The nutrients in the food we eat and their importance to growth Social Studies Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Subject: Social Studies

Topic: The Nutrients in the Food We Eat and Their Importance to Growth

Sub-topic: Understanding Nutrients and Growth

Duration: 45 minutes

Term: First Term

Week: Week 8

Set Induction (5 minutes):

  • Start the lesson by asking students what they had for breakfast or lunch today.
  • Discuss their answers briefly and ask if they know why they eat food.


Presentation (20 minutes):

Step 1: Introduction to Nutrients (5 minutes)

  • Explain that nutrients are special things in the food we eat that help our bodies grow and stay healthy.
  • Emphasize that nutrients are like the “superheroes” in our food.
  • Provide simple examples of nutrients like vitamins, proteins, and carbohydrates.
  • Nutrients are like the ____________ in our food that help our bodies grow. a) superheroes b) monsters c) cartoons d) toys
  • Nutrients keep us ____________. a) sick b) sad c) healthy d) sleepy
  • What are some examples of nutrients, like ____________ and proteins? a) fruits b) vitamins c) games d) books
  • Vitamins help us ____________ off sickness. a) fight b) sleep c) jump d) cook
  • Proteins make our ____________ strong. a) muscles b) hair c) shoes d) houses
  • Carbohydrates give us ____________. a) money b) energy c) toys d) water
  • Fats help protect our ____________. a) toys b) friends c) organs d) games
  • Nutrients are like the ____________ in our food that help our bodies grow. a) superheroes b) animals c) cars d) trees
  • Nutrients keep us ____________. a) sad b) sick c) healthy d) tired
  • What are some examples of nutrients, like ____________ and proteins? a) games b) fruits c) vitamins d) hats
  • Vitamins help us ____________ off sickness. a) sleep b) cook c) fight d) read
  • Proteins make our ____________ strong. a) muscles b) water c) toys d) books
  • Carbohydrates give us ____________. a) money b) energy c) clothes d) games
  • Fats help protect our ____________. a) organs b) friends c) pets d) houses
  • Nutrients are like the ____________ in our food that help our bodies grow. a) superheroes b) flowers c) buildings d) planets

Step 2: Types of Nutrients (5 minutes)

  • Discuss different types of nutrients:
    • Vitamins
    • Proteins
    • Carbohydrates
    • Fats
  • Explain the role of each nutrient in helping our bodies grow and stay healthy.

let’s discuss different types of nutrients and their roles in simpler terms:

  1. Vitamins:
    • Vitamins are like tiny helpers in our food.
    • They help keep us from getting sick.
    • For example, vitamin C in oranges helps our bodies fight off colds.
  2. Proteins:
    • Think of proteins as the building blocks for our bodies.
    • They help us grow and repair our muscles.
    • For example, eggs and meat are rich in proteins.
  3. Carbohydrates:
    • Carbohydrates give us energy to play, run, and do things.
    • They’re like the fuel that makes us go.
    • Bread and rice have lots of carbohydrates.
  4. Fats:
    • Fats protect our organs, like a shield.
    • They’re like our body’s bodyguards.
    • Nuts and avocados are good sources of healthy fats.

These are the different kinds of helpers in our food, and each one does something special to keep our bodies strong and healthy. 😊🥦🥚🍞🥑




  1. Vitamins are like tiny ____________ in our food. a) helpers b) toys c) blankets d) trees
  2. Vitamins help keep us from getting ____________. a) tired b) sick c) happy d) big
  3. Proteins are like the ____________ for our bodies. a) fuel b) building blocks c) animals d) fruits
  4. Proteins help us grow and ____________ our muscles. a) fix b) play c) paint d) jump
  5. Carbohydrates give us ____________ to run and play. a) money b) energy c) books d) clothes
  6. Carbohydrates are like the ____________ that makes us go. a) rocket b) fuel c) water d) music
  7. Fats protect our ____________ like bodyguards. a) toys b) organs c) friends d) games
  8. Fats are like a ____________ for our organs. a) shield b) hat c) boat d) kite
  9. Vitamins help keep us from getting ____________. a) sad b) sick c) tired d) heavy
  10. Proteins help our bodies ____________. a) shrink b) grow c) disappear d) stop
  11. Carbohydrates give us ____________ to do things. a) energy b) ideas c) money d) dreams
  12. Fats protect our ____________ from harm. a) pets b) organs c) clothes d) games
  13. Vitamins are like tiny ____________ in our food. a) blankets b) helpers c) monsters d) birds
  14. Proteins are like the ____________ for our muscles. a) food b) fuel c) shoes d) books
  15. Carbohydrates are like the ____________ that makes us go. a) music b) fuel c) water d) games

Step 3: Importance of Nutrients (5 minutes)

  • Discuss why nutrients are important:
    • Vitamins help us fight off sickness.
    • Proteins make our muscles strong.
    • Carbohydrates give us energy.
    • Fats help protect our organs.
  • Use simple language and relatable examples.

Here’s a simplified explanation of why nutrients are important:

  1. Vitamins: Think of vitamins as our body’s shield. They help us fight off sickness, like a superhero. For example, vitamin C in oranges is like our secret weapon against colds.
  2. Proteins: Proteins are like the builders of our body. They make our muscles strong, just like bricks build a strong house. When we eat eggs and meat, we get these strong builders.
  3. Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are our body’s fuel, like the gas in a car. They give us energy to run, play, and do all the things we love. When we eat bread and rice, we’re filling up our energy tank.
  4. Fats: Fats are like the protectors of our organs, such as our heart. They’re like our body’s bodyguards. Nuts and avocados are good sources of these protectors.

These nutrients are like our friends, helping us stay healthy and strong. 🦸‍♂️🍊🥚🥖🥑



  1. Vitamins act like our body’s ____________ against sickness. a) friends b) shield c) toys d) music
  2. Proteins are like builders, making our ____________ strong. a) muscles b) hair c) shoes d) games
  3. Carbohydrates give us ____________ to run and play. a) energy b) books c) ideas d) money
  4. Fats work as our body’s ____________ to protect our organs. a) superheroes b) builders c) bodyguards d) artists
  5. Vitamins help us ____________ off sickness, like superheroes. a) fight b) hide c) eat d) sing
  6. Proteins make our ____________ strong, like bricks in a house. a) muscles b) toys c) games d) friends
  7. Carbohydrates provide us with ____________ to do things. a) ideas b) energy c) money d) dreams
  8. Fats are like the ____________ for our organs, keeping them safe. a) shield b) hat c) boat d) kite
  9. Vitamins act as a shield to ____________ off sickness. a) fight b) invite c) create d) dance
  10. Proteins build our ____________ strong, like construction workers. a) muscles b) toys c) games d) clothes
  11. Carbohydrates give us ____________ to play, run, and have fun. a) energy b) ideas c) money d) sleep
  12. Fats are like bodyguards for our ____________, keeping them safe. a) friends b) organs c) toys d) games
  13. Vitamins help us ____________ against sickness, like brave heroes. a) sing b) fight c) sleep d) read
  14. Proteins make our ____________ strong, just like bricks build a strong house. a) hair b) muscles c) shoes d) books
  15. Carbohydrates give us the ____________ we need to do all the things we love. a) sleep b) energy c) books d) games

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Use simple and relatable language.
  • Use visual aids or pictures to illustrate nutrients.
  • Encourage students to ask questions if they have any doubts.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen attentively and participate in discussions.
  • Share their experiences with food.

Assessment (10 minutes):

  • Show pictures of different foods and ask students to identify which nutrients are found in those foods.

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are nutrients?
  2. Can you name one nutrient that helps us fight off sickness?
  3. What nutrient makes our muscles strong?
  4. Which nutrient gives us energy?
  5. How do nutrients help our bodies?
  6. What are some examples of foods that contain vitamins?
  7. What is the role of proteins in our bodies?
  8. Why are carbohydrates important for us?
  9. Name a nutrient that helps protect our organs.
  10. Describe a food you like that contains important nutrients.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Summarize the key points about nutrients and their importance to growth.
  • Encourage students to eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow well.

By the end of this lesson, students should have a basic understanding of nutrients in the food they eat and why these nutrients are essential for their growth and well-being. 🥦🍎🏫🤓



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