Reading Comprehension : First Term Topics Covered
Week 1:
Topic: Reading Descriptive Passage on Means of Transport in Nigeria
Focus: Explore various modes of transport used in Nigeria, including road, rail, and air transport.
Week 2:
Topic: Reading a Narrative Passage about Daily Activities in Nigeria
Focus: Understand and describe daily routines and activities common in Nigerian life.
Week 3:
Topic: Reading Descriptive Passage on Different Seasons in Nigeria
Focus: Learn about Nigeria’s different seasons, their characteristics, and impacts on daily life.
Week 4:
Topic: Reading Descriptive Passage on Local Festivals in Nigeria
Focus: Investigate various local festivals celebrated across Nigeria and their cultural significance.
Week 5:
Topic: Reading a Descriptive Passage about Popular Landmarks in Nigeria
Focus: Identify and describe well-known landmarks in Nigeria and their historical importance.
Week 6:
Topic: Reading a Descriptive Passage on Different Types of Animals in Nigeria
Focus: Explore the diversity of animal species found in Nigeria and their habitats.
Week 7:
Topic: Mid-Term Assessment and Break
Focus: Review and assess all topics covered so far; preparation for mid-term break.
Week 8:
Topic: Reading Descriptive Passage on Traditional Clothing in Nigeria
Focus: Learn about various traditional clothing styles and their cultural significance in Nigeria.
Week 9:
Topic: Reading a Descriptive Passage about Nigerian Cuisine
Focus: Examine popular Nigerian dishes, their ingredients, and preparation methods.
Week 10:
Topic: Reading a Descriptive Passage about Famous Nigerian Landmarks
Focus: Study famous landmarks in Nigeria, including their history and relevance.
Week 11:
Topic: Revision of Descriptive Passages Covered in Previous Weeks
Focus: Comprehensive review of all descriptive passages covered during the term to reinforce learning.
Week 12:
Topic: Examination Questions on Topics Covered in the First Term
Focus: Assess understanding of all topics covered in the term with a mix of objective, short answer, and true/false questions.
This brief outlines the key topics covered each week in the first term, providing a structured overview of the curriculum.
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