Primary 5 Third Term History Lesson Notes

Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes


Weeks and Topics


Week 1

Revision of previous term lesson



Week 2 & 3

Nigeria’s Independence and its impacts on the people

  • Meaning of independence
  • Date and year of Nigeria’s independence
  • Country that gave Nigeria her independence
  • Key people that participated in Nigeria’s independence
  • The venue of Nigerian independence celebration
  • The process of Nigeria’s independence on October 1st 1960 and the impacts on Nigeria


Week 4 & 5

Nigerian Independence Republic and Federation

  • Meaning of a Republic
  • Meaning of a Federation
  • Structure of Nigeria’s government at independence
  • The Parliamentary system of the first republic in Nigeria


Week 6

Traditional Religion In Nigeria

  • Meaning of Religion
  • Meaning of Traditional Religion
  • Types of Traditional Religion like ogun, sango, olokun, zangbeto



Week 7




Week 8

Islam in Nigeria

  • Meaning of Islam
  • The founder of Islam
  • The origin of Islam
  • The people that helped the spread of Islam in Nigeria
  • The five pillars of Islam
  • The dominant areas where Islam is practiced in Nigeria



Week 9

Christianity in Nigeria

  • Meaning of Christianity
  • The founder of Christian faith
  • Who are Christians
  • The origin of Christianity in Nigeria
  • The early Christian missionaries and the roles they played in Nigeria
  • The problems Christian missionaries faced in Nigeria


Week 10

Traditional Occupations in the locality _ Lagos state

  • Meaning of occupation
  • Meaning of traditional occupations
  • Notable traditional occupations in Lagos state
  • The importance of traditional occupations in Lagos state
  • The various intergroup relations created by these occupations


Week 11

Traditional occupations of Nigerian people – Southern Nigeria

  • Nigerian people in Southern Nigeria
  • Various traditional occupations in Southern Nigeria
  • The interconnectivity of occupations in Nigeria
  • The importance of these occupation to growth and development


Week 12

Traditional occupations of Nigeria people – Northern Nigeria

  • Location of Northern Nigeria
  • Nigerian people in the Northern Nigeria
  • Various traditional occupations in Northern Nigeria i.e Animal husbandry, cereal farming, leather works, etc
  • Benefits of various occupation of the people of the Northern Nigeria
  • The concept of primary and secondary occupation i.e primary occupation = Animal husbandry
  • Secondary occupation = leather works

Revision History Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 13

Week 13

Primary 5 Third Term History Revision and Examination




Unified Schemes of Work History Primary 4 To Primary 6