Third Term Social Studies Nursery 1

CLASS: NURSERY II SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME: ……………………………………… 1.) How many types of family do you know_________________ (a) 2 (b) 5 2.) _________________ is a member of your family (a) Father (b) Neighbour (c) Teacher 3.) How do you greet in the morning _________________ (a) Good morning (b) Good evening (c) Good afternoon 4.) Who

Primary 2 Third Term Examination Social Studies 

3RD TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 2 Social Studies  3RD TERM EXAMINATION Basic 2 Social Studies 1. The most common means of transportation in Nigeria cities is _____________ (a) Train (b) Car (c) Boat 2. Before accident victims are taken to the hospital, they should be given ______________ (a) First Aid (b) Half Aid (c) Quarter Aid

Social Studies JSS 1 Third Term Lesson Notes With Scheme of Work

  THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES CLASS: JSS1 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Revision of Last Term’s Work. Negotiation 1 Meaning Situations That May Need Negotiation Steps in Successful Negotiation Negotiation II Factors that Influence Negotiation Negotiation and Refusal Skills Techniques Advantages of Negotiation and Negotiating Safer Sexual Behaviour STIs/HIV/AIDS Meaning Causes of

Social studies primary 3 Examination 3rd Term

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES CLASS: PRIMARY 3 Road accident can cause damage to a: a) ship b) vehicle c) plane One of these cannot cause a road accident: a) driving carefully b) over speed c) bad tyres _______ is a hand covering that is worn when one wants to take care of a wounded

2nd Term Summative Test Grade 3 Creative Writing

3rd Grade Creative Writing Instruction: Neatly underline the correct option for each question. 1. The first thing to do during prewriting is to ______________ a. get a topic b. sit and cry c. clap and sing d. ask and dance 2. A focus statement should name the career/ topic.______________ a. true b. false c. not

2nd Term Summative Test Grade 3 Social Studies

Social Studies Instruction-Answer all the questions in section A SOCIAL STUDIES   3rd grade   Instruction-Answer all the questions in section A   1. The wrong use of drugs is referred to  as ________________. (a) drug intake (b) drug misuse (c)  drug abuse d. none of the above       2. The following are

Social Studies Primary 4 First Term Examination

1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES   NAME: … Instruction: Answer all questions Section A: 1. Grandfather is a member of ___________ family   2. How many types of family do we have? 3. __________ is a type of marriage whereby a man marries only one woman. 4.  Polygamy is when

Social Studies Primary 5 First Term Examination

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2017/2018 CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1. The total way of life of people is ______ (a) culture (b) family (c) institution (d) friend   2. The process whereby a lady runs away with a man with the intention to marry without the parent’s consent is ____ (a) wife


      SECOND TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME:……………………………………………………………… 1. ___________ is the government of the people, by the people and for the people (a) democracy (b) monarchy (c) aristocracy 2.The arms of government that interprets the laws is ___________ (a) judiciary (b) executive (c) legislature 3_________ is the head of

Social Studies Primary 6 First Term Examination

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2021/2022 CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Objective: Answer all questions 1.) Foreign countries have influenced Nigerian families in the following aspect except _______ (a) language (b) dressing (c) family 2.) Which of these countries does not have influence on Nigerian families (a) Togo (b) Canada (c) Britain 3.) _________ are
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