First Aid: Caring for Cuts on the Body Basic Science and Technology Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Lesson Plan for Kindergarten

Subject: Basic Science and Technology
Class: Kindergarten
Term: First Term
Week: 4
Age: 4-5 years
Topic: First Aid: Caring for Cuts on the Body
Sub-topic: Understanding and Treating Cuts
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of a cut.
  2. Demonstrate how to use first aid items to treat a cut.

Key Words

  • Cut
  • First aid
  • Treat
  • Bandage

Set Induction

Start with a simple story about a child who gets a small cut while playing and how it is treated using first aid items.

Entry Behaviour

Pupils have a basic understanding of minor injuries from their daily experiences.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Picture charts of cuts and how they are treated
  • Video clips about first aid for cuts
  • A doll for demonstration
  • First aid items (bandages, antiseptic wipes, gloves)

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

Discuss common minor injuries pupils may have experienced and how they were treated.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication and collaboration
  • Personal development

Learning Materials

  • Audio-Visual Resources
  • Picture charts and video clips

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work

Instructional Materials

  • First aid items
  • Doll for demonstration
  • Picture charts
  • Video clips on treating cuts


Explanation of Cuts:

  1. Cut: A break in the skin caused by something sharp.
  2. Common causes: Razor blade, knife, or falling.

Steps to Treat a Cut:

  1. Clean the Cut: Use antiseptic wipes to clean the area.
  2. Stop the Bleeding: Apply gentle pressure with a clean cloth.
  3. Cover the Cut: Use a bandage or plaster to cover the wound.
  4. Wash Hands: Wash hands before and after treating the cut.

Objective Questions

  1. A cut is a break in the ______. a) Skin b) Cloth c) Water d) Air
  2. We use ______ to clean a cut. a) Antiseptic wipes b) Glue c) Paint d) Sand
  3. To stop the bleeding, we apply ______. a) Pressure b) Paint c) Glue d) Sand
  4. We cover the cut with a ______. a) Bandage b) Cloth c) Book d) Toy
  5. Before treating a cut, we should wash our ______. a) Hands b) Feet c) Hair d) Clothes
  6. A ______ can cause a cut. a) Knife b) Book c) Pen d) Toy
  7. We cover a cut to protect it from ______. a) Germs b) Air c) Light d) Water
  8. A plaster is used to ______ a cut. a) Cover b) Open c) Paint d) Clean
  9. ______ can cause a cut if not handled carefully. a) Razor blade b) Book c) Pen d) Toy
  10. After treating a cut, we should wash our ______ again. a) Hands b) Feet c) Hair d) Clothes

Class Activity Discussion:

  1. What is a cut?
    • A break in the skin caused by something sharp.
  2. How do you clean a cut?
    • Use antiseptic wipes.
  3. Why do we need to stop the bleeding?
    • To prevent too much blood loss.
  4. What do you use to cover a cut?
    • A bandage or plaster.
  5. Why is it important to wash hands before treating a cut?
    • To prevent infection.
  6. What should you do if someone gets a cut?
    • Clean the cut, stop the bleeding, and cover it.
  7. What can cause a cut?
    • A razor blade, knife, or falling.
  8. Why do we cover a cut?
    • To protect it from germs.
  9. What should you do after treating a cut?
    • Wash your hands.
  10. Can you use a cloth to stop the bleeding?
    • Yes, a clean cloth can be used to apply pressure.


Step 1: Revising the Previous Topic

  • The teacher revises the previous topic: “First Aid.”

Step 2: Introducing the New Topic

  • The teacher introduces the topic of cuts using a picture chart and a simple story.

Step 3: Pupils’ Contributions

  • The teacher allows the pupils to discuss what they think a cut is and how to take care of it.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Show picture charts of cuts and how they are treated.
  • Display first aid items and explain their use.
  • Demonstrate on a doll how to clean, stop the bleeding, and cover a cut.
  • Show a video clip about treating cuts.

Learners’ Activities

  • Discuss the meaning of cuts in class.
  • In groups, demonstrate how to apply first aid for a cut using a doll.
  • Participate in washing hands and using first aid items.


  • Pupils answer fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Pupils in groups demonstrate the steps of treating a cut.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What is the first thing to do when someone gets a cut?
  2. Name two items found in a First Aid box for treating cuts.
  3. Why do we use antiseptic wipes?
  4. How do you stop the bleeding from a cut?
  5. What do you use to cover a cut?
  6. Why is it important to wash hands before treating a cut?
  7. What common items can cause a cut?
  8. Why should we cover a cut?
  9. What should you do after treating a cut?
  10. Can you use a clean cloth to stop the bleeding? How?


  • The teacher goes around to observe and provide feedback as pupils practice using first aid items on a doll. The teacher ensures pupils understand the steps and importance of treating cuts properly.

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