Primary 3 Examinations Third Term P. H. E





Choose the correct answer from the options.

1. The release of harmful substances into the environment is called

[a] cleanliness [b] pollution [c] sanitation

2. Noise is _______________ sound

[a] unpleasant [b] pleasant [c] none of A & B

3. Contaminated water can cause ____________________

[a] diseases or death [b] wealth and health [c] personal hygiene

4. Write two materials needed in table tennis ___________ and ____________

5. Playing safety on the playing ground will not allow us to be injured

[a] Yes [b] No [c] A and B

6. The first treatment given to an injured or sick person before medical attention is sought is called _________________

[a] assistance [b] first aid [c] life saving help

7. _______________ can teach first aid education

[a] Teachers [b] dead body [c] A and B

8. How many team play football at a time

[a] 4 [b] 3 [c] 2

9. Is it good to obey the instructions of the coordinators of sport

[a] Yes [b] No [c] Not at all

10. These are the materials needed for table tennis except

[a] Net, table and bat [b] Jersey [c] stone

11. …………………… system help in breathing

[a] respiratory [b] muscular [c] circulatory

12. Swimming is one of the most interesting ________ sports

[a] game [b] aquatic [c] fighting

13. …………….. system gives the shape of our body

[a] digestive [b] skeletal [c] respiration

14. …………… is an example of non locomotor movement

[a] twisting [b] slapping [c] eating

15. ________ is an example of basic skill in swimming

[a] free style [b] sleeping in water [c] walking in water

16. Taekwando originated from ………… [a] Nigeria [] Korea [c] Ghana

17. ________ is an abnormal condition of the body that causes discomfort (a) disease (b) marital art (c) drug (d) gymnastics

18. Which of these is a combat game? (a) Volleyball (b) tennis (c) golf (d) wrestling

19. Drug _______ is the misuse of drugs (a) addict (b) abuse (c) ask (d) capsule

20. The following can be used to cook except _______ (a) diesel (b) coal (c) kerosene (d) gas

21. Judo and karate are examples of … [a] punishment [b] martial art [c] handwork

22. Martial art can enable one to loose leg [a] yes [b] no [c] unknown

  1. Someone who fight in wrestling is called [a] wrestler [b] fighter [c] coach

24. Which of these foods does not give energy (a) garri (b) rice (c) yam (d) fish

25. TB means_______________________________________________


Attempt all questions in this section

1. Define safety

b. List 3 important of safety in physical education

2. Define table tennis

b. List 2 officials of table tennis

3. Write 3 skills in basket ball

b. List 3 officials of basketball

4. Write 4 materials needed for basketball

5. List the materials used in table tennis.



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