Personal Health Care Physical and Health Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Physical and Health Education

Topic: Personal Health Care, Importance of Personal health care, justification, Materials, Compare between clean teeth and dirty teeth, the causes, prevention, and solution to dental problems

Duration: One class period (approximately 40 minutes)

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the importance of personal health care.
  2. Identify materials needed for personal health care.
  3. Compare the differences between clean teeth and dirty teeth.
  4. Learn the causes, prevention, and solutions to dental problems.

Previous Lesson: Basic concepts of personal hygiene.

Embedded Core Skills: Critical thinking, observation, and oral communication.

Learning Materials:

  • Visual aids (images of clean and dirty teeth)
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Chalkboard and chalk
  • Worksheets with pictures of dental problems

“Personal Health Care.” This means taking care of our own health.

  1. Cleanliness: First, always make sure you keep your body clean. Take a bath regularly, use soap, and wash your hair too. This helps keep away dirt and germs.
  2. Brush Your Teeth: Don’t forget to brush your teeth. Do it at least twice a day. It keeps your teeth strong and your breath fresh.
  3. Wear Clean Clothes: Change your clothes often. If they get dirty, wash them. Clean clothes help you stay fresh.
  4. Nails: Keep your nails short and clean. Long nails can carry germs.
  5. Healthy Food: Eat your fruits and vegetables. They make you strong and healthy.
  6. Exercise: Play and run around. It keeps your body fit and strong.
  7. Avoid Sickness: If someone is sick, try to stay away from them. Germs can spread from one person to another.
  8. Sleep: Get enough sleep. It helps your body and mind rest.



  1. Personal health care means taking care of our _______. a) toys b) body c) homework
  2. To keep away dirt and germs, we need to keep our _______. a) room messy b) body clean c) hair long
  3. How often should you brush your teeth? At least _______ a day. a) once b) twice c) never
  4. Brushing your teeth keeps them _______ and your breath fresh. a) white b) strong c) crooked
  5. It’s important to wear _______ clothes to stay fresh. a) dirty b) old c) clean
  6. You should change your clothes if they get _______. a) wet b) dirty c) colorful
  7. Long nails can carry _______. a) germs b) magic c) candies
  8. Fruits and vegetables make you _______ and healthy. a) weak b) strong c) tired
  9. What activity keeps your body fit and strong? a) eating candy b) running and playing c) watching TV
  10. You should try to stay away from someone who is _______. a) eating b) sick c) laughing
  11. If someone is sick, _______ can spread from one person to another. a) happiness b) germs c) money
  12. Getting enough _______ helps your body and mind rest. a) sleep b) candy c) exercise
  13. What should you wash your hair with when taking a bath? a) juice b) soap c) toys
  14. Personal health care helps keep away _______. a) germs b) sunshine c) toys
  15. Eating healthy food like fruits and vegetables makes you _______. a) weak b) strong c) grumpy

Why personal health care is so important. Here are 10 reasons:

  1. Staying Well: Taking care of your health helps you stay well and feel good.
  2. Less Sickness: It helps prevent getting sick often.
  3. Stronger Body: Personal health care makes your body strong and ready for activities.
  4. Good Teeth: It keeps your teeth healthy and your smile bright.
  5. Cleanliness: Being clean helps you look and feel fresh.
  6. More Energy: When you’re healthy, you have more energy to play and have fun.
  7. Growth: It helps you grow and become stronger every day.
  8. Learning: A healthy body helps you focus and learn better in school.
  9. Less Visits to the Doctor: You won’t need to visit the doctor as often.
  10. Happy Life: It makes you happy and ready to enjoy life.



  1. Personal health care helps you stay well and feel good. It’s important for ___________. a) feeling bad b) feeling good c) feeling sad d) feeling tall
  2. Taking care of your health prevents getting sick ________. a) rarely b) often c) loudly d) quickly
  3. Personal health care makes your body strong and ready for ________. a) homework b) naps c) activities d) stories
  4. Healthy personal care keeps your teeth healthy and your smile __________. a) bright b) heavy c) slow d) old
  5. Being clean helps you look and feel ________. a) messy b) fresh c) sad d) sweet
  6. When you’re healthy, you have more energy to ________ and have fun. a) sleep b) hide c) play d) swim
  7. Personal health care helps you grow and become __________ every day. a) shorter b) happier c) stronger d) noisier
  8. A healthy body helps you focus and learn better in __________. a) the kitchen b) school c) the park d) the zoo
  9. You won’t need to visit the doctor as ________. a) quickly b) loudly c) often d) slowly
  10. Personal health care makes you happy and ready to enjoy ________. a) sadness b) life c) stories d) toys



10 materials you might need for personal health care:

  1. Soap: To clean your body when you take a bath.
  2. Toothbrush and Toothpaste: For brushing your teeth and keeping your breath fresh.
  3. Shampoo: To wash your hair and keep it clean.
  4. Towel: To dry your body after a bath.
  5. Hairbrush or Comb: To keep your hair neat.
  6. Nail Clipper: To trim your nails when they get long.
  7. Clean Clothes: Change your clothes often, so you always have clean ones to wear.
  8. Fruits and Vegetables: For healthy eating and staying strong.
  9. Shoes: To protect your feet and keep them clean.
  10. Bed: To sleep well and rest your body.







  1. Soap is used for __________ your body when you take a bath. a) eating b) cleaning c) singing
  2. A toothbrush and toothpaste are for brushing your __________ and keeping your breath fresh. a) hair b) teeth c) toys
  3. Shampoo is used to wash your __________ and keep it clean. a) face b) hair c) shoes
  4. A towel is used to dry your body after __________. a) eating b) swimming c) a bath
  5. A hairbrush or comb helps keep your __________ neat. a) hair b) clothes c) bed
  6. A nail clipper is used to trim your __________ when they get long. a) nails b) hair c) shoes
  7. Change your clothes often to have __________ ones to wear. a) clean b) dirty c) colorful
  8. Eating fruits and vegetables is important for staying __________. a) sad b) strong c) noisy
  9. Shoes are worn to protect your __________ and keep them clean. a) feet b) hands c) ears
  10. A bed is where you sleep well and __________ your body. a) fix b) rest c) wash
  11. Using a towel helps you get __________ after a bath. a) dirty b) clean c) sleepy
  12. To clean your teeth, use a toothbrush and __________. a) shampoo b) toothpaste c) towel
  13. Changing your clothes when they’re __________ is a good idea. a) clean b) old c) dirty
  14. Eating fruits and vegetables makes you __________ and healthy. a) strong b) tired c) cold
  15. A hairbrush or comb helps you keep your hair __________. a) dirty b) clean c) noisy


Class, let’s talk about the difference between clean and dirty teeth:

Clean Teeth:

  • Look white and shiny.
  • Don’t have food or plaque on them.
  • Feel smooth when you touch them.
  • Smell fresh and nice.
  • Make your smile look beautiful.

Dirty Teeth:

  • May have yellow or brown stains.
  • Sometimes have pieces of food stuck between them.
  • Feel rough when you touch them.
  • Can have bad breath, which smells unpleasant.
  • Make your smile not look as nice.

Causes of Dental Problems:

  1. Eating too many sugary foods and not brushing your teeth.
  2. Not cleaning your teeth properly, causing plaque to build up.
  3. Not visiting the dentist regularly for check-ups.
  4. Accidents that can chip or break your teeth.

Prevention of Dental Problems:

  1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with toothpaste.
  2. Floss between your teeth to remove food particles.
  3. Eat less sugary foods and drink water instead of soda.
  4. Visit the dentist for check-ups and cleanings.

Solutions for Dental Problems:

  1. If you have a cavity, the dentist can fill it with a special material.
  2. For chipped or broken teeth, the dentist can repair them.
  3. If your teeth are crooked, you might need braces to straighten them.
  4. For gum problems, the dentist can provide treatments.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Dental problems can be caused by eating too many __________ foods. a) sugary b) salty c) spicy d) bitter
  2. Not cleaning your teeth properly can cause __________ to build up. a) cavities b) muscles c) knowledge d) energy
  3. To prevent dental problems, you should brush your teeth at least __________ times a day. a) once b) twice c) thrice d) four times
  4. Flossing between your teeth helps to remove __________ particles. a) food b) dust c) hair d) air
  5. Instead of soda, it’s better to drink __________. a) juice b) water c) milk d) coffee
  6. Regular visits to the dentist for check-ups and cleanings are important for dental __________. a) health b) sickness c) happiness d) problems
  7. To fill a cavity, the dentist uses a special __________. a) cloth b) tool c) material d) toy
  8. If your teeth are crooked, you might need __________ to straighten them. a) glasses b) braces c) a hat d) a belt
  9. For gum problems, the dentist can provide __________. a) treatments b) sweets c) songs d) games
  10. Accidents can __________ or break your teeth. a) bruise b) tickle c) chip d) dance
  11. Flossing helps remove __________ from between your teeth.
  12. It’s better to drink water instead of __________.
  13. How often should you brush your teeth to prevent dental problems?
  14. What can a dentist use to repair chipped or broken teeth?
  15. What happens if you don’t clean your teeth properly?

Theory Questions:

  1. Explain two causes of dental problems.
  2. Describe three ways to prevent dental problems.
  3. What is the role of regular dental check-ups in maintaining oral health?
  4. How can a dentist repair chipped or broken teeth?
  5. Why is it important to avoid sugary foods for good dental health?


  1. Introduction to personal health care and its importance.
  2. Discussion on the materials required for personal health care.
  3. Activity: Comparing clean teeth and dirty teeth.
  4. Understanding the causes of dental problems.
  5. Exploring prevention measures.
  6. Learning about solutions for dental problems.


  1. Start with a brief discussion about the importance of personal health care and how it relates to keeping teeth healthy.
  2. Use visual aids to show pictures of clean and dirty teeth and engage students in a group discussion about the differences.
  3. Explain the causes of dental problems and discuss prevention strategies.
  4. Show the materials needed for personal health care (toothbrush, toothpaste) and demonstrate the correct way to brush teeth.
  5. Provide worksheets for students to practice identifying dental problems and suggesting solutions


Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate class discussions.
  • Use visual aids effectively.
  • Demonstrate proper toothbrushing techniques.
  • Encourage student participation in activities.

Learners Activities:

  • Engage in discussions about clean and dirty teeth.
  • Practice toothbrushing techniques.
  • Complete worksheets on dental problems.


  • Observing students’ participation in discussions.
  • Evaluating students’ understanding through the completion of worksheets.

Ten Evaluation Questions Related to the Topic:

  1. Why is personal health care important?
  2. List three materials needed for personal health care.
  3. Describe the differences between clean teeth and dirty teeth.
  4. What are the causes of dental problems?
  5. How can dental problems be prevented?
  6. What materials do you need for proper tooth brushing?
  7. Explain the proper way to brush your teeth.
  8. Why is it important to visit the dentist regularly?
  9. Give an example of a dental problem and suggest a solution.
  10. How can you maintain good oral hygiene?

Conclusion: In this lesson, we have learned the importance of personal health care, identified materials required for it, compared clean and dirty teeth, and discussed the causes, prevention, and solutions for dental problems. Remember, taking care of your teeth is essential for good health.

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