Subject : Agricultural Science Term : Second Term Class : JSS 2 Week 6 Topic : Nutritional Deficiency Diseases Farm Animal Diseases/Symptoms of Farm Animal Diseases/Mode of Transmission The table below shows the name of disease, the causative organism, the animals affected, symptoms, mode of spread and control
Subject : Agricultural Science Term : Second Term Class : JSS 2 Week 5 Topic : GENERAL METHODS OF PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF FARM ANIMALS’ DISEASES GENERAL METHODS OF PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF FARM ANIMALS’ DISEASES CONTENT General Effects of Diseases of Farm Animals General Methods of Prevention
Subject : Agricultural Science Term : Second Term Class : JSS 2 Week 4 Topic : MODES OF TRANSMISSION AND SYMPTOMS OF FARM ANIMAL DISEASES CONTENT Mode of Transmission of Disease Causing Organisms Types of Diseases based on Mode of Transmission Farm Animal Diseases/Symptoms of Farm Animal Diseases/Mode
Subject : Agricultural Science Term : Second Term Class : JSS 2 Week 3 Topic : FARM ANIMAL DISEASES FARM ANIMAL DISEASES CONTENT Meaning of Disease Groups of Disease Causing Organisms of Livestock Meaning of Disease Disease means a change in the normal functions or well-being of
Subject : Agricultural Science Term : Second Term Class : JSS 2 Week 2 Topic : Meaning of Ration CONTENT Meaning of Ration Types of Ration Meaning, Causes and Symptoms of Malnutrition Factors that Affect Feed Requirements of Farm Animals Reasons for Feeding Farm Animals Equipment Used
Subject : Agricultural Science Term : Second Term Class : JSS 2 Week 1 Topic : ANIMAL FEEDS AND FEEDING CONTENT Meaning of Feeds Type of Feeds or Feed-stuff Meaning of Feeds Feeds are the food given to animals for growth and reproduction. Animals need feed on
Js2 2nd agric que. SECTION A The types of feed which have high water content is known as _____________(a) succulent B. roughages C.concentratesD.fibre. _______ are required by the animals in large quantities A. Mega-elements B. Nano-elements C. Macro-elements. D. Micro elements. One of the nutrient which supply energy needed by the body for keeping
Js1 CRS 2nd term que. SECTION A Which of the following did not serve in the Bible? (a) David (b) Samuel (c) Desmond Tutu (d) Isaiah All these are good professions except (a) running (b) teaching (c) Dancing (d) stealing What was the name of Joseph’s younger brother? (a) Dan (b)
J.S.S.2 2ND TERM DEUXIEME TRIMESTRE LE FRANCAIS Semaine 1ere La revision/le travail du dernier trimester et l’exame/les objects 2eme Degager les/caracteristiques de la vie rurale 3eme Dagager les/caracteristiques de la vie urbaine 4eme Parler des resemblances et differences 5eme Dacrire les grandes feftes de la 6eme Communaute 7eme Identifier les choses nouvelles dans la
FRENCH BASIC 8 WEEK 1 La Grammaire Qu’est-ce que c’est la preposition? La preposition est un mot qui montre la relation entre nom ou pronom en la phrase. Des examples Entre between On sur Under sous Devant in front of Avec with Après after Dans in En