Roles of good health in development



SUBJECT:: Home Economic

TOPIC:: Roles of good health in development

Our body needs to develop well as we grow.For anybody to develop, the person must have good health.

A sick person cannot develop well. A persons growth is noticed by increase in height and weight.

The person also gets stronger. Therefore, to develop well you must have good health.

The roles of good health in development include the following..

(a)Good health provides a good appetite, that is eating food as required by the body.
(b)It allows enough strength to do exercise. It also gives enough strength to carry out our activities of work and play.
(c)Good health helps in intellectual development which includes knowledge and understanding.
(d)It help one to grow normally.
(e)Good health protects individuals from sickness and diseases.
(f)Good health helps in development reasoning ability and taking wise decisions

(1)Our body needs to _______________

(2)A sick person cannot_____________

(3)A person’s growth is noticed by increase in__________and______

(4)State three roles of good health in development.

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