Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Second Term Week: 7 Topic: Second Term Mid Term Test l Second Term Answer the following questions Sūratul-Fatihah is the ______________ chapter of the Quran. a) First b) Last c) Middle d) Tenth The recitation of Sūratul-Fatihah starts with the phrase ______________. a) Alhamdulillah b) Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim c) SubhanAllah d) Allahu
Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Second Term Week: 6 Topic: Mustahabah of Wudū’ and Correcting Omissions Sub-topic: Meritorious Parts of Ablution and Steps of Correction Duration: 40 minutes Entry Behaviour: Pupils are familiar with the basic steps of Wudū’. Key Words: Mustahabah, Wudū’, intention, Bismillah, omission, correction. Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Identify
Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Second Term Week: 5 Topic: Understanding Sūratut-Tawbah Verses 128-129 Sub-topic: Recitation, Translation, and Importance Duration: 45 minutes Entry Behaviour: Students should be familiar with the concept of Sūratut-Tawbah and have basic knowledge of the Quranic verses. Key Words: Sūratut-Tawbah Verses 128-129 Recitation Translation Importance Prophet Muhammad Compassion
Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Second Term Week: 4 Topic: Fara’id wa Sunnatul Wudū’ (Obligatory and Traditional Aspects of Ablution) and Correcting Mistakes in Wudu’ Duration: 45 minutes Entry Behaviour: Students should be familiar with the concept of wudū’ (ablution) and have basic knowledge of its steps. Key Words: Fara’id (Obligatory) Sunnatul
Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Second Term Week: 3 Topic: Sūratul-Humazah (Q104 v 1-9): Recitation, Meaning, Importance Duration: 45 minutes Entry Behaviour: Students are expected to have basic knowledge of reciting Quranic verses and understanding simple moral lessons. Key Words: Sūratul-Humazah Recitation Meaning Importance Quranic verses Behavioural Objectives: By the end of
Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Second Term Week: 2 Topic: Asmā’ullāhil Husnā (Beautiful Names of Allah) Sub-topic: Recitation, Meaning, Memorization (Names 21-35) Duration: 45 minutes Entry Behaviour: Students should be familiar with the concept of Allah’s Names and some basic Arabic terms. Key Words: Asmā’ullāhil Husnā Recitation Meaning Memorization Names of Allah
Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Second Term Week: 1 Topic: Sūratul-Fatihah Sub-topic: Recitation, Translation, Importance, and Uses Duration: 45 minutes Entry Behaviour: Students are expected to have basic knowledge of Arabic alphabets and some familiarity with Islamic prayers. Key Words: Sūratul-Fatihah Recitation Translation Importance Uses Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the
Islamic Religious Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11 Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 11 Age: 9 years Topic: Moral Lessons from the Life and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Sub-topic: A) Qualities of Truthfulness and Honesty Sub-topic: B) Tolerance, Forgiveness, and Impartial Judgement Duration: 40 minutes
Islamic Religious Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12 Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 12 Age: 9 years Topic: Revision of All Topics Covered Part A: Review and Revision 15 FAQ with Answers for Better Understanding What is Ayatul Kursi? Answer: Ayatul Kursi is a powerful verse
Weekly Brief List of Topics Covered Week 1: Introduction to the Quran Importance of the Quran in Islam The concept of revelation The role of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in receiving the Quran Understanding and Reciting Ayatul Kursi Islamic Religious Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Week 2: Surah Al-Fatiha Explanation and significance
Islamic Religious Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10 Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 10 Age: 9 years Topic: Life History of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) from the Establishment of Ummah to His Death Sub-topic: A) Activities in Medina Sub-topic: B) Roles in Medina Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural