
Ability To Trust and Believe In Oneself


Subject: Civic Education


Class: Nursery 2


WEEK : 3


Topic: Confidence 


Sub-topic: Habits that build Confidence 


Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Imitation
  • Story Telling
  • Dramatization



Instructional Materials 

  • Paper
  • Mirror
  • Pictures
  • Online Resource
  • Lego
  • Poetry books
  • Wooden blocks
  • Cutouts showing people in beauty competition
  • Pictures on calendar showing people that shake hands or hugging each other


Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of

    Conflict Resolution

that was taught in their previous lesson.


Entry Behaviour :

  • Have you ever looked at yourself in a mirror
  • When you did, do you like what you see
  • Are you happy and confident at what or who you are becoming
  • Love yourself and be happy with yourself and others will love you and be happy with you


Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to


  • Define or say the meaning of confidence
  • Mention Habits that boost confidence
  • Explain how to love Oneself and love others
  • Trust, love and sharing
  • Differentiate between confidence and pride



Key Vocabulary Word

  • Confidence : self trust, believe, the ICAN spirit, faith, self reliance
  • Exhibit : show, display, reveal
  • Boost : make it happen faster or better, improve, stimulate, increase, augment


What is confidence ? 

Confidence is self reliance.

It means to trust Oneself in order to achieve a task or goal.

It is the mind that tells us not to be afraid because we can do it.

It is the inner man that suddenly wakes up and tell us that we can do it.

It is the I CAN attitude or mind set.




What are the habits that can boost our confidence? 

  • Happiness : We must always be happy and we should not allow anything to bother us ( Problems no dey finish oooo)
  • Neatness : We must be clean and neat always. When we are neat and clean, we will not be timid, shy or afraid to interact and communicate
  • Practice : Yes, we need to practise more of those sums or exercise that we are scared of or that we are unable to solve. The more we practise, the better and more confidence we are
  • Ask questions : When in doubt, please ask questions. Never mind if they will laugh at you. The more knowledgeable that you are, the more confident you will become.
  • Don’t judge or compare : If someone does something better than you, don’t judge yourself negatively or feel bad about it. It is just a function of time and learning. If you work very hard, you will discover that you will catch up with those people that you think that they are ahead of you




Differentiate between confidence and pride 

  • Know that you can do it
  • Do not think too much of yourself
  • Do not boast
  • Don’t think that other people are not people
  • Humble yourself
  • Pride goes before a fall
  • If you are proud, people with not talk or play with you
  • You must be humble
  • Pride is really really bad





The topic is presented step by step

Step 1: The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2: The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3: The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation


Class Teacher and Pupils Activities. Interaction or Participation 

This involves class teacher and pupils’ interaction, conversation, imitation or modeling through discussion, play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught

  • The class teacher asks the learners to look at the mirror and say any good things about the person that they see in the mirror
  • Encourage the learners to increase and boost their confidence by making good comments like very good, excellent, superb, well-done, or great when ever they do anything right in the class
  • Class teacher should not use bad comments like nonentity, dullard, olodo or poor as these types of comments kill the moral of the learners
  • Let the pupils make positive affirmatives like : I can do it, it’s not difficult, I’ve not got it yet but I will if I work harder at it





  1. Confidence means ability to ____________ Oneself (a) trust and believe (b) doubt and fear
  2. Is what you see in the mirror yourself ____________ (a) True (b) False
  3. Do you like what yourself when you look at yourself in the mirror ____________ (a) True (b) False
  4. Mention four habits that boost confidence (a) ____________(b) ____________ (c) ____________ (d) ____________
  5. We must be of good behaviour always______(a)true (b) false
  6. When someone pushes you, you must slap the person back ______(a)true (b) false
  7. Bad behaviors, bad words or bullying can lead to conflict ______(a)True (b) False
  8. Another name for conflict is resolution ______(a)True (b) False
  9. Conflict means quarrel ______(a)True (b) False
  10. The reward for good behavior is praise ______(a)True (b) False
  11. Dispute, fight, quarrel and disagreement have the same meaning as ______(a) conflict (b) resolution
  12. When someone offends us, we should  ______(a)fight back (b) report to our class teacher or the school management





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 Conflict Resolution




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