capacity measures.

Remember to adapt the lesson plan according to the specific needs and pace of your students. Encourage active participation, foster a positive learning environment, and provide support as necessary.

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