Insects: Damages Caused By Harmful Insects Agricultural Science Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject:  Agricultural Science 


Class: Basic 2 / Primary 2 / Year 2


Term: Second Term / 2nd Term


Week: Week 6



Insects: Damages Caused By Harmful Insects


Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of

Insects: Common Farm Insects in Our Environment

that was taught in their previous lesson.



Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to

  • Mention the damages caused by harmful Insects


Instructional Materials 

  • Wall Charts showing types of Insects
  • Online Resource
  • Textbooks
  • Scheme of work
  • 9- Year Basic


Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Imitation
  • Story Telling
  • Dramatization



Insects: Damages Caused By Harmful Insects

Harmful Insects are Insects that are not friendly with the farmers. They attack both plants and animals on the farmer. They also make life miserable for the farmers by destroying the farm produce or attacking the farmers themselves.

Damages Caused By Harmful Insects

  1. Ants : Ants attack by bitting the farmers. They also chew up leaves of young plants and at times such young plants die off.
  2. Bee : Bees are good because they produce homey but they may be harmful at times when provoked. They sting and these stings are very painful
  3. Mosquitoes : The bites of female anopheles mosquitoes cause malaria
  4. Beetles : They attached stored cowpeas or beans by drilling holes in the already harvested and stored beans.
  5. Bug : Bugs like bedbugs suck blood because the feed on blood
  6. Lice : They attach themselves to the hairy parts of the animals and cause untold hardship to the creatures by bitting and sucking blood.
  7. Ticks :They attach themselves to the hairy parts of the animals and cause untold hardship to the creatures by bitting and sucking blood.
  8. Grasshoppers : Grasshoppers destroy leaves by chewing leaves leaves of vegetables and fruits. 
  9. Locust : They destroy leaves by chewing leaves leaves of vegetables and fruits.
  10. Termites : They eat up leaves and tree branches
  11. Tsetse flies : The bites of tsetse flies cause sleeping sickness. Tsetse flies attack farmers and cattle
  12. House flies : They spread dysentery and cholera on the farm most especially when they contaminate foods and drinks of humans and animals on the farm
  13. Caterpillar : Caterpillar drills holes in fruits and make them less commercially profitable.



Carefully Selected Second Term Examination Links For Revision



  1. Ants attack by _________ the farmers:
    • (a) Biting (b) Kissing (c) Hugging (d) Tickling
  2. Bees sting and their stings are very _________:
    • (a) Delicious (b) Painful (c) Colorful (d) Beautiful
  3. The bites of female anopheles mosquitoes cause _________:
    • (a) Headaches (b) Malaria (c) Happiness (d) Sleepiness
  4. Beetles attach stored cowpeas or beans by drilling _________ in them:
    • (a) Holes (b) Circles (c) Squares (d) Lines
  5. Bugs like bedbugs suck _________ because they feed on blood:
    • (a) Milk (b) Water (c) Blood (d) Juice
  6. Lice attach themselves to animals and cause untold hardship by _________:
    • (a) Singing (b) Dancing (c) Biting (d) Laughing
  7. Ticks attach themselves to animals and cause untold hardship by _________:
    • (a) Kissing (b) Biting (c) Hugging (d) Crying
  8. Grasshoppers destroy leaves by _________ them:
    • (a) Chewing (b) Painting (c) Singing (d) Sleeping
  9. Locusts destroy leaves by _________ them:
    • (a) Eating (b) Reading (c) Writing (d) Watching
  10. Termites eat up leaves and _________ branches:
    • (a) Bark (b) Stone (c) Metal (d) Wood
  11. The bites of tsetse flies cause _________ sickness:
    • (a) Sneezing (b) Sleeping (c) Swimming (d) Singing
  12. House flies spread _________ and cholera on the farm:
    • (a) Joy (b) Happiness (c) Dysentery (d) Laughter
  13. Caterpillars drill holes in fruits and make them less _________ profitable:
    • (a) Economically (b) Financially (c) Socially (d) Environmentally
  14. Mosquitoes are known to transmit _________ through their bites:
    • (a) Colds (b) Fever (c) Malaria (d) Happiness
  15. Bees are good because they produce _________:
    • (a) Bread (b) Honey (c) Milk (d) Water


Examples of Dangerous Insects in our Homes


Pests Controls





The topic is presented step by step

Step 1: The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2: The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3: The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation



Class Teacher and Pupils Activities. Interaction or Participation 

This involves class teacher and pupils’ interaction, conversation, imitation or modeling through discussion, play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught.



  1. Mention one biting insect
  2. What are pests
  3. Mention four pests that you know
  4. Mention one boring insect
  5. Draw a butterfly
  6. Mention one piercing insect
  7. Mention the three division of the body of an insect
  8. Draw an ant
  9. What damage do mosquitoes cause on the farm
  10. How many legs do Insects have in all
  11. Mention two useful farm insects
  12. Draw a mosquito
  13. Mention two Usefulness if farm Insects
  14. Mention two harmful Insects that are found in our environment
  15. Say two harmless farm Insects that are commonly seen in our surroundings
  16. How do ant affect the farm
  17. What two diseases do house flies spread
  18. What insects spread malaria
  19. What insects spread sleeping sickness
  20. Which Insects suck human and animal blood



Previous Lesson

Insects: Common Farm Insects in Our Environment



Primary 1 First Term Scheme of work With Lesson Notes Agricultural Science

Next Lesson 






  1. One biting insect: Mosquito
  2. Pests: Pests are organisms that cause harm or damage to crops, livestock, or human health.
  3. Four pests: Cockroaches, rats, termites, and aphids.
  4. One boring insect: Carpenter bee
  5. Draw a butterfly: [Drawing of a butterfly]
  6. One piercing insect: Bed bug
  7. Three divisions of the body of an insect: Head, thorax, abdomen
  8. Draw an ant: [Drawing of an ant]
  9. Damage caused by mosquitoes on the farm: Mosquitoes can transmit diseases to livestock, reduce milk production, and cause discomfort to farm workers and animals.
  10. Number of legs insects have in all: Insects have six legs in total.
  11. Two useful farm insects: Ladybugs (for pest control) and bees (for pollination).
  12. Draw a mosquito: [Drawing of a mosquito]
  13. Two usefulness of farm insects: Pollination (by bees) and natural pest control (by ladybugs).
  14. Two harmful insects found in our environment: Tsetse flies and locusts.
  15. Two harmless farm insects: Ladybugs and butterflies.
  16. How do ants affect the farm: Ants can damage crops by feeding on seeds, plant secretions, and other organic matter. They may also protect and farm pests like aphids, harming plant health.
  17. Two diseases spread by house flies: Cholera and dysentery.
  18. Insects that spread malaria: Mosquitoes (Anopheles species).
  19. Insects that spread sleeping sickness: Tsetse flies (Glossina species).
  20. Insects that suck human and animal blood: Fleas and ticks.



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