Home Economics
First Term
Week 3
Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of
that was taught in their previous lesson
Care of the Child
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
- Define care of the child
- Say the essence of good nutrition in care of the child
- Say the importance of breastfeeding
Instructional Materials:
- Wall charts
- Pictures
- Related Online Video
- Flash Cards
Methods of Teaching:
- Class Discussion
- Group Discussion
- Asking Questions
- Explanation
- Role Modelling
- Role Delegation
Reference Materials:
- Scheme of Work
- Online Information
- Textbooks
- Workbooks
- 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
- Workbooks
Content :
Care of the Child
A baby needs love, warmth, food, clothing, and a safe place to live. These are the basic necessities for survival and growth. Without these things, a child will not develop properly.
Caregivers need to provide all of these things in order to give their child the best possible chance at a successful life. Love is
Good Nutrition
The child needs good food that can promote growth and development. A baby can be fed by the use of feeding either by the breast or bottle. The breast milk is the best. Suitable semi- solid foods (cereals) are introduced as baby grows.
Breast Feeding (natural feeding)
This can be started immediately after birth. A baby can be fed exclusively on breast milk from birth to six months.
Colostrums are the first milk produced in the first few days by a nursing mother. Yellowish in colour, it helps to clear the baby’s first sticky stool called meconium.
Advantages of Breast Feeding
- Breast milk contains all the nutrients needed by a baby more than any other food.
- It contains antibodies which protect the child against disease infection.
- It is sterile and free from disease germs.
- It prevents constipation.
- It is cheaper than artificial feeding.
- It brings mother and child very close.
- It is produced in the right temperature.
- It is easily digested and absorbed by the baby.
- It does not require any elaborate preparation.
- Breast–feeding helps some mothers to protect themselves against another pregnancy.
Guidelines for Breast Feeding
The mother has to:
- Wash her hands and clean her breast before feeding the baby.
- Sit comfortably and carry the baby close to herself.
- Hold the breast properly and away from the baby’s nose.
- Let the baby feed at both breasts, one at a time.
- Wind the baby at the end of the feeding.
- Clean nipples brassiere always.
Weaning is the process of introducing the baby gradually to foods other than milk. Suitable weaning foods are cereals, root, fruit juice/drink, peas and beans, animal source (egg, fish, milk etc), vegetables.
Artificial or Bottle Feeding
This is the process of feeding a baby with artificial milk, often through the feeding bottle.
Disadvantages of Bottle Feeding
- It is expensive.
- The milk can be contaminated by disease germs.
- Constipation is common with bottle-fed babies.
- It does not contain antibodies.
- It requires elaborate preparation and sterilization unit.
Bathing the Baby
The baby’s skin is delicate. It should not be allowed to get dirty.
Materials Needed for Baby’s Bath
- Baby’s bath tub
- Large soft for covering
- Small towel for drying the baby’s skin.
- Face towel
- Soft sponge
- Baby’s comb and brush
- Baby’s oil, cream or lotion and powder.
- Clean clothes for dressing baby after bath.
Clothing the Baby
The baby requires good clothes for protection, warmth, comfort and good appearance. The clothes should be attractive, flat seams should be used. Selection should be on the basis of the weather conditions.
Toys for Children
A young baby needs only very few toys like rattles. As he/she needs large toys, such as a push-around toy which can help him to walk or a toy car.
Uses of Toys
- Keep children busy.
- Help them to learn
- Help them to exercise themselves in different ways.
- Make children happy.
Points to Consider when Choosing Toys for Children
Children‘s toys should:
- be safe
- suit the child’s age
- be easy to clean
- have no metal or sharp edges that can injure the child.
- be strong, durable and simple
- not be boring to the child
Step 1:
The subject teacher introduces the new topic
Step 2.
He introduces the new topic
Step 3:
The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise
- State any four advantages of breast feeding a child.
- Enumerate any four disadvantages of bottle feeding a child.
- List three points to consider in selecting baby’s clothes.
- Outline four uses of toys
- What is colostrums?
- What does colostrums do?
- Who should drink colostrums?
- What are the materials needed for a baby’s bath?
- How do you know which materials to use?
- Why is water important for bathing a baby?
- What are some methods for bathing a baby?
- Are there any risks associated with bathing a baby?
Conclusion :
The subject goes round to mark the pupils note. He does the necessary corrections
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Edu Delight Tutors
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