Revision Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Primary 5 Week 11 First Term Lesson Notes / Plans

Class: Primary 5

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Topic: Revision – Mercy, Forgiveness, God’s Creation

Sub-topic: What God Created on Each Day

Duration: 40 minutes

Instructional Materials:

  • Bible
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pictures or drawings representing each day of creation
  • Flashcards with key terms (mercy, forgiveness)

Entry Behaviour: Ask students to share examples of showing mercy or forgiveness. Discuss as a class.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • Students will understand the concepts of mercy and forgiveness.
  • Students will recall what God created on each day of creation.
  • Students will identify examples of mercy and forgiveness in their own lives.

Previous Lesson: Recap the previous lesson on the Ten Commandments and link it to the importance of mercy and forgiveness.


  1. Mercy and Forgiveness: Briefly define mercy and forgiveness using relatable examples.
  2. God’s Creation: Discuss what God created on each day, emphasizing the importance of the seventh day as a day of rest.

Mercy and Forgiveness: Mercy is showing kindness or compassion to someone when they deserve punishment. For example, forgiving a friend who made a mistake instead of getting angry is an act of mercy. Forgiveness is letting go of resentment and pardoning someone for their wrongdoing.

God’s Creation: On the first day, God created light, separating it from darkness. On the second day, He made the sky. On the third day, God created land, seas, and plants. The fourth day brought the sun, moon, and stars. On the fifth day, God made fish and birds. Animals and humans were created on the sixth day. The seventh day is special because God rested from all His work. It teaches us the importance of taking time to rest and appreciate what we have created or achieved.


  1. Step 1 – Introduction: Begin with a short prayer. Ask students what they remember about mercy, forgiveness, and God’s creation.
  2. Step 2 – Main Lesson: Present key points about mercy, forgiveness, and the days of creation. Use visual aids and engage students through questions.
  3. Step 3 – Examples: Share real-life examples of mercy and forgiveness. Encourage students to share their own experiences.


  • Ask questions related to the lesson content.
  • Have a class discussion on the importance of mercy and forgiveness.
  • Review drawings or pictures created by students depicting each day of creation.
  • Answer the following questions :

1. Mercy is showing __________ to someone when they deserve punishment.
a. anger
b. kindness
c. frustration
d. sadness

2. Forgiveness is letting go of __________.
a. joy
b. resentment
c. pride
d. fear

3. On the _________ day, God created light.
a. first
b. second
c. third
d. fourth

4. God made the sky on the _________ day.
a. first
b. second
c. third
d. fourth

5. Land, seas, and plants were created on the _________ day.
a. third
b. fourth
c. fifth
d. sixth

6. The importance of the seventh day lies in God’s __________.
a. creation of humans
b. rest from work
c. creation of animals
d. making of plants

7. God rested on the _________ day.
a. fifth
b. sixth
c. seventh
d. eighth

8. Mercy is an act of showing __________ to someone in need.
a. cruelty
b. kindness
c. indifference
d. frustration

9. The sun, moon, and stars were created on the _________ day.
a. third
b. fourth
c. fifth
d. sixth

10. Forgiveness involves pardoning someone for their __________.
a. kindness
b. mistakes
c. achievements
d. sadness

11. On the _________ day, God created fish and birds.
a. fourth
b. fifth
c. sixth
d. seventh

12. God created animals and humans on the _________ day.
a. fifth
b. sixth
c. seventh
d. eighth

13. The special day of rest and reflection is the _________ day.
a. fifth
b. sixth
c. seventh
d. eighth

14. Mercy involves showing kindness when others deserve __________.
a. happiness
b. punishment
c. forgiveness
d. sadness

15. The concept of forgiveness is about letting go of __________.
a. resentment
b. joy
c. pride
d. fear


  • Summarize the key points.
  • Emphasize the connection between God’s creation and the importance of showing mercy and forgiveness in our lives.


  • Ask students to write a short paragraph about a time they showed or received mercy or forgiveness.


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