Religion Practice In Nigeria Social Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Social Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Subject: Social Studies
Class: Primary 4
Term: First Term
Week: 9
Age: 9 years
Topic: Religious Practice in Nigeria
Sub-topic: Examining the Different Ways Religions Are Practiced Across the Country
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify various religious practices in Nigeria.
  2. Describe how these practices differ among religions.
  3. Explain the significance of religious practices in daily life.
  4. Appreciate the diversity of religious practices in Nigeria.


  • Religious Practice
  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Traditional Religion
  • Rituals
  • Festivals
  • Worship

Set Induction:

Show pictures or short videos of different religious practices, such as church services, mosque prayers, and traditional rituals. Ask pupils what they observe and how they think these practices might differ.

Entry Behavior:

Pupils have a basic understanding of what religion is and have learned about major religions in previous lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Pictures or videos of religious practices
  • Simple charts comparing religious practices
  • Books or pamphlets about religious practices in Nigeria

Methods of Teaching :

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Review previous knowledge about the major religions in Nigeria and their general practices. Connect this to specific practices observed in different regions of the country.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Observation
  • Critical thinking
  • Cultural awareness

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Social Studies
  • Textbooks on Social Studies
  • Visual aids showing various religious practices

Instructional Materials:

  • Pictures and videos of religious practices
  • Charts comparing practices
  • Handouts summarizing key points
  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks


Religious Practice in Nigeria

  1. Christianity:
    • Practices: Attending church services, prayer, Bible study, participating in Christian festivals (e.g., Christmas, Easter).
    • Regional Variations: Different denominations may have unique practices, such as Catholic rituals or Protestant services.
  2. Islam:
    • Practices: Performing Salah (prayers), fasting during Ramadan, reading the Quran, celebrating Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.
    • Regional Variations: Differences in the way prayers are conducted or festivals are celebrated.
  3. Traditional Religion:
    • Practices: Rituals and ceremonies, sacrifices, festivals honoring deities and ancestors.
    • Regional Variations: Different ethnic groups have unique rituals and ceremonies, such as Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa traditions.
  4. Religious Festivals:
    • Christian Festivals: Christmas, Easter.
    • Islamic Festivals: Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha.
    • Traditional Festivals: Various local festivals celebrating deities and historical events.
  5. Significance of Practices:
    • Practices help to strengthen faith, maintain cultural traditions, and provide a sense of community.


Fill in the blanks with the correct option (a, b, c, or d):

  1. A common Christian festival celebrated in Nigeria is ____.
    a) Eid al-Fitr
    b) Christmas
    c) Ibo Festival
    d) Ramadan
  2. Which practice is unique to Islam?
    a) Attending church services
    b) Performing Salah
    c) Celebrating Easter
    d) Offering sacrifices
  3. Traditional religion practices often include ____.
    a) Reading the Quran
    b) Bible study
    c) Rituals and ceremonies
    d) Fasting during Ramadan
  4. Eid al-Fitr is a festival celebrated by ____.
    a) Christians
    b) Muslims
    c) Traditional religion followers
    d) All religions
  5. A common practice in Christianity is ____.
    a) Attending mosque services
    b) Participating in traditional rituals
    c) Reading the Bible
    d) Offering sacrifices
  6. Which of the following is a traditional religion festival?
    a) Eid al-Adha
    b) Christmas
    c) Ibo Festival
    d) Easter
  7. The practice of fasting during Ramadan is associated with ____.
    a) Christianity
    b) Traditional religions
    c) Islam
    d) All religions
  8. In Nigeria, different ethnic groups have unique ____.
    a) Churches
    b) Mosques
    c) Rituals and ceremonies
    d) Bible studies
  9. The practice of Salah is performed by ____.
    a) Christians
    b) Muslims
    c) Followers of traditional religions
    d) All religions
  10. One way Christians practice their faith is by ____.
    a) Fasting
    b) Attending church services
    c) Performing rituals
    d) Celebrating Eid al-Fitr
  11. What is a common feature of traditional religion practices in Nigeria?
    a) Attending church services
    b) Participating in rituals and ceremonies
    c) Reading religious texts
    d) Celebrating Christmas
  12. Which festival is celebrated by Muslims?
    a) Easter
    b) Ibo Festival
    c) Eid al-Adha
    d) Christmas
  13. What role do religious festivals play in religious practice?
    a) They promote conflict
    b) They help maintain traditions and faith
    c) They reduce community engagement
    d) They ignore cultural heritage
  14. Which religious practice involves reading the Quran?
    a) Christianity
    b) Islam
    c) Traditional religions
    d) All religions
  15. A significant Christian holiday is ____.
    a) Eid al-Fitr
    b) Easter
    c) Ibo Festival
    d) Ramadan

What are religious practices  ? 

Religious practices are those things that we do in order to worship , praise , adore , or bless the Supreme Being that we claim that we believe in . This Almighty Being or  GOD is called by different names by different religious worshipers .


Religious Practices In Islam 

Islamic Religion belief in Allah and prophet

Mohammed as the messenger. They pray five

Times a day and they worship in the mosque.

They give offering and sakat . They fast during the month of Ramadan . They believe in Only one God .

They also believe and respect all other prophets that had come before Prophet Mohammed ( SAW)


Traditional Religious Worshipers 

Traditional Religion believe in God Almighty and some other smaller gods . They perform libation and offer sacrifices to appease their gods . They do not have any special book of worship as most of the praises of their gods are done offhand , Idol worshipers worship in the shrine and believes in some objects as their god


Christianity Or Christian Religious Practices in Nigeria 

Christians believe in the Supreme Being

Called God and His only begotten son Jesus

Christ. Some Christians fast for forty days and forty nights in support and remembrance of Jesus Christ fasting in the desert for forty days and forty nights without eating before he was tempted by the devil three times They worship in the church on Sunday and use the Holy Bible to pray.


  1. They teach us to believe in one God.
  2. They teach us not to do evil.
  3. To teach us to be good and to behave well.
  4. They teach us to love other people as we love ourselves.
  5. To teach us to fear and Respect God.
  6. To teach us to be peaceful with our neighbors.
  7. They teach us to tolerate one another.
  8. They teach us to respect people in authority.


1 The various religions have different names for the supreme being that they worship. For example, Christians call him God. Muslims call him Allah. Those who practise African traditional religion call him by different names including Chukwu, Olodumare, Oghene, Abasi. Also they have different names for their various gods and goddesses, such as Olokun, Orisa, Amadioha.

2 They have different places of worship. For instance, the Christians worship in churches, the Muslims worship in mosques, while African traditional worshippers worship in shrines.

3 They use different materials for worship. For example, the Christians use the Bible, the Muslims use stringed beads, and those who worship idols use thing like the blood of animals, cowries and kolanuts.

4 They have different methods of worship. For example, some kneel down to pray. Others bow or stand upright to pray, while some prostrate or lie with their faces on the ground.

5 They have different dress styles. For instance, some wear white garments, some wear coloured garments, some wear special apparel with beads and charm around their bodies, while others wear normal clothes to their various worship centres.

6 Some of them pray to God through different mediators. For example,

Christians pray through Jesus Christ. Those who practise African traditional religions pray through gods and goddesses.


  1. To leave peacefully with one another.
  2. To share ideas and learn from each other’s.
  3. To be able to take decision together.
  4. To promote interaction among us
  5. To promote peace and progress.
  6. To avoid religious crisis
  7. To promote national unity and development

Class Activity Discussion:

  1. What are some common religious practices in Nigeria?
    • Attending church services, performing Salah, participating in traditional rituals.
  2. How do Islamic practices vary in different regions of Nigeria?
    • Differences in how prayers are conducted or how festivals are celebrated.
  3. What is the significance of religious festivals in Nigeria?
    • They help maintain traditions, strengthen faith, and provide a sense of community.
  4. Describe a traditional religion practice observed in Nigeria.
    • Various rituals and ceremonies, such as sacrifices and festivals celebrating deities.
  5. How do Christians in Nigeria celebrate Christmas?
    • Through church services, family gatherings, and special meals.
  6. Why is it important to understand different religious practices?
    • It promotes respect and harmony among diverse groups.
  7. What are some regional differences in religious practices in Nigeria?
    • Different rituals, ceremonies, and ways of celebrating festivals.
  8. How does attending church services benefit Christians?
    • It strengthens their faith and community bonds.
  9. What role do traditional festivals play in Nigerian culture?
    • They preserve cultural heritage and foster community spirit.
  10. Explain the practice of fasting during Ramadan.
    • It is a time of fasting from dawn to sunset, aimed at spiritual reflection and self-discipline.


  • Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, which was “Our Religion,” focusing on the significance of different religious practices.
  • Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic “Religious Practice in Nigeria” by discussing specific ways various religions are practiced across the country.
  • Step 3: The teacher encourages pupils to share their observations of different religious practices and corrects any misconceptions.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Present detailed information on various religious practices using visual aids.
  • Facilitate discussions on the significance and regional variations of these practices.
  • Guide pupils in comparing and contrasting different religious practices.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions about religious practices.
  • Use visual aids and handouts to learn about different practices.
  • Share personal observations and experiences related to religious practices.


  • Evaluation Questions:
    1. Name a common practice in Christianity.
    2. Describe a unique feature of Islamic religious practices.
    3. What is a typical practice in traditional religions in Nigeria?
    4. How do festivals contribute to religious practices?
    5. Explain the significance of attending religious services.
    6. What is one way Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr?
    7. How do traditional festivals impact Nigerian culture?
    8. What practice involves fasting during Ramadan?
    9. How can understanding different religious practices promote harmony?
    10. What is a common feature of Christian festivals?
    11. What is religion?
    12. Mention three element of religion
    13. Mention three kinds of religions in Nigeria
    14. Mention three Different customs
    15. List three Similarities in religion
    16. Mention four Ways of cultural preservation
    17. Mention two religion to be discarded
    18. Mention three religion to be retained


  • Summarize the key points about different religious practices in Nigeria. Emphasize the importance of respecting and understanding diverse practices. Review and mark pupils’ work, providing feedback on their understanding.