How to start your own school

This article focuses on simple steps to prepare a school start up plan. It is mainly on simple steps to consider when planning to start a school. The limitation is that it doesn’t state the financial aspect of a school start up and does not explain in detail how to execute the plan.

School business proposal/plan is not readily available off-shelf for a new starter to adapt or use as a template. The fear of where the school should be located, how the structure should look like and what to do next is always a nightmare for any new starter. Financial stability and keeping the school standard are also challenges faced by a new school owner.
Business Plan:
1. Work on your preferred name (meaningful and catchy).
2. Determine the area or location.
a. The new school owner should answer the question why this “area/ location” in terms of target audience, quick and easy accessibility, serene and quiet neighbourhood.
3. What are the objectives and goals / solution the school is proposing or planning to achieve?
a. This will determine the power of operations, the delivery method, materials needed, man power required etc.
b. Vision and Mission statements.
4. Branding.
a. Logo, School Uniforms, School colour, Stationary, books…
5. Personality of the owner.
a. The positive and negative attitude of the owner is very paramount to the success of the school.
b. How ready or prepared is the owner to unlearn and relearn, then execute. The owner should prepare to have a mentor or a coach.
6. Curriculum to adopt. What curriculum or curricula do you intend to run, or combining different curricula with the Nigerian curriculum?
7. Finances, budget and projections.
a. Prepare your school bill. How much do you intend to charge and what are the services it will be covering.
b. Prepare the projection expenses that will cover one session at least: covering property rent, class preparation (painting & decorations), furniture, materials, staff salary, maintenance cost, school uniform cost, books cost, stationary…
8. Conduct your SWOT Analysis: Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats to the business
9. Set out to register with relevant government regulatory agencies
10. Prepare your operational structure of the school.
a. Establish the internal and external communication mechanisms for the school.
b. Staffing.
Conclusion: Having stated all the suggestions above. Quality execution of the plan determines the success of the school business and adherence to it will enhance the maintenance of the standard. However, having faith in God that you will succeed, then delayed gratification in school business does bring forth success on the long run.
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