The Ear. Objective questions on the structure and function care of the ear


1. It looks like oatmeal. It picks sound never or vibration. The vibrations come to the _______.
a) inner ear
b) eardrum
c) middle ear
d) outer ear

2. The vibration goes to the _______.
a) outer ear
b) inner ear
c) eardrum
d) middle ear

3. The eardrum is located between the _______.
a) outer ear and middle ear
b) middle ear and inner ear
c) inner ear and outer ear
d) eardrum and vibration

4. Sound waves pass through the _______.
a) inner ear
b) middle ear
c) outer ear
d) eardrum

5. There are tiny hairs at the entrance of the outer ear, which trap _______.
a) dust and insects
b) vibrations
c) eardrums
d) middle ears

6. These hairs trap dust and _______.
a) insects
b) vibrations
c) eardrums
d) middle ears

7. The pass wak, which further helps trap dust and objects, is located in the _______.
a) middle ear
b) inner ear
c) outer ear
d) eardrum

8. Care of the ear includes removing large deposits of wax with a _______.
a) cotton ball
b) toothbrush
c) vacuum cleaner
d) sponge

9. Do not attempt to reach your ear. Give the middle and inner ear time to _______.
a) relax
b) vibrate
c) heal
d) eat

10. When a person is cheating, they are being _______.
a) honest
b) dishonest
c) confused
d) polite

11. If someone is lying, they are not telling the _______.
a) truth
b) story
c) joke
d) secret

12. Honesty is the opposite of _______.
a) cheating
b) lying
c) tricking
d) pretending

13. It is important to be _______ in your actions.
a) dishonest
b) deceptive
c) truthful
d) mysterious

14. When someone is cheating, they are trying to _______.
a) win fairly
b) deceive others
c) follow the rules
d) be honest

15. Dishonesty can lead to a lack of _______.
a) trust
b) friends
c) money
d) secrets

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