2nd Term Home Economics Primary 3 Examination







Instruction: Answer all question

Section A: Underline the correct option

1. We must always use __________ and ___________ to take care of our body.

(a) oil and pepper (b) clean water and soap (c) dirty water and soap.


2. Body hygiene refers to the things we do to keep our _____________ clean so we can be healthy.

(a) body (b) bay (c) environment


3. We care for our body to look ______________

(a) beautiful (b) ugly (c) dirty


4. We wash our _____________ and __________ to avoid spreading of germs.

(a) shoe and socks (b) car and chair (c) hands and feet


5. We can care for our skin by using __________

(a) Body cream (b) scissors (c) broom


6. Traditional mouth cleaning materials include _________

(a) soap (b) salt with chewing stick (c) garri and sugar


7. _________________ can be used for cleaning the hair.

(a) mouth wash (b) shampoo (c) sponge


8. Clothes help to promote our ________________ and status in society.

(a) culture (b) cousin (c) bubbles


9..Vests, skirts, jackets and ________________

(a) suits (b) slippers (c) bay


10. Clothes make us look _______________

(a) beautiful (b) sad (c) funny


11. Footwear _____________ our feet.

(a) exposes (b) reveal (c) protects


12. Sock, stockings, trekkers and ____________ are examples of footwear.

(a) sandals (b) football (c) singlet


13. We can wash our clothes with _____________ and _______________

(a) soap and clean water (b) pegs and lines (c) books and juice


14. Storing can help to protect our clothes from ______________


15. We clean our rooms daily to keep it _________ and tidy.

(a) dirty (b) sandy (c) clean


16. A clean house makes the house safe from ____________

(a) people (b) house hold pest (c) apple


17. Brooms and __________________ can be used to clean our rooms.

(a) dust pan (b) sand (c) stones


18. Special dresses are worn to the ______________ and _______________

(a) play grounds and games (b) church and mosque (c) school and lesson


19..We must raise our clothes when washing them to free them of ___________

(a) soap (b) kerosene (c) petrol


20. Pygamas are worn to ____________________ at ____________________

(a) bed, night (b) dance, morning (c) play, evening


Section B

1.Mention 3 things used for keeping clothes clean.

(a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________

(c) ______________________________


State three types of clothing items.

(a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________

(c) ______________________________


2. State three reasons for living in a clean home.

(a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________

(c) ______________________________


List three ways of caring for our clothes.

(a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________

(c) ______________________________


3. List four types of traditional clothes you know.

(a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________

(c) ______________________________ (d) _________________________________


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