Tag: CRK

Love of Money (Part 1)

Subject :  Christian Religious Knowledge Topic : Love of Money (Part 1) TOPIC: Love of Money SUB-TOPIC(S) What is money? What is wealth? Uses of money and wealth. Luke 12: 15, 1 Timothy 6: 17 – 19 The right attitude to money. Luke  12: 15, 1 timothy 6: 6 – 14 Dangers of Excessive love of

Moderation in Christian Life

Subject :  Christian Religious Knowledge Topic :  Moderation in Christian Life TOPIC: Moderation in Christian Life SUB-TOPIC(S) What is moderation? Moderation in eating and drinking. Daniel 1: 6 – 16 Evil of Smoking proverb 20: 1, 20 – 23. 1 Corinthians 6: 10.  23 – 29, Galatians 5: 21 Term : Second Term  Week: Week 7

Corruption : Meaning , Causes and How to fight Corruption .

Subject :  Christian Religious Knowledge Topic : Corruption : Meaning , Causes and How to fight Corruption  Term : Second Term  Week: Week 6 Class : Basic 6 / Primary Six     Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Temptations     Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should

Temptation : Meaning , Causes and How to Avoid Temptation

Subject :  Christian Religious Knowledge Topic : Temptation : Meaning , Causes and How to Avoid Temptation Term : Second Term  Week: Week 5 Class : Basic 6 / Primary Six     Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of  Ordered Relationship in the Family, Church and Society     Behavioural objectives : At the

 Ordered Relationship in the Family, Church and Society

Subject :  Christian Religious Knowledge Topic :  Ordered Relationship in the Family, Church and Society Term : Second Term  Week: Week 4 Class : Basic 6 / Primary Six     Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Value of Hard Work     Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils


Subject :  Christian Religious Knowledge Topic : VALUE OF HARD WORK Term : Second Term  Week: Week 3 Class : Basic 6 / Primary Six     Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of  Decision Making     Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to explain what

Decision Making

Subject :  Christian Religious Knowledge Topic : Decision Making Term : Second Term  Week: Week 2 Class : Basic 6 / Primary Six     Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Goal Setting     Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to explain what it means

Goal Settings and How to achieve our goals

Subject :  Christian Religious Knowledge Topic : GOAL SETTING Term : Second Term  Week: Week 1 Class : Basic 6 / Primary Six     Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of short bible stories that encourage dignity of labour     Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be

CRK Primary 3 Second Term Examination

SUBJECT: C.R.K CLASS: PRIMARY 3 Underline the correct answer Jesus is the only way to ____and _____ (a) school and farm (b) God and father (c) care and table Sin ______ us from God . (a) separated (b) joined (c) builder Jesus says, I am the way, the ____ and the ____ (a) truth &


PRIMARY 3                                                  SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE   NAME:………………………………………… 1.)   ___________ gave birth to Jesus (a) Esther (b) Mary (c) Bola (d) Joy 2.)   The __________ wise men visited Jesus (a) nine (b)
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