Insects: Methods of Controlling Harmful Insects Agricultural Science Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 7 & 8

Subject:  Agricultural Science 


Class: Basic 2 / Primary 2 / Year 2


Term: Second Term / 2nd Term


Week: Week 7 and Week 8



Insects: Methods of Controlling Harmful Insects


Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of

Insects: Damages Caused By Harmful Insects

that was taught in their previous lesson.



Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to

  • Mention the damages caused by harmful Insects
  • Say the methods of controlling Harmful Insects


Instructional Materials 

  • Wall Charts showing types of Insects
  • Online Resource
  • Textbooks
  • Scheme of work
  • 9- Year Basic


Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Imitation
  • Story Telling
  • Dramatization



Insects: Methods of Controlling Harmful Insects

  1. Biological Method : This involves the process of introducing the natural enemies of particular pests in order to prevent that particular pests from destroying farm produce or harvest. A farmer may introduce hen 🐔 and chicken 🐔 to feed on locust and grasshopper 🦗
  2. Chemical Method : This method involves the use of chemicals like insecticides and pesticides to kill and control harmful farm Insects. The chemical may be liquid, foam, gas or powder.
  3. Cultural Method : This is the normal practical method of getting rid of pests from the farm. The farmer may practically hand pick them, use cutlass or set traps for most stubborn nuisance pests
  4. Quarantine : This method is adapted by farmers in order to protect the healthy farm plants and animals from the sick diseased ones. The separation is necessary in order to keep and protect the healthy ones from being infected by the diseased ones


  1. Biological Method involves introducing natural enemies of pests to __________ them. a) Feed on b) Protect c) Scare d) Grow
  2. Chemical Method uses __________ to kill harmful insects. a) Water b) Rocks c) Insecticides d) Trees
  3. Cultural Method involves __________ pests by hand. a) Feeding b) Planting c) Picking d) Singing
  4. Quarantine is used to protect __________ plants and animals. a) Sick b) Healthy c) Green d) Small
  5. Biological Method may involve introducing __________ to feed on locusts. a) Cats b) Dogs c) Hens and chickens d) Fish
  6. Chemical Method uses __________ to control harmful insects. a) Food b) Insecticides and pesticides c) Toys d) Clothes
  7. Cultural Method may involve using __________ to get rid of pests. a) Cars b) Computers c) Cutlass or traps d) Books
  8. Quarantine helps in separating __________ plants and animals. a) Green b) Healthy c) Big d) New
  9. Biological Method uses __________ enemies of pests. a) Unnatural b) Natural c) Friendly d) Invisible
  10. Chemical Method uses __________ to kill harmful insects. a) Water b) Food c) Insecticides and pesticides d) Toys
  11. Cultural Method may involve __________ pests from the farm. a) Feeding b) Singing c) Hand picking d) Dancing
  12. Quarantine is used to protect __________ plants and animals from sick ones. a) Healthy b) Sick c) Big d) Small
  13. Biological Method involves introducing natural enemies of pests to __________ them. a) Protect b) Eat c) Play with d) Scare
  14. Chemical Method involves using __________ to control harmful insects. a) Food b) Insecticides and pesticides c) Books d) Clothes
  15. Cultural Method may involve using __________ to get rid of pests. a) Computers b) Cutlass or traps c) Cars d) Toys


Carefully Selected Second Term Examination Links For Revision




Examples of Dangerous Insects in our Homes


Pests Controls





The topic is presented step by step

Step 1: The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2: The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3: The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation



Class Teacher and Pupils Activities. Interaction or Participation 

This involves class teacher and pupils’ interaction, conversation, imitation or modeling through discussion, play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught.



  1. Mention one biting insect
  2. What are pests
  3. Mention four pests that you know
  4. Mention one boring insect
  5. Draw a butterfly
  6. Mention one piercing insect
  7. Mention the three division of the body of an insect
  8. Draw an ant
  9. What damage do mosquitoes cause on the farm
  10. How many legs do Insects have in all
  11. Mention two useful farm insects
  12. Draw a mosquito
  13. Mention two Usefulness if farm Insects
  14. Mention two harmful Insects that are found in our environment
  15. Say two harmless farm Insects that are commonly seen in our surroundings
  16. How do ant affect the farm
  17. What two diseases do house flies spread
  18. What insects spread malaria
  19. What insects spread sleeping sickness
  20. Which Insects suck human and animal blood



Previous Lesson

Insects: Damages Caused By Harmful Insects



Primary 1 First Term Scheme of work With Lesson Notes Agricultural Science

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