Edu Delight Tutors


English language

My name is Ajibola Johnson .i am 6 years old,I am in primary two (2). I attended Asegbolu Primary schools. My house chores are washing of plates and sweeping. I love my class teacher and my class mates because they tell me a lot of stories.


  1. The writer’s name is ____________ (a) peter (b) Ajibola Johnson (c) Samuel
  2. She is _____________ years old (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6
  3. She is in _________ (a) nursery 2 (b) ss2 (c) primary 2
  4. She attended ______ private schools (a) f. g. s schools (b) Asegbolu Primary Schools (c) grammer schools
  5. Her house chores means _________ (a) house work (b) school work (c) home work

Section B

  1. What is a noun?
  2. Give 5 examples of noun as

An Animal Person Place Things

  1. _______ ________ _______ _______
  2. _______ ________ _______ _______
  3. _______ ________ _______ _______
  4. _______ ________ _______ _______
  5. _______ ________ ________ _______

Fill in the gaps

Singular Plural

  1. Girl ___________
  2. _____ Babies
  3. Fly __________
  4. Lady __________
  5. _____ bottles
  6. Man _________
  7. ______ Oxen
  8. ______ Children

Write “a” or “an” before the following

  1. ______ church
  2. ______ apple
  3. He bought _____ biro and _____ apple
  4. _____ umbrella is useful when there is heavy rain.

Section c

Complete these sentences

  1. _____ are eating (a) it (b) she (c) they
  2. They are ______ ready for the party (a) get (b) getting (c) getted
  3. Where are the four _____ (a) dog (b) dogs (c) doges
  4. They _____ to the school yesterday (a) slept (b) went (c) come
  5. What ______ Toba eat yesterday? (a) was (b) are (c) did
  6. What position did _______ take last year? (a) me (b) you (c) us

Give appropriate questions to the sentences below

Example: The dog chased a rat yesterday.

Did the dog chase a rat yesterday?

  1. The man loved his children


  1. We watched a football match yesterday


Write two things you did in the past.

  1. ________ I ate a plate of rice
  2. Last Monday, I ____________


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