Revision Security Education Primary 6 Week 11 First Term Lesson Notes / Plans

Subject: Security Education
Topic: Acting Properly in the Face of Danger
Duration: 45 minutes
Class: Primary 6
Term: First Term
Week: 11

Set Induction:
Begin by discussing situations where students might encounter danger and how they should respond. Encourage them to share their thoughts on staying safe.

Key Words:
Security Education, Danger, Proper Response

Previous Knowledge:
Recall previous lessons on personal safety and emergency procedures.

Behavioral Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Identify potential dangers in various situations.
  2. Understand the importance of staying calm and acting properly in the face of danger.
  3. Demonstrate basic safety measures and responses.

Embedded Core Values:
Calmness, Alertness, Preparedness

Learning Materials:

  1. Images or scenarios depicting potential dangers.
  2. Visual aids on proper responses to danger.
  3. Whiteboard and markers.


  1. Discussion on potential dangers students may face.
  2. Explanation of the importance of staying calm and acting properly in dangerous situations.
  3. Practical demonstration of basic safety measures and responses.

Potential Dangers in Daily Life:

  1. Traffic accidents while crossing the road.
  2. Strangers approaching with harmful intentions.
  3. Fire hazards at home or in public places.
  4. Natural disasters like earthquakes or floods.
  5. Accidents during recreational activities, such as sports.

Importance of Staying Calm in the Face of Danger:

  1. Clear Thinking: Calmness enables clear thinking and decision-making.
  2. Effective Response: Staying calm allows for a more effective and rational response to the situation.
  3. Reduced Panic: Calm behavior helps prevent panic, which can worsen the situation.
  4. Enhanced Safety: It contributes to one’s safety and the safety of others.

Recalling Emergency Procedures:

  1. Fire Drills: Evacuating calmly during a fire and knowing the designated meeting points.
  2. First Aid: Administering basic first aid for injuries.
  3. Emergency Contacts: Memorizing and using emergency contact numbers.
  4. Safe Zones: Identifying safe zones during natural disasters.

Being Alert to Avoid Dangerous Situations:

  1. Observation: Paying attention to surroundings and potential risks.
  2. Trust Your Instincts: Trusting feelings of discomfort or danger.
  3. Avoiding Risky Areas: Staying away from poorly lit or isolated areas.
  4. Situational Awareness: Being aware of who is around you in public spaces.

Basic Safety Measures When Faced with Danger:

  1. Stay Calm: Remain composed to think clearly.
  2. Assess the Situation: Evaluate the level of danger and potential escape routes.
  3. Call for Help: Use emergency contacts to seek assistance.
  4. Follow Emergency Procedures: Apply previously learned emergency procedures.
  5. Seek Shelter: Find a safe location away from the source of danger.


1. __________ is an example of a potential danger you might face while crossing the road.
a) Studying
b) Traffic accident
c) Playing
d) Eating

2. Staying calm in the face of danger enables __________ thinking and decision-making.
a) Confused
b) Clear
c) Hasty
d) Delayed

3. Recalling emergency procedures includes knowing designated meeting points during __________.
a) Natural disasters
b) Birthday parties
c) Movie nights
d) Sports events

4. Being alert involves paying attention to __________ and potential risks in your surroundings.
a) Only yourself
b) Friends
c) Surroundings
d) Electronics

5. Trusting your instincts means trusting feelings of discomfort or __________.
a) Excitement
b) Joy
c) Safety
d) Danger

6. Basic safety measures when faced with danger include __________ to think clearly.
a) Panicking
b) Yelling
c) Staying calm
d) Ignoring

7. Assessing the situation involves evaluating the level of danger and potential __________ routes.
a) Risky
b) Easy
c) Escape
d) Exploration

8. In case of a traffic accident, the emergency procedure might involve __________.
a) Running away
b) Seeking shelter
c) Taking pictures
d) Ignoring the situation

9. Seeking shelter is a basic safety measure to find a safe location away from the __________.
a) Source of danger
b) Playground
c) Cafeteria
d) School bus

10. __________ enables a more effective and rational response to a dangerous situation.
a) Confusion
b) Panic
c) Staying calm
d) Disregard

11. Emergency procedures might include administering basic __________ for injuries.
a) Driving
b) Cooking
c) First aid
d) Singing

12. Observing and avoiding poorly lit or isolated areas is a way of __________ dangerous situations.
a) Ignoring
b) Approaching
c) Trusting
d) Avoiding

13. __________ involves being aware of who is around you in public spaces.
a) Situational awareness
b) Daydreaming
c) Ignorance
d) Forgetfulness

14. Calling for help during a dangerous situation includes using __________ contacts to seek assistance.
a) Shopping
b) Emergency
c) Social
d) Work

15. Trusting feelings of danger when approached by strangers is an example of __________ instincts.
a) Ignoring
b) Disregarding
c) Trusting
d) Avoiding 

Step 1: Discuss potential dangers and scenarios students might encounter.
Step 2: Emphasize the importance of staying calm and acting properly in the face of danger.
Step 3: Conduct practical demonstrations of basic safety measures and responses.

Teacher’s Activities:

  1. Facilitate discussions on potential dangers.
  2. Provide explanations and tips for staying calm in dangerous situations.
  3. Demonstrate safety measures and responses.

Learners’ Activities:

  1. Participate in discussions, sharing their experiences.
  2. Ask questions for clarification.
  3. Practice basic safety measures during demonstrations.


  1. What are some potential dangers you might face in your daily life?
  2. Why is it important to stay calm in the face of danger?
  3. Can you recall any emergency procedures we discussed in previous lessons?
  4. How can being alert help you avoid dangerous situations?
  5. What are some basic safety measures you can take when faced with danger?

Encourage students to actively participate in discussions and share their ideas on staying safe. Reinforce the importance of remaining calm and alert in various situations.

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