Bible Knowledge Primary 5 First Term Examination





1.) ________________ created all things (a) God (b) Edet (c) Man

2.) In the beginning, the ________ of God was moving over the deep (a) man (b) spirit (c) servant

3.) On the first day, God created the _____________ (a) bullet (b) weapon (c) light

4.) _______________ created the heaven and the earth (a) computer (b) Lucifer (c) God

5.) God created man on the ______________ day (a) second (b) fifth (c) sixth

6.) On the seventh day, God ____________ (a) forgot to rest (b) was too busy (c) rested

7.) Moon, sun and stars were created on the __________ day (a) second (b) third (c) fourth

8.) God is ______ because He knows everything (a) omniscience (b) omnipresent (c) omnipotent

9.) God is __________ because He is everywhere (a) omniscience (b) omnipresent (c) omnipotent

10.) God can do all things because He is _______ (a) omniscience (b) omnipresent (c) omnipotent

11.) God is ready to provide for all our needs if we ask Him in _______

(a) debate (b) argument (c) prayer

12.) God provided manna and ____________ to feed the Isrealites in the desert

(a) fish (b) butter (c) quail

13.) We should not be troubled or worried because God is able to give us _______

(a) nothing (b) everything (c) only money

14.) Complete this quotation “seek and you will find, knock and ______

(a) God will hear (b) It shall be opened (c) enter

15.) God gave us ________ to save us from our sins (a) Jesus Christ (b) Lucifer (c) satan

16.) God will supply our needs if we ________________ (a) complain (b) ask in prayer (c) cry

17.) Jesus teaches us to be anxious ________

(a) about what to eat (b) about what to drink (c) about nothing

18.) God created us love us and wants us to ________ (a) fight (b) kill (c) create

19.) One of the ways that God speaks to us is through _______ (a) infection (b) dreams (c) slap

20.) God created the world in ___________ days (a) five (b) one (c) six






CRS Basic 5 First Term Exams


Section B

1.) Mention two attributes of God that are common to only God alone

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

2.) Mention two attributes of God that are common to good men and women

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

3.) On the first day, God created the ____________________________

b.) One the second day, God created the __________________________

4.) Mention two ways by which God can speak to us

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

5.) Mention two things that God provides for us

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________



















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