Anticipating the Second Coming of Christ – Signs, Preparation, and Implications







The second coming of Christ refers to the expectation of Christians that Jesus Christ will come again into this world to take the faithful Christians to the abode he has prepared for them in Heaven according to his teaching. This is called “The rapture of the saints”. Paul, in his letter to the Thessalonians included the signs for the second coming of Jesus Christ which would involve those who are alive and those who are dead.

Jesus and Paul showed how to get ourselves prepared for Christ’s second coming. Christians should be expectant of Christ’s second coming on a daily basis because Jesus said his coming would be like the coming of a thief in the night. Therefore, we Christians should get ourselves prepared by living holy lives, loving one another and showing good conduct to people.


  1. According to Christian belief, the second coming of Christ refers to: a) Jesus returning to Earth to establish his earthly kingdom b) Jesus coming to Earth to judge and take the faithful Christians to Heaven c) Jesus appearing on Earth as a human being again
  2. Who wrote about the signs of the second coming of Christ in his letter to the Thessalonians? a) Peter b) James c) Paul
  3. How did Jesus describe the timing of his second coming? a) It will happen at a specific date and time b) It will be like the coming of a thief in the night c) It will be announced in advance to all people
  4. How should Christians prepare for the second coming of Christ according to Jesus and Paul? a) By accumulating wealth and possessions b) By living holy lives and loving one another c) By isolating themselves from the world
  5. What is commonly referred to as “the rapture of the saints”? a) The moment when Jesus will take the faithful Christians to Heaven during his second coming b) The resurrection of the dead at the second coming of Christ c) The judgment of all people by Jesus during his second coming
  6. In what form will Jesus come during his second coming? a) As a human being b) As a spirit c) In his glorified body
  7. How did Paul describe the second coming of Christ in his letter to the Thessalonians? a) As a peaceful event with no signs or warnings b) As a sudden and unexpected event c) As a gradual process that will take place over many years
  8. According to Christian teaching, who will be involved in the second coming of Christ? a) Only those who are alive at the time of his coming b) Only those who have died and been resurrected c) Both those who are alive and those who have died
  9. What should be the attitude of Christians towards the second coming of Christ? a) Fear and dread b) Indifference and apathy c) Expectation and readiness
  10. What should be the behavior of Christians in anticipation of the second coming of Christ? a) Living holy lives and showing good conduct to people b) Isolating themselves from the world and focusing only on spiritual matters c) Accumulating wealth and possessions in preparation for Christ’s arrival

The Signs of the Second Coming of the Lord

    (1Thessalonians 4:13-18; ll Thessalonians 2:1-2)

    Paul started his letter to the church of Thessalonians by warning them not to be deceived by false doctrines(teaching) for the day of the Lord was imminent. He reminded them how Jesus died and rose and that he will come back to the world again. He said that nobody knew the day except God, so Christians should not worry or be concerned about the day.

Paul said before the second coming of Christ, there will be the emergence of the lawless man which is also being referred to as Antichrist who will exalt himself and perform fake signs and wonders through satanic power. This lawless man would deceive the disobedient ones who are destined for destruction because of their refusal to accept the true gospel of Jesus Christ which can save them. God, as a result, shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie. This will lead to condemnation together with the lawless man. The lawless man will be revealed and the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth and destroy him with the brightness of his coming.

Paul also urged the Thessalonians Christians not to be sorrowful concerning those who are dead in the Lord as the unbelievers who have no hope of eternal life. He said because they believed that Jesus Christ died and rose again; even those who are dead in Christ will rise again. Paul continued by saying that the Lord shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God, the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then, we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Therefore, Christians should be watchful all the time in their dealings in order to be found guiltless and be able to reign with Christ. Everlasting destruction, on the other hands, awaits the disobedient ones.   


  1. According to Paul, what is the purpose of his letter to the Thessalonians? a) To warn them about false doctrines and the imminent day of the Lord b) To provide instructions on how to prepare for the second coming of Christ c) To comfort them about the death of their fellow believers
  2. Who did Paul warn the Thessalonians not to be deceived by? a) False prophets b) Antichrist c) Unbelievers
  3. What is the lawless man also known as in Paul’s letter? a) The Antichrist b) The False Messiah c) The Deceiver
  4. According to Paul, what will the lawless man do before the second coming of Christ? a) Perform fake signs and wonders through satanic power b) Proclaim himself as God c) Lead people to accept the true gospel of Jesus Christ
  5. What will happen to those who refuse to accept the true gospel of Jesus Christ? a) They will be deceived by the lawless man and condemned b) They will be saved by God’s strong delusion c) They will be caught up together with the believers in the clouds
  6. How will the lawless man be destroyed according to Paul? a) By the breath of Jesus’ mouth b) By the brightness of Jesus’ coming c) By the voice of the archangel
  7. What did Paul say about those who have died in the Lord? a) They have no hope of eternal life b) They will rise again when Jesus comes c) They will be condemned together with the lawless man
  8. How did Paul describe the second coming of the Lord? a) With a shout, the voice of the archangel, and the trumpet of God b) With signs and wonders performed by the lawless man c) With a gradual process over time
  9. What will happen to the dead in Christ during the second coming of the Lord? a) They will rise first b) They will be caught up in the clouds c) They will be condemned
  10. What should Christians do in anticipation of the second coming of Christ according to Paul? a) Be watchful and guiltless in their dealings b) Be sorrowful about the death of their fellow believers c) Be concerned about the day of the Lord


Preparation for His Coming (Mathew 25:31-46, l Thessalonians 5:1-11)

Jesus, in his teaching shows the Christians how they ought to prepare for his second coming. He said when he comes in his glory with all the holy angels, he would sit upon the throne of his glory and all nations would gather before him.

He would then separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. He would set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. He would say to them on his right hand: “Come, you blessed of my father; inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and came to you.”

He said he would answer them and in as much as they have done it to one of the least of His brethren, they have done it to him. He would also say to those on the left hand. “Depart from me, you are cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you did not give me food; I was thirsty and you did not visit me.”

He said, they would answer him saying: “Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger; or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?”

Then, he would answer them saying: “Verily I say to you, in as much as you did it not to one of the least of these (that is, his brethren) you did it not to me.” He said they shall go away into everlasting punishment; that is in the lake of fire; but the righteous into life eternal; that is in heaven.

Jesus is teaching us that we should prepare for his coming by doing good. He wants us to put into practice those things we have learnt in the Bible. Failure to do this will bring eternal damnation.

Concerning the preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ, Paul taught the Christians brethren that no one knows that no one knows the day of the Lord’s coming, but He would come suddenly like a thief in the night. Those in relaxation mood who say there is peace and security would under such deception face the danger of sudden destruction like the travails of a woman in labour. Therefore, Christians, according to Paul, were sons of light and of the day and not of darkness. They should not sleep like others, but for salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us, so that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him. He therefore advised them to comfort themselves together and build up one another.

The Significance of The Coming of Christ

  1. Concerning the signs of the second coming of Lord, Paul taught the Christians that death is not the end of a person, but a transition into eternal life in God’s kingdom for faithful Christians, but for the disobedient and the unfaithful one, it is a transition into damnation.
  2. Christians should believe in the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ. We should preach about the second coming of Christ to others in order to save them from sin and get them prepared.
  3. We should not be grievous concerning our loved ones who die in Christ because eternal life is awaiting them in heaven where they will die no more.
  4. We should always live as children of light and get ourselves prepared for the second coming of Christ.
  5. Concerning the preparation for the second coming of Christ, Jesus taught that those who are not hospitable would not inherit his kingdom. They will be sentenced into the lake of fire.
  6. According to Paul, Christians should be conscious of the second coming of Christ and be watchful and prayerful in how they live.
  7. Any obedient and faithful Christians who die before the second coming of Christ will go to paradise in heaven awaiting the final judgment. On the other hand, those who die without Christ and the disobedient Christians will end up in hell fire which fire burns day and night, awaiting the final judgment of Christ.


  1. According to Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 25:31-46, how would he separate the people when he comes in his glory? a. He would separate them based on their nationality b. He would separate them based on their age c. He would separate them based on their gender d. He would separate them as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats
  2. What would Jesus say to those on his right hand, according to his teaching in Matthew 25:34-40? a. “Come, you blessed of my father; inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” b. “Depart from me, you are cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” c. “You did not visit me when I was hungry or thirsty.” d. “In as much as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.”
  3. According to Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 25:45, why would he say to those on his left hand that they did not minister to him? a. Because they did not believe in him b. Because they did not go to church regularly c. Because they did not feed the hungry or clothe the naked d. Because they did not perform miracles
  4. According to Paul’s teaching in 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3, how would the day of the Lord’s coming be like? a. It would be a day of peace and security b. It would be a day of celebration and joy c. It would come suddenly like a thief in the night d. It would be announced in advance
  5. According to Paul’s teaching in 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6, what should Christians be like in preparation for the second coming of Christ? a. They should sleep like others b. They should be children of darkness c. They should be watchful and sober d. They should be carefree and relaxed
  6. According to Paul’s teaching in 1 Thessalonians 5:8, what should Christians put on as a breastplate in preparation for the second coming of Christ? a. Faith and love b. Hope and joy c. Righteousness and holiness d. Salvation and grace
  7. What did Paul advise the Thessalonian Christians to do in 1 Thessalonians 5:11? a. Comfort themselves and build up one another b. Be anxious and worried about the day of the Lord’s coming c. Stop preaching about the second coming of Christ d. Disregard the signs of the second coming
  8. According to Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 25:41, who is the everlasting fire prepared for? a. The righteous and the faithful b. The devil and his angels c. The poor and the needy d. The religious leaders
  9. According to Paul’s teaching in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, what will happen to faithful Christians who die before the second coming of Christ? a. They will go to paradise in heaven awaiting the final judgment b. They will be reincarnated into a new life c. They will be condemned to hell fire d. They will become angels in heaven
  10. According to Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 25:46, what is the destiny of those who die without Christ and the disobedient Christians? a. They will inherit the kingdom of God b. They will be sentenced into everlasting fire c. They will be rewarded with eternal life d. They will be given a second chance after death



  1. Mention five conditions for reining with Christ in eternity.
  2. Mention five things that can hinder a Christian from reigning with Christ.
  3. Mention three Significances of The Coming of Christ.




  1. Jesus said, “Come, you blessed of my Father; inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the __________ of the world.” (Matthew 25:34) a) beginning b) foundation c) end d) middle
  2. Jesus stated that when he comes in his glory, he would separate the nations as a shepherd divides his __________ from the goats. (Matthew 25:32) a) sheep b) cows c) lions d) birds
  3. Jesus mentioned that those who have done good to the least of his brethren have done it to __________. (Matthew 25:40) a) themselves b) their friends c) him d) the angels
  4. Jesus warned that those who did not provide food and drink to him when he was hungry and thirsty would be sent to everlasting __________. (Matthew 25:41) a) peace b) joy c) life d) fire
  5. Jesus said that Christians should be like children of __________ and of the day. (1 Thessalonians 5:5) a) darkness b) light c) ignorance d) sorrow
  6. According to Paul, Christians should not sleep like others, but be __________ and prayerful. (1 Thessalonians 5:6) a) awake b) lazy c) tired d) dreamy
  7. Paul taught that Christians should be comforted and built up __________. (1 Thessalonians 5:11) a) together b) separately c) in isolation d) occasionally
  8. Paul urged Christians to put on the breastplate of __________ and love as a helmet. (1 Thessalonians 5:8) a) faith b) hope c) righteousness d) joy
  9. According to Jesus, those who are not hospitable will not inherit his __________. (Matthew 25:46) a) riches b) blessings c) kingdom d) love
  10. Jesus taught that Christians should be watchful and __________ in how they live, in anticipation of his second coming. (Matthew 25:13) a) alert b) careless c) negligent d) forgetful
  11. Paul warned that those in relaxation mood who say there is peace and security would face the danger of sudden __________. (1 Thessalonians 5:3) a) destruction b) happiness c) growth d) change
  12. Paul emphasized that Christians are sons of __________ and of the day, not of darkness. (1 Thessalonians 5:5) a) God b) man c) nature d) evil
  13. Jesus said that those who did not provide clothing to him when he was naked would be condemned to everlasting __________. (Matthew 25:46) a) joy b) peace c) punishment d) reward
  14. Jesus taught that Christians should believe in the __________ and Ascension of Christ. (Matthew 25:31) a) birth b) resurrection c) death d) miracles
  15. Paul advised Christians to comfort themselves and build up __________ another. (1 Thessalonians 5:11) a) one b) themselves c) no d) each
  16. According to Jesus, Christians should minister to those who are hungry, thirsty, strangers, naked, sick, and in prison in order to prepare for his __________. (Matthew 25:35-36) a) resurrection b) second coming c) birth d) birth
  17. Jesus taught that Christians should be wise and invest their talents to gain __________ in his kingdom. (Matthew 25:14-30) a) recognition b) power c) influence d) rewards
  18. Paul encouraged Christians to be patient with one another and not to __________ evil for evil. (1 Thessalonians 5:15) a) repay b) ignore c) tolerate d) expect
  19. Jesus said that the wise virgins who were prepared with enough oil for their lamps would enter the __________ with him. (Matthew 25:10) a) palace b) feast c) wedding d) celebration
  20. Paul reminded Christians to rejoice always, __________ without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) a) pray b) worry c) complain d) doubt
  21. Jesus taught that whatever Christians do to the least of his brethren, they do it to __________. (Matthew 25:40) a) the world b) the angels c) themselves d) him
  22. Paul urged Christians to test everything and hold on to what is __________. (1 Thessalonians 5:21) a) false b) evil c) good d) uncertain
  23. Jesus said that those who did not visit him when he was sick or in prison would be condemned to everlasting __________. (Matthew 25:46) a) punishment b) happiness c) peace d) reward
  24. Paul encouraged Christians to respect those who are over them in the Lord, __________ them in love and esteem. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13) a) despise b) tolerate c) rebuke d) honor
  25. Jesus taught that Christians should be ready and prepared for his __________, as no one knows the day or the hour. (Matthew 25:13) a) birth b) resurrection c) second coming d) departure
  26. Paul instructed Christians to be at __________ with themselves, with others, and with God. (1 Thessalonians 5:23) a) peace b) war c) disagreement d) unrest
  27. Jesus said that those who did not welcome him as a stranger would be condemned to everlasting __________. (Matthew 25:46) a) peace b) reward c) punishment d) joy
  28. Paul urged Christians to pray for one another and to __________ each other up. (1 Thessalonians 5:25) a) bring b) tear c) break d) build
  29. Jesus taught that Christians should be faithful stewards of the resources and talents God has given them, as they will be held __________ for their actions. (Matthew 25:14-30) a) accountable b) blameless c) rewarded d) praised
  30. Paul encouraged Christians to have faith in God, who will __________ them and keep them blameless until the coming of Christ. (1 Thessalonians 5:23) a) protect b) harm c) abandon d) judge

Lesson Plan Presentation: Anticipating the Second Coming of Christ – Signs, Preparation, and Implications

I. Introduction (5 minutes)

  • Greet the students and establish a warm and welcoming classroom environment.
  • Introduce the topic of the Second Coming of Christ and its significance in Christian theology.
  • Share the objectives of the lesson: to understand the signs of the Second Coming of Christ, to discuss the importance of preparation for His coming, and to reflect on the implications of His return in our lives

II. Signs of the Second Coming of the Lord (15 minutes)

  • Engage the students in a discussion about the signs that Jesus and the apostles mentioned regarding His Second Coming.
    • What are some of the signs that Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 regarding His return?
    • What are some signs mentioned by the apostle Paul in his letters, such as 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3?
    • How do these signs relate to the current events and realities we see in the world today?
  • Use relevant Bible passages and other resources to explore the significance and implications of these signs for Christians and the world.
    • What do these signs reveal about the nearness and certainty of Christ’s return?
    • How do these signs impact our perspective and priorities in life?
    • What should be our response to these signs as followers of Christ?

III. Preparation for His Coming (15 minutes)

  • Discuss the importance of preparation for the Second Coming of Christ, using Matthew 25:31-46 and 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 as key passages.
    • What do these passages teach about the importance of being prepared for the return of Christ?
    • How do these passages emphasize the need for readiness, vigilance, and living in a way that pleases God?
    • What are some practical actions and attitudes that Jesus and Paul highlight as important for preparation for His coming?
  • Facilitate a class discussion on how we can practically prepare ourselves for the Second Coming of Christ in our daily lives.
    • What are some areas in our lives that need to be aligned with God’s will in light of His imminent return?
    • How can we grow in our faith, holiness, and love for God and others as we await His coming?
    • What are some challenges or obstacles that we may face in being prepared for His return, and how can we overcome them?

IV. Implications for Our Lives (10 minutes)

  • Lead a reflection and discussion on the implications of the Second Coming of Christ in our lives as Christians.
    • How should the reality of Christ’s return impact our attitudes, actions, and priorities in life?
    • What are some areas in our lives that may need to be changed or renewed in light of His imminent return?
    • How can we live in a way that demonstrates our anticipation and readiness for His coming?

V. Application and Conclusion (5 minutes)

  • Have students reflect on and write down specific action steps they can take to prepare themselves for the Second Coming of Christ in their daily lives.
  • Invite students to share their action steps with the class, and encourage mutual support and accountability.
  • Summarize the key lessons from the lesson and emphasize the importance of being aware of the signs of Christ’s return, preparing ourselves accordingly, and living with a sense of anticipation for His coming.
  • Close the lesson with a brief prayer, thanking God for the hope of Christ’s return and asking for His grace and guidance as we strive to be prepared for His coming.

VI. Homework (5 minutes)

  • Assign students to reflect on and journal about their progress in living with a sense of anticipation and readiness for the Second Coming

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