Reporting Unsafe Situations Security Education Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Security Education Lesson Plan – Primary 6 – First Term – Week 9

Subject: Security Education
Class: Primary 6
Term: First Term
Week: 9
Age: 10-11 years
Topic: Reporting Unsafe Situations
Sub-topic: How and When to Report

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify unsafe situations that require reporting.
  2. Describe the steps to report unsafe situations.
  3. Explain the importance of reporting unsafe situations.
  4. Demonstrate how to report unsafe situations effectively.

Keywords: Reporting, unsafe situations, safety, procedure

Set Induction:
The teacher will start with a story or scenario about an unsafe situation in the school or home and ask pupils how they would handle it. This will lead to a discussion on the importance of reporting such situations.

Entry Behavior:
Pupils are familiar with the concept of safety and the need to address unsafe situations.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  1. Role-play scripts or scenarios.
  2. Charts or posters on reporting procedures.
  3. Sample forms for reporting unsafe situations.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:
Connect this lesson to previous discussions on personal security and emergencies, emphasizing how reporting unsafe situations is a crucial part of maintaining safety.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Safety awareness

Learning Materials:

  1. Role-play scripts
  2. Charts
  3. Reporting forms

Reference Books:

  1. Lagos State Scheme of Work
  2. Basic Security Education Textbook for Primary Schools

Instructional Materials:

  • Charts
  • Role-play props
  • Reporting forms


  1. Identifying Unsafe Situations:
    • Definition of unsafe situations (e.g., bullying, broken equipment, unsafe behavior).
    • Examples and how to recognize them.
  2. Steps to Report Unsafe Situations:
    • Informing a trusted adult (e.g., teacher, parent).
    • Using proper reporting channels (e.g., school office, emergency contacts).
    • Documenting the unsafe situation (if necessary).
  3. Importance of Reporting Unsafe Situations:
    • Preventing harm to oneself and others.
    • Ensuring that issues are addressed and resolved.
    • Contributing to a safer environment.
  4. How to Report Effectively:
    • Clearly describe the situation.
    • Provide necessary details (e.g., who, what, where, when).
    • Follow up to ensure the situation has been addressed.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (15):

  1. Unsafe situations include things like __________ and unsafe behavior.
    • (a) Shopping
    • (b) Playing
    • (c) Bullying
    • (d) Eating
  2. When you encounter an unsafe situation, you should first __________.
    • (a) Ignore it
    • (b) Inform a trusted adult
    • (c) Hide
    • (d) Argue
  3. To report an unsafe situation, you should __________.
    • (a) Use proper reporting channels
    • (b) Keep it a secret
    • (c) Tell your friends
    • (d) Avoid talking about it
  4. The importance of reporting unsafe situations includes __________.
    • (a) Creating problems
    • (b) Preventing harm
    • (c) Ignoring issues
    • (d) Increasing risks
  5. To report an unsafe situation effectively, you should __________.
    • (a) Provide clear details
    • (b) Use vague descriptions
    • (c) Avoid details
    • (d) Ignore the issue
  6. Unsafe situations can include __________.
    • (a) Broken equipment
    • (b) New toys
    • (c) Clean classrooms
    • (d) Outdoor games
  7. To document an unsafe situation, you should __________.
    • (a) Write down details
    • (b) Forget about it
    • (c) Talk to friends
    • (d) Hide the information
  8. Informing a trusted adult about an unsafe situation is __________.
    • (a) Important
    • (b) Unnecessary
    • (c) Optional
    • (d) Discouraged
  9. Reporting unsafe situations helps __________.
    • (a) Create confusion
    • (b) Ensure safety
    • (c) Increase danger
    • (d) Ignore problems
  10. To ensure a situation has been addressed, you should __________.
    • (a) Follow up
    • (b) Avoid checking
    • (c) Forget about it
    • (d) Ignore updates
  11. Unsafe behavior can be __________ in school.
    • (a) Bullying
    • (b) Helping others
    • (c) Sharing
    • (d) Studying
  12. When describing an unsafe situation, you should include __________.
    • (a) Who, what, where, when
    • (b) Only your feelings
    • (c) Your opinions
    • (d) Just the date
  13. Reporting unsafe situations can __________.
    • (a) Prevent harm
    • (b) Increase risk
    • (c) Cause problems
    • (d) Ignore safety
  14. If you see unsafe equipment, you should __________.
    • (a) Report it
    • (b) Use it anyway
    • (c) Hide it
    • (d) Ignore it
  15. Following up on a report ensures __________.
    • (a) The issue is resolved
    • (b) More problems
    • (c) Less safety
    • (d) More confusion

FAQs (15):

  1. What are unsafe situations?
    • Situations that pose a threat to safety, such as bullying or broken equipment.
  2. What should you do first if you encounter an unsafe situation?
    • Inform a trusted adult.
  3. How should you report an unsafe situation?
    • Use proper reporting channels and provide clear details.
  4. Why is it important to report unsafe situations?
    • To prevent harm and ensure that issues are addressed.
  5. What information should you include when reporting?
    • Who, what, where, and when.
  6. What is an example of an unsafe situation?
    • Bullying or unsafe equipment.
  7. How can reporting unsafe situations help?
    • It helps ensure safety and resolves problems.
  8. What should you avoid doing when reporting an unsafe situation?
    • Keeping it a secret or using vague descriptions.
  9. How can you document an unsafe situation?
    • Write down the details if necessary.
  10. What is the role of a trusted adult in reporting?
    • They help address and resolve the issue.
  11. What does following up on a report ensure?
    • That the issue has been resolved.
  12. What actions can you take if you see unsafe equipment?
    • Report it to a trusted adult.
  13. Why is clear communication important when reporting?
    • It ensures the situation is understood and addressed properly.
  14. How does reporting contribute to a safer environment?
    • It helps prevent and address potential hazards.
  15. What should you do if you are unsure about how to report an unsafe situation?
    • Seek guidance from a trusted adult or teacher.


  • Step 1: Review what constitutes an unsafe situation and why reporting is important.
  • Step 2: Explain the steps to report unsafe situations and demonstrate using role-play.
  • Step 3: Allow pupils to practice reporting scenarios and provide feedback.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain the concept of unsafe situations and the reporting process.
  • Lead discussions and role-play activities.
  • Guide pupils in practicing how to report effectively.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions about unsafe situations.
  • Engage in role-playing exercises to practice reporting.
  • Complete a worksheet on the reporting process.

Pupils will be assessed on their understanding of unsafe situations and their ability to report them effectively through role-playing and discussion.

Evaluation Questions (10):

  1. What are unsafe situations?
  2. What should you do first if you encounter an unsafe situation?
  3. How should you report an unsafe situation?
  4. Why is it important to report unsafe situations?
  5. What information should you include when reporting?
  6. What is an example of an unsafe situation?
  7. How can reporting unsafe situations help?
  8. What should you avoid doing when reporting an unsafe situation?
  9. How can you document an unsafe situation?
  10. What does following up on a report ensure?

The teacher will summarize the key points about identifying and reporting unsafe situations. Pupils will review the steps to report and discuss the importance of clear communication and following up to ensure safety.

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