Basic Science Concepts and Energy Transfer – JS 1 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions


la. Study the following objects and classify them according to their state of matter: Table, chair, cup, diesel

oil, oxygen, glass, plastic, tyre, petrol, methane gas

b. State four differences between plants and animals. 2a. State five differences between metals and non-metals

b. State three uses of metals and three uses of nonmetals. Support your answers with examples

  1. Classify the following into artificial or natural source of energy: (1) Sun (ii) Wind (iii) Petrol (iv) uranium element (v) battery (vi) food

  2. Explain the energy transfer involved in

(a) Striking a matchstick

(b) Pressing clothes with a pressing iron

(c) Pressing an electric doorbell

(d) Kicking a ball



1a. Classify Objects According to Their State of Matter:

  • Solid: Table, chair, cup, glass, plastic, tyre.
  • Liquid: Diesel oil, petrol, methane gas.
  • Gas: Oxygen.

1b. Differences Between Plants and Animals:

  • a) Cell Structure: Plants have cell walls, while animals do not.
  • b) Mode of Nutrition: Plants are autotrophic, producing their own food through photosynthesis, while animals are heterotrophic, relying on external sources for nutrition.
  • c) Locomotion: Most plants are fixed, whereas animals exhibit various forms of locomotion.
  • d) Reproduction: Plants often reproduce through seeds, while animals can reproduce through various methods like giving birth or laying eggs.

2a. Differences Between Metals and Non-Metals:

  • a) Conductivity: Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity; non-metals are poor conductors.
  • b) State at Room Temperature: Most metals are solid; non-metals can be solid, liquid, or gas.
  • c) Malleability and Ductility: Metals are malleable and ductile, while non-metals are generally brittle.
  • d) Lustre: Metals are generally shiny, while non-metals lack a metallic shine.

2b. Uses of Metals and Nonmetals:

  • Metals:
    • a) Iron is used in construction for buildings and bridges.
    • b) Copper is used in electrical wiring.
    • c) Aluminium is used in making aircraft and packaging materials.
  • Nonmetals:
    • a) Hydrogen is used as a fuel for rockets.
    • b) Oxygen is essential for respiration.
    • c) Carbon is used in making pencils and as a fuel in the form of coal.

3. Classification of Energy Sources:

  • Natural Sources: Sun, wind, uranium element.
  • Artificial Sources: Petrol, battery, food.

4. Energy Transfer Explanation:

  • (a) Striking a matchstick: Chemical energy in the matchstick is converted to thermal energy due to friction, resulting in the match igniting.
  • (b) Pressing clothes with a pressing iron: Electrical energy from the iron is converted to thermal energy, which presses the clothes.
  • (c) Pressing an electric doorbell: Electrical energy is converted to sound energy when the doorbell is pressed.
  • (d) Kicking a ball: Kinetic energy from the kicker’s leg is transferred to the ball, causing it to move.

  1. Table is classified as a __________ state of matter.
    • a) Solid
    • b) Liquid
    • c) Gas
    • d) Plasma
  2. Oxygen is in a __________ state of matter.
    • a) Solid
    • b) Liquid
    • c) Gas
    • d) Plasma
  3. Metals are generally good conductors of __________ and __________.
    • a) Heat, Sound
    • b) Electricity, Heat
    • c) Sound, Light
    • d) Electricity, Light
  4. Plants reproduce through the formation of __________.
    • a) Spores
    • b) Seeds
    • c) Eggs
    • d) Larvae
  5. Non-metals are generally __________ at room temperature.
    • a) Solid
    • b) Liquid
    • c) Gas
    • d) Plasma
  6. Hydrogen is used as a fuel for __________.
    • a) Cars
    • b) Rockets
    • c) Bicycles
    • d) Airplanes
  7. Wind is classified as a __________ source of energy.
    • a) Natural
    • b) Artificial
    • c) Both
    • d) None
  8. Uranium element is a __________ source of energy.
    • a) Natural
    • b) Artificial
    • c) Both
    • d) None
  9. Iron is used in construction for buildings and __________.
    • a) Roads
    • b) Cars
    • c) Bridges
    • d) Tunnels
  10. Copper is used in __________.
    • a) Cooking
    • b) Electrical wiring
    • c) Construction
    • d) Transportation
  11. In the classification of matter, petrol is considered a __________ source of energy.
    • a) Natural
    • b) Artificial
    • c) Both
    • d) None
  12. In energy transfer, pressing an electric doorbell converts electrical energy to __________ energy.
    • a) Kinetic
    • b) Potential
    • c) Sound
    • d) Light
  13. Malleability and ductility are properties associated with __________.
    • a) Metals
    • b) Non-metals
    • c) Gases
    • d) Liquids
  14. Plastic is classified as a __________ state of matter.
    • a) Solid
    • b) Liquid
    • c) Gas
    • d) Plasma
  15. Aluminium is used in making __________ and packaging materials.
    • a) Cars
    • b) Aircraft
    • c) Bicycles
    • d) Ships


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