The Twelve Stones Christian Religious Studies Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Class: Primary 6

Term: First Term

Week: 8

Topic: The Twelve Stones

Sub-topic: Significance and Meaning

Duration: 45 minutes

Period: 1

Time: 8:00 AM – 8:45 AM

Previous Knowledge: Basic knowledge of Bible stories and Christian beliefs


Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Explain the story of the Twelve Stones from the Bible.
  2. Understand the significance and meaning of the Twelve Stones.
  3. Discuss the importance of remembering and honoring God’s deeds.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Reading and Comprehension
  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication

Learning Materials:

  • Bible passages (Joshua 4:1-9)
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pictures or illustrations of the Twelve Stones
  • Handouts with the Bible passage


  1. Introduction to the lesson and a brief review of previous topics.
  2. Reading and explanation of Joshua 4:1-9 (the story of the Twelve Stones).
  3. Discussion on the significance and meaning of the Twelve Stones in the biblical context.
  4. Explanation of the importance of remembering and honoring God’s deeds in our lives.

The Story of the Twelve Stones from the Bible:

  1. In the Bible, there is a story about twelve stones.
  2. These stones were placed by the Jordan River.
  3. The story is found in the book of Joshua in the Bible.

The Significance and Meaning of the Twelve Stones:

  1. The twelve stones were set up as a memorial.
  2. They reminded the people of a special event.
  3. These stones helped people remember what God had done.
  4. The stones were a way of saying, “God helped us.”

The Importance of Remembering and Honoring God’s Deeds:

  1. It’s vital to remember God’s goodness and help.
  2. We should honor and thank God for His blessings.
  3. This helps us stay grateful and faithful.
  4. Remembering God’s deeds strengthens our faith.

So, the story of the Twelve Stones shows us how important it is to remember and honor God’s help and blessings in our lives. 🙏🌟



  1. The story of the Twelve Stones from the Bible is found in the book of ___________. a) Genesis b) Exodus c) Joshua d) Psalms
  2. The Twelve Stones were placed by the ___________ River. a) Nile b) Jordan c) Euphrates d) Red Sea
  3. What do the Twelve Stones remind people of? a) A special event b) A big city c) A mountain d) A tree
  4. The stones help people remember what _______ had done. a) Jesus b) Moses c) God d) Joshua
  5. The stones were set up as a ___________. a) playground b) memorial c) treasure d) garden
  6. The stones are a way of saying, “_______ helped us.” a) We b) They c) God d) Friends
  7. The importance of remembering and honoring God’s deeds helps us stay _______. a) angry b) grateful c) sleepy d) scared
  8. We should honor and thank God for His ___________. a) rules b) books c) blessings d) songs
  9. What strengthens our faith? a) Ignoring God b) Forgetting God’s deeds c) Remembering God’s deeds d) Eating candy
  10. What does the story of the Twelve Stones teach us? a) To forget God b) To remember and honor God’s deeds c) To stop praying d) To be unkind
  11. What book of the Bible tells the story of the Twelve Stones? a) Genesis b) Joshua c) Matthew d) Acts
  12. Why were the Twelve Stones set up? a) To build a house b) To remind people of a special event c) To make a bridge d) To play games
  13. What river were the Twelve Stones placed by? a) Nile b) Jordan c) Tigris d) Volga
  14. The Twelve Stones help people remember what ________ had done. a) a king b) God c) a teacher d) a friend
  15. What does the story of the Twelve Stones teach us about our faith? a) We should forget God’s deeds b) We should remember and honor God’s help c) We should be mean to others d) We should be selfish


  • Start by asking students if they’ve heard of the story of the Twelve Stones.
  • Read and explain Joshua 4:1-9, emphasizing the key points.
  • Show pictures or illustrations of the Twelve Stones to help students visualize.
  • Engage students in a discussion about the meaning and significance of the Twelve Stones.
  • Discuss the importance of remembering and honoring God’s deeds in our lives.

Step 1:

  • Begin with a brief recap of previous lessons to get students’ attention.
  • Today’s lesson is about “The Twelve Stones from the Bible.”
  • The story of the Twelve Stones is about setting up a memorial to remember what God did for the Israelites when they crossed the Jordan River.
  • Joshua 4:1-9 talks about how the Israelites set up the Twelve Stones as a memorial by the Jordan River to remember what God had done for them.
  • The Twelve Stones were important because they reminded people of the great things God had done, like parting the Jordan River for the Israelites.
  • Remembering and honoring God’s deeds is significant because it helps us stay grateful and strengthens our faith in God.
  • We can apply the lesson of the Twelve Stones in our lives by remembering and being thankful for the good things God has done for us.
  • Another important story from the Bible is the story of David and Goliath.
  • It’s important to learn from biblical stories because they teach us valuable lessons about faith, courage, and God’s love.
  • We can show our appreciation for God’s deeds in our lives by praying, being kind to others, and being grateful for the blessings we receive.
  • The main lesson I’ve learned from today’s class is that we should always remember and honor the good things God has done for us.

Step 2:

  • Read and explain the Bible passage, Joshua 4:1-9.

Step 3:

  • Engage students in a discussion about the story and its meaning.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Introduce the lesson.
  • Read and explain the Bible passage.
  • Facilitate the discussion.
  • Provide examples and practical explanations.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen to the teacher.
  • Participate in the discussion.
  • Ask questions and share their thoughts.


  • Evaluate students based on their participation in the discussion and their ability to explain the significance of the Twelve Stones.



  1. What is the topic of today’s lesson?
  2. Can you summarize the story of the Twelve Stones from the Bible?
  3. What does the Bible passage Joshua 4:1-9 talk about?
  4. Why were the Twelve Stones important?
  5. What is the significance of remembering and honoring God’s deeds?
  6. How can we apply the lesson of the Twelve Stones in our lives?
  7. Can you name another important story from the Bible?
  8. Why is it important to learn from biblical stories?
  9. How can we show our appreciation for God’s deeds in our lives?
  10. What is the main lesson you’ve learned from today’s class?


  • Summarize the key points of the lesson.
  • Encourage students to reflect on the significance of the Twelve Stones and how it applies to their lives.
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