God’s Love Saves Man Christian Religious Studies  Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes  Week 3


Lesson Plan Presentation: God’s Love

Grade Level: Primary 5

Duration: 45 minutes

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the concept of God’s love and its importance.
  • Recognize different ways in which God’s love is manifested.
  • Reflect on how God’s love can impact their lives and interactions with others.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical Thinking: Encouraging students to reflect on abstract concepts like love.
  • Communication: Promoting discussion and expression of thoughts.
  • Empathy: Fostering understanding of the feelings and experiences of others.

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Visual aids (images, diagrams)
  • Bible passages (e.g., John 3:16)
  • Printed handouts with key points
  • Small group discussion sheets
  • Colored pencils and drawing paper


Hello, my dear grade 5 pupils! Today, we’re going to talk about a wonderful and important topic – God’s love. I want you to listen carefully because this is something truly special.

Now, I know that many of you have heard about God before. Some of you may go to church, while others may have learned about God from your families or friends. But what’s essential to understand is that God’s love is a concept that is common to many different religions and beliefs around the world. It’s a universal idea of love, kindness, and caring that comes from a higher power.

Imagine a giant heart filled with love, and that heart belongs to God. God’s love is so immense that it’s beyond our understanding. It’s like a warm hug when you’re feeling sad or scared. It’s like a guiding light that helps us make good choices in life.

God’s love is unconditional, which means that it doesn’t matter what we do or who we are; God still loves us. It’s like the love your parents have for you, no matter how you behave, they will always love you. That’s the same way God loves each and every one of us.

God’s love is also a source of strength and comfort. When we face challenges or difficult times, knowing that God loves us can help us find the courage to keep going. It’s like having a best friend who is always there for you, even when things are tough.

One way we can feel God’s love is by showing love and kindness to others. When we help someone in need, share our toys, or just say kind words, we are spreading God’s love in the world. It’s like passing on a beautiful gift that we’ve received.

So, my dear students, always remember that you are loved by God, and that love is something you can share with others by being kind, caring, and compassionate. It’s a wonderful feeling to know that you are never alone because God’s love is always with you, guiding you, and helping you through life’s journey.

Ways that many people believe God shows us love:

  1. Creation: The beauty and intricacy of the natural world, from colorful sunsets to diverse ecosystems, are often seen as a reflection of God’s love for us.
  2. Unconditional Acceptance: God loves us no matter what, accepting us with all our flaws and imperfections.
  3. Guidance: Many believe that God provides guidance and wisdom to help us make good decisions and navigate life’s challenges.
  4. Forgiveness: God offers forgiveness for our mistakes and wrongdoings, allowing us to start anew.
  5. Blessings: The positive things in our lives, like good health, loving relationships, and opportunities, are often seen as blessings from God.
  6. Comfort in Hard Times: In difficult moments, the belief in God’s presence and love can bring comfort and solace.
  7. Answered Prayers: Many people feel that God listens to their prayers and responds in ways that are best for them.
  8. Miracles: Extraordinary events or occurrences that defy natural explanation are often attributed to God’s intervention and love.
  9. Sacred Texts: For those who follow religious traditions, sacred scriptures are seen as a way in which God communicates His love and wisdom.
  10. Eternal Life: The promise of an afterlife or spiritual continuation is often seen as a manifestation of God’s ultimate love for us.



 10 Bible characters who are often cited as examples of individuals whom God showed His love:

  1. Adam and Eve: Despite their disobedience in the Garden of Eden, God showed love by providing them with clothing and allowing them to live after their sin.
  2. Noah: God demonstrated love by sparing Noah and his family from the great flood, choosing him to preserve life on Earth.
  3. Abraham: God’s love for Abraham is seen in the covenant (promise) He made with him, ensuring that his descendants would become a great nation.
  4. Moses: God’s love for Moses is evident in the burning bush encounter, where God called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
  5. David: Despite his flaws, David was described as a man after God’s own heart, and God showed love by making him a great king and promising an everlasting dynasty through his line.
  6. Ruth: God’s love is displayed in Ruth’s story as she found favor, protection, and eventually became an ancestor of King David and Jesus.
  7. Hannah: God’s love is evident in Hannah’s story as He answered her prayer for a child, leading to the birth of the prophet Samuel.
  8. Job: God’s love is seen in the restoration of Job’s life and blessings after he endured immense suffering and maintained his faith.
  9. Mary: God’s love is displayed in choosing Mary to be the mother of Jesus, the Savior of humanity.
  10. The Prodigal Son: This parable, told by Jesus, illustrates God’s unconditional love and forgiveness for those who repent and return to Him.



  1. God’s love is often described as ___________ and caring. a) Conditional b) Unconditional c) Temporary d) Superficial
  2. God’s love is like a warm _______ that comforts us. a) Handshake b) Hug c) Pat d) Wave
  3. God’s love is a source of __________ when we face challenges. a) Stress b) Courage c) Fear d) Loneliness
  4. God’s love is ________, meaning it doesn’t depend on our actions. a) Conditional b) Unconditional c) Temporary d) Selective
  5. When we show love and kindness to others, we are spreading _________ love. a) Human b) Conditional c) Selfish d) God’s
  6. God’s love is often compared to the love that __________ have for their children. a) Teachers b) Parents c) Friends d) Strangers
  7. One way to feel God’s love is by being __________ to others. a) Unkind b) Selfish c) Kind d) Indifferent
  8. God’s love can provide us with strength and _______ during difficult times. a) Weakness b) Despair c) Comfort d) Isolation
  9. The beauty of _____________ is seen as a reflection of God’s love. a) Technology b) Nature c) Buildings d) Animals
  10. God’s love is often associated with the concept of ____________, allowing us to start anew. a) Punishment b) Vengeance c) Forgiveness d) Retaliation
  11. Many believe that God listens to our _________ and responds to them. a) Complaints b) Dreams c) Prayers d) Wishes
  12. The positive things in our lives, such as good health, are often seen as _________ from God’s love. a) Challenges b) Rewards c) Burdens d) Curses
  13. God’s love is described as ________, which means it never ends. a) Conditional b) Temporary c) Unconditional d) Strict
  14. The promise of an ____________ is often seen as a manifestation of God’s love. a) Unchanged life b) Eternal life c) Unhappy life d) Unimportant life
  15. The story of the ____________ Son illustrates God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. a) Lost b) Disobedient c) Ungrateful d) Resentful





  1. Introduction (5 minutes)
    • Begin with a brief discussion on love: “What does love mean to you?”
    • Explain that today’s lesson is about God’s love, a unique and special kind of love.
  2. Definition of God’s Love (10 minutes)
    • Define God’s love as unconditional, everlasting, and all-encompassing.
    • Use visual aids and stories to illustrate the concept.
  3. Ways God Shows His Love (10 minutes)
    • Discuss various ways God’s love is manifested (e.g., creation, blessings, guidance).
    • Share Bible passages that emphasize God’s love (e.g., John 3:16).
    • Encourage students to share examples from their own lives.
  4. Impact of God’s Love (5 minutes)
    • Discuss how understanding God’s love can positively impact their behavior and relationships.
  5. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Facilitate discussions and encourage participation.
    • Use visual aids and real-life examples to make the concept relatable.
    • Provide explanations and answer questions.
  6. Learners’ Activities:
    • Engage in class discussions and share personal insights.
    • Work in small groups to discuss how they can show love and kindness to others.
    • Create drawings or short poems that express their understanding of God’s love.
  7. Assessment (5 minutes)
    • Ask each student to share one thing they learned about God’s love.
    • Review their small group discussions and drawings for understanding.
  8. Ten Evaluation Questions:
    1. What is God’s love?
    2. Can you give an example of how God’s love is manifested?
    3. How might understanding God’s love affect your behavior towards others?
    4. Why is God’s love often described as unconditional?
    5. Share a Bible verse that emphasizes God’s love.
    6. How can you show love and kindness to someone today?
    7. What are some ways God’s love is evident in the natural world?
    8. What did you learn from your small group discussion?
    9. How does the concept of God’s love make you feel?
    10. What will you remember most from today’s lesson?

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Summarize key points about God’s love.
  • Emphasize the importance of showing love and kindness to others.
  • Invite students to reflect on how they can apply the lesson in their daily lives.


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