Creative Art

Exploring Creativity: Handicrafts, Rhymes, and Music for Primary 1 🎨🎶

Exploring Cultural and Creative Arts in Primary 1 🎨🎶 Subject: Cultural and Creative Art Class: Primary 1 ……………………………..are objects made with hand using special skills We have …………………………. types of crafts Children rhymes are poems that use words that have rhymes to teach ……………………………………………. Mention two types of crafts. ……………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………….. We use children rhymes

Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes

Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes – Weekly Topics Week 1: Introduction to Music Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Cultural and Creative Art Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Week 2: Singing the National Anthem Singing The Nigeria National Athem Primary 1 Cultural and Creative Arts Week 3:

Folk Song Primary 1 Cultural and Creative Arts

Lesson Plan Presentation Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts Class: Primary 1 Term: Second Term Week: 11 Topic: Folk Song Singing – Different Tribes in Nigeria Sub-topic: Exploring Cultural Songs Duration: 45 minutes Entry Behaviour: Students should recognize basic folk songs. Key Words: Folk songs Tribes Nigeria Cultural Singing Local songs Behavioural Objectives: Identify folk songs