Revision and Review Test Questions Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Christian Religious Studies – Primary 5

Term: First Term
Week: 11
Topic: Revision of All Topics Covered This Term

Part A: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

(20 FAQ with Answers)

  1. Q: What does it mean that God created man in His own image?
    A: It means humans were made to resemble God in spirit and qualities like love and creativity.
  2. Q: Why did God create the world?
    A: God created the world to show His power, love, and to provide a home for all living things.
  3. Q: How can we be creative like God?
    A: We can be creative by making new things, solving problems, and using our talents for good.
  4. Q: What are some examples of things God created?
    A: God created the heavens, earth, animals, plants, and humans.
  5. Q: How does God show His love to us?
    A: God shows His love by protecting us, providing for our needs, and forgiving our sins.
  6. Q: Why did God save the Israelites from Egypt?
    A: God saved them because He loved them and had promised to take them to the Promised Land.
  7. Q: What does it mean when we say God is merciful?
    A: It means God is kind, forgiving, and does not always punish us for our wrongdoings.
  8. Q: How can we show mercy to others?
    A: We can show mercy by forgiving those who hurt us and helping those in need.
  9. Q: What is work according to the Bible?
    A: Work is any good activity we do to meet our needs and help others.
  10. Q: Why does God want us to work?
    A: God wants us to work so that we can take care of ourselves and contribute to the world.
  11. Q: How did God provide for the Israelites in the wilderness?
    A: God provided food (manna) and water for them every day.
  12. Q: What is the importance of trusting in God’s deliverance?
    A: Trusting in God means believing that He will save us from trouble.
  13. Q: How did David show trust in God when he fought Goliath?
    A: David trusted that God would help him defeat Goliath even though he was small.
  14. Q: What does it mean that God’s love saves us?
    A: It means God’s love helps us in difficult times and keeps us safe from harm.
  15. Q: Can you give an example of how God used someone to save others?
    A: God used Queen Esther to save the Jewish people from destruction.
  16. Q: Why is God’s creation a sign of His love for us?
    A: It shows He cares for us by giving us everything we need to live and be happy.
  17. Q: What is an example of God showing mercy in the Bible?
    A: God showed mercy by forgiving the people of Nineveh when they repented.
  18. Q: How can we be sure that God will protect us from danger?
    A: We can be sure because the Bible tells us that God is our protector and never fails.
  19. Q: What does it mean when the Bible says, “God supplies our needs”?
    A: It means God provides everything we need, like food, shelter, and love.
  20. Q: Why is it important to believe in God’s plan for us?
    A: Believing in God’s plan helps us trust Him and follow His guidance in our lives.

Part B: Objective Questions

(20 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with options a, b, c, or d)

  1. God created man in His own ______.
    a) Shape
    b) Form
    c) Image
    d) Idea
  2. God wants us to be ______ like Him.
    a) Lazy
    b) Creative
    c) Strong
    d) Proud
  3. God saved the Israelites by parting the ______ Sea.
    a) Red
    b) Blue
    c) Dead
    d) Green
  4. David defeated ______ with a slingshot.
    a) Samson
    b) Goliath
    c) Pharaoh
    d) Saul
  5. God supplies all our ______.
    a) Wants
    b) Desires
    c) Needs
    d) Greed
  6. God showed mercy on the people of ______ by not destroying them.
    a) Nineveh
    b) Babylon
    c) Sodom
    d) Egypt
  7. Queen Esther saved the Jewish people from a plot to ______ them.
    a) Help
    b) Feed
    c) Destroy
    d) Welcome
  8. God wants us to ______ others as He shows us mercy.
    a) Ignore
    b) Fight
    c) Judge
    d) Forgive
  9. God created the world in ______ days.
    a) Five
    b) Six
    c) Seven
    d) Eight
  10. God used Moses to save the Israelites from ______.
    a) Egyptians
    b) Romans
    c) Philistines
    d) Persians
  11. God asked ______ to build an ark to save mankind and animals from the flood.
    a) Abraham
    b) Isaac
    c) Noah
    d) Jacob
  12. God’s love for us is shown by sending His ______ to save us.
    a) Prophet
    b) Angel
    c) Son
    d) Spirit
  13. God delivered Daniel from the ______.
    a) Fiery furnace
    b) Lion’s den
    c) Pharaoh’s wrath
    d) Sea
  14. God saved Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the ______ furnace.
    a) Cold
    b) Hot
    c) Fiery
    d) Dark
  15. God wants us to ______ and trust Him always.
    a) Doubt
    b) Believe
    c) Fear
    d) Ignore
  16. God’s mercy is shown when He ______ our sins.
    a) Ignores
    b) Forgets
    c) Remembers
    d) Forgives
  17. God used ______ to bring down the walls of Jericho.
    a) Moses
    b) Joshua
    c) Aaron
    d) David
  18. God’s love saves us from ______.
    a) Trouble
    b) Wealth
    c) Happiness
    d) Peace
  19. God used David to save the Israelites from the ______.
    a) Egyptians
    b) Romans
    c) Philistines
    d) Babylonians
  20. God showed mercy to the sinful woman by ______ her.
    a) Punishing
    b) Ignoring
    c) Forgiving
    d) Mocking

Part C: Theory Questions

(20 Simple Short Answer Questions)

  1. What does it mean to be created in God’s image?
  2. Name three things that God created.
  3. How can we be creative like God?
  4. What did Moses do to help the Israelites escape from Egypt?
  5. Describe how David showed faith in God when he faced Goliath.
  6. Why is it important to trust God for our needs?
  7. What is mercy according to the Bible?
  8. How can we show mercy to others?
  9. What is work according to God’s plan?
  10. Why does God want us to work?
  11. How did God provide for the Israelites in the wilderness?
  12. Why should we trust God to save us from danger?
  13. How did God save Daniel from the lion’s den?
  14. How does God’s love help us?
  15. What is one way God has saved His people in the Bible?
  16. Why did God show mercy to the people of Nineveh?
  17. What does the story of Queen Esther teach us about God’s protection?
  18. How does God supply our needs?
  19. Why is it important to believe in God’s love?
  20. What lesson can we learn from the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?

Part D: True or False Questions

(20 True or False Questions)

  1. God created man on the eighth day.
  2. God wants us to be creative like Him.
  3. David used a sword to defeat Goliath.
  4. God does not supply all our needs.
  5. Queen Esther saved her people by praying to God.
  6. God saved Daniel from the fiery furnace.
  7. God created everything in six days.
  8. God used Moses to lead the Israelites to the promised land.
  9. God’s love is only for Christians.
  10. God showed mercy to Nineveh by not destroying it.
  11. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were saved from the lion’s den.
  12. God created light on the first day.
  13. God does not want us to work.
  14. God shows us mercy because He loves us.
  15. God used Joshua to destroy the walls of Jericho.
  16. God loves everyone equally.
  17. God’s love saves us from sin.
  18. God sent an angel to save Peter from prison.
  19. God wants us to ignore the needs of others.
  20. God’s mercy is shown by punishing us.

Part E: Fill in the Gaps Questions

(20 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions without options)

  1. God created man in His own ______.
  2. We are made to be ______ like God.
  3. God saved the Israelites by parting the ______ Sea.
  4. David used a ______ to defeat Goliath.
  5. God provides all our ______.
  6. God showed mercy to the people of ______.
  7. Queen Esther saved the ______ people.
  8. We should show ______ to others.
  9. God created the world in ______ days.
  10. God used ______ to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
  11. Noah built an ______ to save mankind and animals.
  12. God sent His ______ to save us.
  13. God saved Daniel from the ______.
  14. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were saved from the ______ furnace.
  15. God wants us to ______ in Him always.
  16. God’s mercy is shown when He ______ our sins.
  17. Joshua led the Israelites to bring down the walls of ______.
  18. God’s love saves us from ______.
  19. David saved the Israelites from the ______.
  20. God forgave the sinful woman, showing His ______.

This revision exercise is designed to help pupils recall important concepts from the term and ensure they understand the key teachings. Each section is tailored to different question types to provide comprehensive revision coverage.




1.) ________________ created all things (a) God (b) Edet (c) Man

2.) In the beginning, the ________ of God was moving over the deep (a) man (b) spirit (c) servant

3.) On the first day, God created the _____________ (a) bullet (b) weapon (c) light

4.) _______________ created the heaven and the earth (a) computer (b) Lucifer (c) God

5.) God created man on the ______________ day (a) second (b) fifth (c) sixth

6.) On the seventh day, God ____________ (a) forgot to rest (b) was too busy (c) rested

7.) Moon, sun and stars were created on the __________ day (a) second (b) third (c) fourth

8.) God is ______ because He knows everything (a) omniscience (b) omnipresent (c) omnipotent

9.) God is __________ because He is everywhere (a) omniscience (b) omnipresent (c) omnipotent

10.) God can do all things because He is _______ (a) omniscience (b) omnipresent (c) omnipotent

11.) God is ready to provide for all our needs if we ask Him in _______

(a) debate (b) argument (c) prayer

12.) God provided manna and ____________ to feed the Isrealites in the desert

(a) fish (b) butter (c) quail

13.) We should not be troubled or worried because God is able to give us _______

(a) nothing (b) everything (c) only money

14.) Complete this quotation “seek and you will find, knock and ______

(a) God will hear (b) It shall be opened (c) enter

15.) God gave us ________ to save us from our sins (a) Jesus Christ (b) Lucifer (c) satan

16.) God will supply our needs if we ________________ (a) complain (b) ask in prayer (c) cry

17.) Jesus teaches us to be anxious ________

(a) about what to eat (b) about what to drink (c) about nothing

18.) God created us love us and wants us to ________ (a) fight (b) kill (c) create

19.) One of the ways that God speaks to us is through _______ (a) infection (b) dreams (c) slap

20.) God created the world in ___________ days (a) five (b) one (c) six






CRS Basic 5 First Term Exams


Section B

1.) Mention two attributes of God that are common to only God alone

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

2.) Mention two attributes of God that are common to good men and women

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

3.) On the first day, God created the ____________________________

b.) One the second day, God created the __________________________

4.) Mention two ways by which God can speak to us

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

5.) Mention two things that God provides for us

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________



















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